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I bought your game a long time ago, and I'm looking forward to part 5))

But Please! I beg you!

Start the development of the nun Rain! At least that it would be possible to visit her again, by sneaking into her cell!! 

And she would look at us with fear, and exclaim, - "really again" !?

That would be soooo romantic!! 

Thank you for your support ^_^ Rain will, in fact, be returning before the game is done.


Never purchased a free adult game before.  Doing it this time because this one's aMAZEballs, and I want more.

Soo, if I pledge for this on SubscribeStar, does that give me a steam key for the game?
Unfortunately, I find myself unable to purchase the game directly via steam, as it is not available for purchase via the store in Germany.


A pledge of $20, even for one month, will give you a Steam key that you can redeem on the store even in Germany (IIRC).


definitely great game

Deleted post

Will there be an alternative Plattform to buy the Game for Android. Honestly I dislike subscribestar.


Yes, I'm hoping to make the Android version available on Itch if I can!

(2 edits)

Ty, would really appriciate it. Maybe alternative sell it over DC for PP or so. Just pls dont force subscribestar on us. Really Love your game


Sucks that it's only going to subscribestar, damn you Patreon with your strict censorship policies

(1 edit)

Will there be somewhere to make a one-time purchase like steam but not through steam? I play Ravager mostly on my tablet which means that I'd have to use the steam mobile app, which is more of a 'manage your steam account' app than a 'actually let you download anything to play' app. I don't mind purchasing it through stem, I have an alternate steam account for a reason, but that doesn't help me actually play the full thing.


There are some technical and legal hurdles to multi-platform publishing, which I am working on - but I am hoping to make at least the Android version available through Itch when we release :)

(1 edit) (+1)

is it gonna be possible to capture Rain at some point? I like her a lot more than Chanwe :(


Rain will return in Act V!


Will there be a way to purchase this game on once ActV comes out?  I want to buy the game/support you guys, but don't want to have the game on my steam profile.  I know that you can get a code through SubscribeStar, but I thought that was only for steam, ending up with the same problem.  

Also what will happen to the mobile version onwards?

I recommend getting a second Steam account for H-games, if you want to keep them quiet! I hope to make Android versions available here on Itch. And, of course, SubscribeStar backers get download access to each build as we make it.

Ill just have to wait for an release. Id rather not get this on steam and if subscribestar just givss you the steam version ill pass on that as well. 

I have tame it on steam but I can't play it on my computer so I just bought it on here and now I can play it on my android. It was $20 like it was on steam and I think this can be done here as well at a good price.

How do you get Naho as your consort? No matter what I try she doesn't show as an option.


I am a little sad for the reason that subscribing on Subscribestar, in our country, must be paid through Visa, while i am not able to apply one. Thus, i can not konw the latest news about the game development. Can you consider about releasing the same newest context on Patreon or the other platforms which i can subscribe through PayPal.

Patreon has strict censorship policies, I'm afraid, so what I post/fund there has to comply with them.

(10 edits)


For people who need help extracting it use 7-zip on how i figured it out look below

For some reason, I can't extract certain files.

Edit: I copy pasted the files into a folder and replaced those missing files fixing all of the unextractable files, It didnt work

(Trying to extract/paste those files doesn't work, it keeps saying error path too long)

Edit 2: I enabled long file names now (by system loopholes try searching how to enable long file names), its downloaded and extracted although it didn't work, I used 7zip to unzip IT WORKED :D (needed to reinstall the zip)

(Left edits in instead of deleting so other people will know how to :D)

Extra help for 7-zip: I ticked the eliminate root files, or something try doing that as well as reinstalling said file, and enabling long file names

Instructions. (I did it myself, it wont mess with anything wrong just makes filenames 32,767 characters max, instead of the 265 max.


Hi just want to ask, I've been having same problem, when I try to extract it looks like I'm missing some files and when I try to launch the game it doesn't do anything.

Can you explain Edit 2 more and also using 7zip I keep getting the same problem.

