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I wish I could take the blond nun with me mother bitch in my treasure.

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There's power Fantasy in the game.


It keeps crashing for me too and im on android samsung a03

You should also ask them and the community on discord

Discord -

A03 processing power likely isn't good enough, it's a pretty poor processor, unfortunately.

I can't play,it keeps crashing when i open the game 😭. android btw

Ask them and the community on discord

Discord -

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I know it's a strange question I am curious how many women developers and creators are working on this masterpiece.  If you don't mind me asking because I like when women impower themselves to make games in the world.  


What are you talking about brother?

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It's kinda weird when I try to get along with NAHO.  I feel like some kind of drug dealer. Does it can be a more soft way to deal with her in the future? And judging by the ending of the game, I have a bad feeling about my future as a lonely king.

I think you can ween Naho off the drugs over time

Really? But she still hate me right?

I don't think so if you get her just right and make her contact with the tribe broken she will love you drugs or no (I think it has been a minute since I did that playthrough)

At the moment, Naho will hate your guts.

Act 5 has some hints that there's a better way to be with her, and her interactions with maligar hint about some more backstory stuff.
So, she will either get more character development... Or die giving birth.

But aside from that? All we have is speculation, and an angry pupper on aphrodisiacs.


Could you please enable use of PayPal? I have no credit card and would really love to buy, thx!

(1 edit) (+2)

Best game ever ! I hope no dragon or Naga have been hurt during the 3D rendering !


Of course not! That's preposterous! They use a bird/snake hybrid for the naga and they use a real-life pterodactyl for the dragon. Entirely safe too!

Is there more content after rescuing the princess? 

I know the game tells me to buy it but does the story advance further or is the paid version just some DLC or additional side stories?


The story continues after you have rescued the princess.  You are now king and have to manage your subjects and factions while trying to solve the issues of the kingdom, some self inflicted.  There is not too much, as it's only been a little bit since act V release, but more is comming each month.

Question,How do I promoting NAHO? A little help please.

So, what I just read turned into, "Imma play this game so wrong. I'm only to hold onto the money required to actually run the kingdom, not going to kidnap anybody, imma be the dragon you slay and then find out that YOU were the baddie!"


Can I get the full game for Android if I go through patreon ? I don't really trust itch with money .

You cannot get the full game through Patreon, due to their content policies. But you can get the full game on Android through SubscribeStar or Itch!

Is there any way to get files completed up to a certain point ? I deleted on accident and dont want to spend the hours again lol

By files, I assume you mean saves?

On Windows, it is possible as it also saves somewhere else

On anything else, I haven't a clue as I don't play this on Android, Linux, or Mac

(It would stand to reason extra files would also be made for each of these but you never know just search for Ren'py and saves should pop up)

(If you didn't save, play again with more saves or download a save from F95 or something)

Spanish :(

nesesitas el juego en español?

Played the demo before. Just spent 3 hours downloading and installing the demo again. Repeatedly. Will not work. Only gets 80% into installation and fails. " Game not installed". Bug? Feature? Any ideas? 

The game is a lot larger than it used to be.

Do you guys have a Discord?

Yes they do have a Discord


I wish I could see Issa  fuck Darja into the future.


Quick question.Is there any way can make NAHO stay in place instead of cell?

In the palace? Yes, if she has been broken. You will need to build Breaker's chamber in Act III/IV.


If I buy this now do I still get the update versions when it comes out?

From what I read Yes you should get updates.

Yes, this is true of Itch and Steam :)

I got the option for the Naho/Eburon/Dragon scene despite having the gay flag turned off. Not sure if that's a glitch or if the tag was removed since there's no actual gay sex in the scene, but the Walkthrough says it's tagged as gay, so wanted to give a heads up just in case it's an error.


The game is working as intended. The scene plays out slightly differently if you have the Gay flag enabled (balls touch, which as we all know is the definition of gay).


One question if i pay one time for the game i will have to pay again for the atualization




I am not sure what you mean by "atualization", but assuming you've purchased the game through Steam or Itch, you will never need to pay again. Access via SubscribeStar backing lasts for as long as you've subscribed, though if you back at the $20 level you will also receive a complementary Steam key as one of your rewards.

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Is there a way to buy the uncensored version? 


Ravager is not censored. All versions available through Steam, Itch, and SubscribeStar are identical in content.

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I thought steam censored the game that's what I heard?


You heard wrong.


Dummy me for not reading properly and buying it here.

The demo is promissing but sadly, thanks to valve, I am unable to access the game on Steam so I hope it will become available as Win-version over here as well.

I'm giving you this information because you might still be interested: If you subscribe (even for a month) to the $20 tier on our SubscribeStar, you'll be eligible for a permanent Steam key that you can redeem.

that is not an unusual solution ^^ using it for another creator as well, on patreon but the idea is the same.

