Just want to say thanks for making this game. First of all Dragons are awesome. Secondly way to many games that deal with rape also have horrible and miserable characters. So many of those games are VNs that have the mc repeatedly instulting and treating his victims like crap.
A game that touches these fantasies and let's you also treat your "victims" nicely. I can appreciate the choices you get, but it just nice to see a game with these themes have the options not not completely destroy the women in the game.
Just awesome to see so many of my interests expressed so perfectly in a game.
so. i asked this a while back. but for the people who already paid over here. is there any chance they might be able to get a steam key? at the vary least the updates will still go live for itch users?
Damn - I remember running into this years ago, wish I'd checked back in on it last month. You've put some serious work into this project. Extremely embarrassing that we let any company get into a position to pull this kind of anti-capitalist, anti-American bullshit.
I downloaded the game from this site to play the new update but it ends up freezing and crashing it wont even take me to the main menu is there any way I could fix that?
Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.
Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.
Will there be a option like donating over itchio money to get the fully version like from countrys you cant buy it over steam or dont have a credit card?
so with other words i cant get the game legally besides then paying 50+ euros tax on a ordered credit card to get a 15 euros game?, since i asked before ofer the other options and steam is like in germany out literally itself for games that just shows 1 pixel of a nippel since steams answer literally was "we cant prove the age of the costumers" while selling 18+ fps games, im way older then 18 years but get blocked and have no choice then to move to overseas to austria or switzerland which allow it then, that why i asked if theres another option besides to pay 50 euro fee for a credit card to get this game, but since between my 2 questions it changed i can go only with the free version i still have. I would love to support you but since there isnt another way then topay fees/taxes 3x times the games itself i only can stick with the free version i still have, i would love to see and pay for the 1.0 version but when theres no option my questions are answered
I'm sorry, I know that it's a huge pain - it is for me, too. But I do not have any control over the policies of regulators, online retailers, or payment processors.
dont worry i just wanted to confirm that theres no possibility at all for me to even buy the latest version, i did with donating over itchio get acces to other games where same situation was, even over steam i could get them (as gifts), but shorter said i just use the version i got for free then, dont blame anyone i just wanted to know besides paying 4x times 1 game prices a year on a card taxes with/out any other option, so i can only use is the free version i stil have or search for it, would love to pay for it but there is no option i can only use the "old" free/public version.
Get a VPN - they're cheap, and useful for all kinds of other things - and set it to tell Steam you're from somewhere else with non-stupid laws. Problem solved.
Daring steel if you write me your word if my account gets banned for using it over steam and repay me my over 200 games in steam back then yes, and btw using a vpn wont change anything since i couldnt access the agame without a monthly fee, like with a credit card paying more then the game price, but only that game here cant be sold i had others where i could get access too, i just confrimed it wont get given any access anymore, since the other public versions werent a problem, but i can see now the game too, it was just for me a confirmation, since i couldnt get any support and get access to it, like other games over itchio etc. where they could even get a workarround, i just wanted confirmation that there was no chance for me in general besides paying 4x the game price alone per year in general to get access to it, but the internet is the internet like it always was, and other developers could sell games like that even to me still only this one changed, and besides your word and info as compensation for using that on my account in steam to compensate over 200 other games to rebuy it for me in the worst case, besides the monthly paying i wont do it like making a yearly credit cards fee wheres 4x higher then the game itself, so i got the old public version and have insights to the latest one, i just confirmed that there wont be any chance at all where other can do it.
its not a big issue but will there be an option to remove nipple rings on Naho after breaking her? not really my thing kind of a turn off, but not a huge issue
Our art resources are currently committed to getting everything illustrated that we want to be illustrated. Once that has been done, we can spend more time looking at potential variations (piercings, pubic hair, costume changes, grime, etc) and harmonising our art styles.
Hey, I created a visual novel jam "delete this if don't like people asking, I can't find a chat on this website" is all about making caveman porn if your team want to join the jam let me know.
Hi,thank you for your fantastic game. i wonder why is it not possible to choose issa as consort?was it intentional or simply beacause you never had time for it
Howdy. Love the game but for the past two updates I haven't been able to play it because it keeps saying that there's a phrasing error when I try to open it.
Well I just resubcribed to your Patreon and i see that there are at least some newer versions. It would be cool if you keep that up to date or at least one or two patches behind. I really like the game and want to keep supporting it
Is there a way to pay here with paypal?, i cant buy it on steam since where i live steam blocks everything out where a nipple can be seen, and subscribestar i can only pay with a credit card and i dont have any, so i would love to know if its possible to pay for it somehow with paypal to buy it?