I had the same problems, I originally went into thru a load of loopholes to enable long file names. Maybe use 7-zip to extract it differently, or redownload the zip, I kept extracting and copy pasted the files with the extracted one pasting the missing files together, until i reinstalled the zip and unzipped it, thats when it worked

All for the horde

Hello, I love your game, and bought it on Steam, but was wondering if there was an alternative site to purchase it that isn't so...public, or shared?

they said they plan on releasing the full game on itch eventually but due to certain legal/technical problems are unsure of when

im almost certain yo u can hide what you play, look it up

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

the app is closing  by itself (android)

(1 edit) (+1)

Some files might not have extracted, or maybe not enough space? Your phone might not be powerful enough to handle this.

EDIT: Owner of the game said themselves certain phones will not work.


Enjoyed this so much on my phone I bought it on steam, looking forward to more

(1 edit)

Every time i try to enter the Mountains, my game crashes with this error code:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0,5'

EDIT: i found the fix! it was a problem with the german translation!

We've identified the error and will be correcting it in the next update. Thanks for your report.

(1 edit) (+1)

i bought it on steam just gotta say it was absolutely worth the 15 bucks i do wish it was 10 but my wallet has survived greater amounts taken before and its a good game so i dont mind 


Good game.  A bit unconventional, but still very much worth a run.


I will hope that the translation into Russian will work better

All of our translations are fan-made! If you would like to help, let us know on our Discord server :)

(1 edit) (+1)

When I saw 'play as a dragon', I was immediately sold. T'was an interesting experience.


Is there a way to buy it outside of steam? I am not happy with the idea of collecting NSFW achievements where everyone can see it


A donation of $5 or more on SubscribeStar will give you access to the latest full build of the game. We are looking into making it available for purchase on Itch, but it's not a straightforward task and there are some things to address before that can become a reality.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Dude I am new here and I used to play Ravager, (I didnt play game for a month) since yesterday it a'int launching....when I am clicking on the exe it shows the loading screen and then disappears it can't even be found in the task manager...only the log file is visible and it only shows this--

Mon Nov  7 18:44:53 2022



Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.05s

Early init took 0.19s

Loader init took 2.24s

Loading error handling took 0.76s

Loading script took 12.60s

Loading save slot metadata. took 0.03s

Loading persistent took 0.02s

 - Init at renpy/common/00updater.rpy:23 took 0.52874 s.

and that's it. I would be extremely grateful if you can help me with this or anyone T_T...

Oh and I am on Windows 10.



I'm afraid this is the first report of this problem - which suggests it might be specific to your computer. Check you're using a legitimate unaltered copy, aren't running it on a potato, etc?


First of all, thank you for your reply.

I can run v4.3.12 but not any version after that, as for the potato pc thingy..... I have checked that my gpu drivers are all updated even the opengl2, I dont know if this next sentence is of any value, but here, I can play games like God Of War 4, AC Valhalla and other such games without any lag at 60fps.

I believe it might be renpy having some problem with my device, in that case I am fine with v4.3.12. Oh, btw I have only downloaded the updates from this website, so I dont think they are corrupted.

Thank You.



Every Time I load up the game, whenever Inej starts to speak it crashes, I haven't been able to fix this, is my android not compatible? Or is there a way to fix this

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We try to go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

Someone else was able to fix it by:
- Opening the game, and letting it crash
- Going to Settings > Apps > Ravager > Clear Cache & Data
- Clicking Force Stop
- Reloading the game

Joiplay not works too with win version, just crashes


I really love the game and can not wait for 5.0

How do I make sebetha and her sister my consort


You have to fuck inej

There is a walkthrough linked in the main menu of the game! You will need to capture the catgirls, and complete their captive arc before promoting them.

Potential Bug? I played on a fresh game and had chosen ancient spire as stronghold this time and I had made sure I've recruited the mercs properly but for some reason they do not arrive in ancient spire at all even after ACT IV. Now I've never chosen Ancient spire before so is this normal?

Again I've followed walkthrough thoroughly to make sure I recruit them correctly the way I did before when having Ancient Sunken Temple or Abandoned Mine as stronghold. So any space for errors is highly unlikely.