Funny ho Valve allows redeeming of keys for games not available... or when you had put them on the wishlist before the idiotic decision.

This feeling when you are at least twice the age needed but unable to even look at things -.-

Is their a replay gallery.  Would nice if one was their



Will the dragon girl appear in the game?

What do you mean? If i remember correctly (i played it some time ago) in this game lore there are no male elfs and no female dragons.  If dragon copulate with human thier offspings will be kobolts (male), exotic girl next to title on this site is lamia or something like this. Or maybe you mean you dont know how to find lamia?

I just wanted to know if a female dragon will be added to the game in the future. I have a burning desire to watch the mating of two dragons


I can't be the only one who loved the science music with the warlock and actually reads the whole lecture right?



Nope, chilling with the mage guy was the best part of the game


I am unable to delete saves even when deleting the folder in Appdata/roaming


Are you using the Steam Store version or just the free version here on itch?  If you are using the Steam version, you have to turn off the steam sync before going into app data.  Then it may ask you a question of "are you really sure" when trying to resync the info.

Thank you! Didn't know it was different for the steam version

It is sort of the same, but Steam has the extra cloud backup off of your computer.  As such, the game data gets pulled from the cloud if you use the appdata delete.  You just need to stop the cloud link before using appdata and it works the same.


I remember when this game was free 1-2 years ago.

Shucks you have to pay for it now.


The parts of the game that were free 1-2 years ago are still free now. Only Act V is paid.

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It was the playing testing beta.


I thought i was tripping 💀

I swore it was free before

(1 edit) (+1)

Does not work on Samsung Galaxy Ao3s. Keeps crashing on The set up part. 


Absolutely love this game. Only thing I would love to see,  is multiple ways to Win over certain characters. 

Naho the Wolf girl, I will probably never tame as I will probably never build the Tortcher Chamber. (Go figure, I'm fine with NC content, but not Torture.)  

Maelys, for all the work you have to do, to get her to surrender. It would be nice if you could go further with her without the need of the Helois.

Those are two of my favourite females in the game, and it kinda sucks that the content around them is so limited.


Well torture chamber is not so bad... at least its nothing compared to unlocking "special" ally that comes with chosen base. 

How and where does Heloíse(incantrix) determination break?

I bought this game a while ago, and have downloaded and played it before. Now that I come back, It still says the download option is for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android, but when I try to download it, it only has Android as the download option. How to fix?

The demo for all platforms is available on itch but the full version for pc is only available on Steam

How do you unlock the breaker?

Build the torture room


Will there be other ways to purchase this game in the future besides Steam? I often see that games that get close to being completled end their sells on and only get sold on steam. Would be nioce if it stays up here and keep sgetting updated here too.
You know, for the german fans.


it would be cool if Issa could be made a girl with the help of magic

Valzira, is that you?

(2 edits) (+1)(-3)

I just purchased, via clicking the Buy now up at the start of the page and I was only given Android... I had no idea I'd only be getting android version on here, what gives? Why not have it stated Android up top instead of way down at the bottom. First an only time any money will be given now that's real crappy an misleading. 


A purchase button was added at the top of the page following a recent update made by themselves, not us.

Although you may have missed the message informing you of the only version you can buy, you are reminded of it upon purchase (see attached image).


Hey, I have a question, if I purchase the game here on itch would i get updates as they come out? Or would I need to buy it on steam to get updates?

If you have an Itch account and buy the game here, you will be able to download any updates as they come out.


Just downloaded and deleted the android version can't even get past the intro without crashing


If I buy the full game on Itch, will I only receive the android version? I'd like to play it on PC but Itch says that if I buy it here I will only get the android version.

The Itch paid version is Android only. If you want the PC version, you can buy it on Steam (link above) or back us on SubscribeStar to get the latest build from our Discord server.


That's dumb. I paid this one for PC version (didn't think Steam requires Act 5 anyway!)

Giving the demo a try on my android phone and found out the hard way that the menu isn't properly sized or scales properly. Unless I am blind or just not doing something right... you get stuck in the menu. The easy work around I've found is drop a save and load it. But that seems really dumb imo. Is it just not properly size scaling to my phones' resolution? I'm using a Galaxy S22 Ultra for reference.

The easiest fix would probably be the size scaling, but if that breaks the buttons on the right, maybe adding a scroll bar for the side options would also help.


(I translated this on google)

hello friend, that is a problem that is in all versions of the game not only the demo to solve it until they fix it you have to go to the home screen change and change the language (that shrinks the letters) and then return to your language

Well that's strange. It works, thank you.

There are also a few times the text goes off screen.

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