PayPal does not allow us to accept payments for this game, sorry. On our Discord we have some advice on how to get a copy of the game in more censorious areas.
okay, for me beside apks i dont have much options, since steam here literally said they "cant confirm a age of a user" while selling 18+ shooter titles out, but when just a drawn niple is seen it gets geo blocked itself. do you have a discord link so i can see to find a work arround? even when it would be patreon monthly for the newest version aviable i would pay it, but i dont have any credit cards for myself since it wouldnt be worth for myself of what i would spend to taxes to have such a card alone in comparision.
You need to promise bitches to Eburon in ACT III, otherwise the rewards you promised them conflict so one of them has to go. If you promise bitches to Eburon instead of the lowlands, he won't say anything in ACT V and you can keep them both.
Thx for the info sire, means having to repeat the game quite far, will Eburon still want a gift 'richies' as a morale reward or have to sacrifice one of the women in the harem?
About Maëlys? Cuz the walkthrough hasn't been updated yet
Yeah, riches still work for raising morale if you promise him bitches, just make sure the pack's morale isn't at 0 when ACT IV starts or he'll just leave
One thing I want to know real quick. Is there an option to play as a futanari dragon instead of a male dragon? I've always preferred playing as a futanari or woman in porn games instead of males, but it looks like a really good game either way, so I'm kind of on the fence about buying it here.
There isn't but the game is still really good regardless, I strongly recommend it. Wasn't really into this kinda thing either but this game is a real gem.
Any plan to extend Naho's storyline some more or is it finished? Personally was a bit dissapointed that after that beautiful closure on act IV, she kinda just stays in your room without any major change during Act V, Guessing that's probably due to ACT V still being unfinished but I was just curious.
How big is the dragon? No i don't mean his penis- I meant overall because it seems to...not change at all?
At the very start very start in the courtroom when we choose to bite Balthrone's arm off the art shows the dragon being very large for someone who is just a hatched newborn ((Kinda hard to tell due to all the red tint in the artwork)) He seems smaller/correctly sized during the handjob scene with the Handmaiden though.
Juvenile/Adult : He seems about the same size for both the stages? ((I get that this is Since it would be wasteful to create alternate art for the sex scenes depending on whether the dragon is a Juvenile or an Adult, Hence the same art is used for both stages,However during the---))
Final Showdown Against Balthrone: [First of all can I just say that the Artwork for this was beautiful] The dragon just seems as big as the Juvenile stage? even though it's confirmed that During ACT lV the dragon is an adult.
Reunion with Adeline/During The Sex Scene With Adeline: Again, Same reasonings as before, same size as Juvenile maybe even newborn as the size kinda reminded me of the scene with the commoner after we escaped from the courtroom & climb upto the building to hide from the guards
[I know I'm sounding very nitpicky,sorry for that,I don't wanna know WHY the dragon seemed to never change in size,That was obviously for reasons such as Artwork,or simply not making him grow too large or he would be too big to fuck,other obvious reasons,I just wanna know HOW large the dragon is by the end of the game/ as a fully Grown adult, not exact measurements or anything but like- Bull sized? Horse sized? Slightly larger than a Horse?]
Really? Well thats just disappointing I always asssumed he was at least as big as maybe the size of syrax from HOD or Drogon during the battle of meereen in the Game of Thrones tv show(yes I'm a ASOIAF fanatic)
It's just an example, it should be a bit bigger than that, but not much. If he's too big, he won't be able to fuck ordinary humans. I mean, he can, but it won't be good for both for obvious reasons. By the way, I have to start GoT, I've been putting it off for a long time, but playing Ravager has piqued my interest in the series
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Unfortunately, the game is not available on steam in my area.
VPNs are your friends!
Will there be more content with Eburon? Really, I just want to see Adeline face when I tell her I prefer a wolf over her
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I think I will get steam at some point I really want to get this game.
Guys, how can I get all the things like: Traps, torture room, etc.?
But since I get all of this in the first or second act of the game, before the Huntress, I got this once, but I forgot how to do it.
Just want to say thanks for making this game. First of all Dragons are awesome. Secondly way to many games that deal with rape also have horrible and miserable characters. So many of those games are VNs that have the mc repeatedly instulting and treating his victims like crap.
A game that touches these fantasies and let's you also treat your "victims" nicely. I can appreciate the choices you get, but it just nice to see a game with these themes have the options not not completely destroy the women in the game.
Just awesome to see so many of my interests expressed so perfectly in a game.
so. i asked this a while back. but for the people who already paid over here. is there any chance they might be able to get a steam key? at the vary least the updates will still go live for itch users?