Another glitch also occured when collecting naho back from the breaker is she used the old unhappy & taunting dialogues she used before giving her to breaker. But this only happened once so I can't provide any evidence for it.



is there a way to get a steam key as well as get updates for the android version?

We are hoping to make Ravager available for purchase on Itch in the near(ish) future! There are some technical and legal challenges to handle first, but we're working on them.

Bug Report: Even if you kill Rhyll (Merc Leader) in act 2, he shows up in Mina's heist in act 3.


Thanks - we'll fix that in the next update!

from what I've seen of the game it looks amazing but I don't know if its available for chromebook user

First just try the android version. 

If it doesn't work Google "ChromeOS APK" with that you should find a few ways to make originally non-compatible android apps (in general) usable on Chromebook (there's something on github, haven't really read into it though) If those don't work you're probably out of luck 


I have downloaded this game 5 times and still could not get it to work.


I wrote earlier: Naho is proud and arrogant. If you break her, you lose the very essence of hers character. Smashing someone is no great performance, any brute can do it. Manipulate her with arguments to get her on your side. To this I say, fit for a king.

Here's an idea (sorry, I'm not a good writer) :

"You don't hate me, Moon Howler. You are afraid of me. I beat you, and you know I'd beat you again any day. You don't understand why I spared you, do you? 

I could have killed you. I could have fucked you. Or I could have handed you over to your pack to do it themselves. But I need a queen. 

I rule the daytime. You can have the night, if you're worthy of it.  Do you think you can do it? Or am I wrong and you're nothing but a loud dog?" 

Something like this. Other: I would like to buy your game next month. Should I buy it here or on Steam?


I like the idea, although I doubt it will be implemented


 "I doubt it will be implemented"

Me too, but who knows? I like intelligent evil characters. ;)


Breaker is one of the sickest characters that I've seen in a while, from his demeanor, to his general look, and scars. Just an all-around cool character that I wouldn't mind seeing a scene or some kind of promotion within the kobold ranks. Thanks for the fun game!


If something should happen to your kobold commander at the end of Act III, you can promote Breaker in his place and enjoy a unique set of Act IV conquest sequences! We will definitely be expanding his content in future.


If i had money i would give it to you

(1 edit)

Is there going to be a scene with breaker? I really like that character and i would like to see something with him and the dragon

considering the breaker whats nothing but to break people, I highly doubt there will ever be a scene with him and the dragon


I have a few months to see this game and the truth is that I loved it, the story and the options are uff and what can I say about the cinematics they are excellent, I would like to know if they can correct the mix of languages, I play it in Spanish sometimes I get the texts in English I play version 4.4.1 thanks for reading...

All of our translations are fanmade, and are currently incomplete! If you would like to help with a translation, let us know on our Discord server :)


All I have to say is that the writing for Mother is profound and perfect. I wish there was a voice for her... but what voice could do her justice? It's been so long since I've been riveted to eldritch horror, and I ignored any sexual content once I found that. If you made a pure eldritch/cosmic horror game I'd totally play it, buy it... it's also worth noting that the animation is fitting to the narration of Mother. 

I made an account, just to tell you how much I loved the proteans. 

Where is the thumbs none button? Lies that give burden to meaning, mask the world and fail gloriously to gift us beautiful nightmares. None out of zero, highly recommend.


Thank you for doing so! I have passed your praise on to Var, who works with me on much of the proteans' content, and he is very pleased ^_^

I've only recently found this game and I love the concept. Thank you for the walkthrough. So far it seems there is only one M/M option. Are you considering more options? (since I'm not into women the replayability for CGs is limited for me). I hope we get to "be nasty" to the Regent in later updates at least.
Do you have a roadmap or an outline for what you plan on working on for the future?

Yes, I occasionally post roadmaps onto SubStar and Steam, and our subscribers have access to a live dev plan! There will be more content of all types in future, and you can be assured that Balthorne can meet a variety of ends.

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