We are still updating for Itch users who already bought the game, the new version should be downloadable here :)
Damn - I remember running into this years ago, wish I'd checked back in on it last month. You've put some serious work into this project. Extremely embarrassing that we let any company get into a position to pull this kind of anti-capitalist, anti-American bullshit.
Over to Steam, I guess.
I know, it sucks :( But thank you, I'll see you over on Steam!
I downloaded the game from this site to play the new update but it ends up freezing and crashing it wont even take me to the main menu is there any way I could fix that?
Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.
I tried redownloading and I have more than enough space and I got the same problem
You have excellent taste in storytelling. I think this is better then anything , i played before. very interesting. I am a aspiring writer.
For some reason I can install the demo but not the full game on Android
Sorry, the full game is no longer available to buy on Itch. But you can still get it on Steam or SubscribeStar!
I already paid for the full version so is it just not available for download anymore?
It is still there! Did you log in to Itch before making your purchase?
Yeah I did and it shows up in my library under games I've purchased and I can download it I just can't install it
Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.
I have plenty of storage but I still can't extract it
wait, can i not get the full game!?
The game is no longer available for purchase through Itch. To purchase the game, you will need to buy it on Steam or back us on SubscribeStar.
So glad i got the game 134days ago
we got the game on the exact same day lmfao
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That was the last chance to the buy the game I forgot, well, what other games you are planning to create.
Will there be a option like donating over itchio money to get the fully version like from countrys you cant buy it over steam or dont have a credit card?
No, sorry. Last week was the final opportunity to do so.
so with other words i cant get the game legally besides then paying 50+ euros tax on a ordered credit card to get a 15 euros game?, since i asked before ofer the other options and steam is like in germany out literally itself for games that just shows 1 pixel of a nippel since steams answer literally was "we cant prove the age of the costumers" while selling 18+ fps games, im way older then 18 years but get blocked and have no choice then to move to overseas to austria or switzerland which allow it then, that why i asked if theres another option besides to pay 50 euro fee for a credit card to get this game, but since between my 2 questions it changed i can go only with the free version i still have. I would love to support you but since there isnt another way then topay fees/taxes 3x times the games itself i only can stick with the free version i still have, i would love to see and pay for the 1.0 version but when theres no option my questions are answered
I'm sorry, I know that it's a huge pain - it is for me, too. But I do not have any control over the policies of regulators, online retailers, or payment processors.
dont worry i just wanted to confirm that theres no possibility at all for me to even buy the latest version, i did with donating over itchio get acces to other games where same situation was, even over steam i could get them (as gifts), but shorter said i just use the version i got for free then, dont blame anyone i just wanted to know besides paying 4x times 1 game prices a year on a card taxes with/out any other option, so i can only use is the free version i stil have or search for it, would love to pay for it but there is no option i can only use the "old" free/public version.
Just wanted to confirm it
Get a VPN - they're cheap, and useful for all kinds of other things - and set it to tell Steam you're from somewhere else with non-stupid laws. Problem solved.
Daring steel if you write me your word if my account gets banned for using it over steam and repay me my over 200 games in steam back then yes, and btw using a vpn wont change anything since i couldnt access the agame without a monthly fee, like with a credit card paying more then the game price, but only that game here cant be sold i had others where i could get access too, i just confrimed it wont get given any access anymore, since the other public versions werent a problem, but i can see now the game too, it was just for me a confirmation, since i couldnt get any support and get access to it, like other games over itchio etc. where they could even get a workarround, i just wanted confirmation that there was no chance for me in general besides paying 4x the game price alone per year in general to get access to it, but the internet is the internet like it always was, and other developers could sell games like that even to me still only this one changed, and besides your word and info as compensation for using that on my account in steam to compensate over 200 other games to rebuy it for me in the worst case, besides the monthly paying i wont do it like making a yearly credit cards fee wheres 4x higher then the game itself, so i got the old public version and have insights to the latest one, i just confirmed that there wont be any chance at all where other can do it.
Can you translate the game into Arabic? If yes, translate it via GPT chat
its not a big issue but will there be an option to remove nipple rings on Naho after breaking her? not really my thing kind of a turn off, but not a huge issue
Our art resources are currently committed to getting everything illustrated that we want to be illustrated. Once that has been done, we can spend more time looking at potential variations (piercings, pubic hair, costume changes, grime, etc) and harmonising our art styles.
Show post...
Hey, I created a visual novel jam "delete this if don't like people asking, I can't find a chat on this website" is all about making caveman porn if your team want to join the jam let me know.
cant buy it here and steam dosnt work in my country :
Is there a way to get naho as the main consort without breaking her or her leaving?
If I buy Early Access on steam would I get the end product when it's done I don't know how early access works on steam.
You won't have to buy the game again if you paid for early access on Steam.
I'd love to buy this, but don't have a credit card.
Is there a chance you'll add paypal someday?
For the time being someday is very unlikely.
However, I can work something out if you'd like. Join our Discord server here for details.
Thanks for the answer, ai'll get back to you when I'm. Hom 😊
I tried aswell now but it seems like there isnt a way D:
Please mention me when you arrive :d
Hey is this still a possibility? I dont have a credit card and sadly the game cannot be purchased in germany via steam.
Do you plan to add another form of payment mode for android purchase after it is unable to buy on itch.io maybe add paypal mode for payment ?
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on my android phone anymore
I'm sorry to hear that.
Please join our Discord server here and we'll try to resolve your issue.
okay I'll join the discord now
Which is the true ending route?
Follow your heart!
I don't think there is an ending yet, but my true ending is
Queen Darja!=Pis we supposed to have all the harem or we have to be stronger than our own daughter?
Hi,thank you for your fantastic game. i wonder why is it not possible to choose issa as consort?was it intentional or simply beacause you never had time for it
Hello, does this have a Polish translation, because I think one version of the demo had it.
Howdy. Love the game but for the past two updates I haven't been able to play it because it keeps saying that there's a phrasing error when I try to open it.
Wait a sec. It might just be because I didn't have enough space to decompress the file. Gimme a bit
Not able to pay. I want to play on mobile, how can I play it by purchasing on steam.
The Android version is only available here on Itch, and for supporters on SubscribeStar, because Steam doesn't allow Android distributions. Sorry!
Sad that there is no Paypal option like most of games here have. I wouldn't mind buying the game if i could.
You can buy the game on steam if you'd like to support the devs :D
I would like to but my land doesnt have it on steam
I think you can get the latest Build on Patreon no? At least they still have it written on their 5 Dollar subscription.
Hope it works, you can tell us that if you like. Many more people will have that problem i guess.
PayPal does not allow us to accept payments for this game, sorry.
Well I just resubcribed to your Patreon and i see that there are at least some newer versions. It would be cool if you keep that up to date or at least one or two patches behind. I really like the game and want to keep supporting it
Is there a way to pay here with paypal?, i cant buy it on steam since where i live steam blocks everything out where a nipple can be seen, and subscribestar i can only pay with a credit card and i dont have any, so i would love to know if its possible to pay for it somehow with paypal to buy it?
PayPal does not allow us to accept payments for this game, sorry. On our Discord we have some advice on how to get a copy of the game in more censorious areas.
okay, for me beside apks i dont have much options, since steam here literally said they "cant confirm a age of a user" while selling 18+ shooter titles out, but when just a drawn niple is seen it gets geo blocked itself.
do you have a discord link so i can see to find a work arround? even when it would be patreon monthly for the newest version aviable i would pay it, but i dont have any credit cards for myself since it wouldnt be worth for myself of what i would spend to taxes to have such a card alone in comparision.
i joined the discord, under which channel are thoose infos?
How is this game only 15 bucks this a MASTERPIECE
Thank you kindly ^_^
y’all should do another game with the protagonist as a demon boy, but like almost the same history but he’s attractive ykyk
Is there a way to keep Rhyll n Eburon in ACT V,?
N how do you get the Maëlys scene in ACT V,? does she have to 'broken' first in ACT IV,?
Btw Heloïse best Waifu xD whoever the VA is i really love her chara n voice so far, the mother who gave birth to cute n hot Abomination
You need to promise bitches to Eburon in ACT III, otherwise the rewards you promised them conflict so one of them has to go. If you promise bitches to Eburon instead of the lowlands, he won't say anything in ACT V and you can keep them both.
Thx for the info sire, means having to repeat the game quite far, will Eburon still want a gift 'richies' as a morale reward or have to sacrifice one of the women in the harem?
About Maëlys? Cuz the walkthrough hasn't been updated yet
Yeah, riches still work for raising morale if you promise him bitches, just make sure the pack's morale isn't at 0 when ACT IV starts or he'll just leave
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Question do you mind I turn the female characters into pillows I always want pillow version of these characters.
When you say pillow... you mea the things you lay ur head on?
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One thing I want to know real quick. Is there an option to play as a futanari dragon instead of a male dragon? I've always preferred playing as a futanari or woman in porn games instead of males, but it looks like a really good game either way, so I'm kind of on the fence about buying it here.
There isn't but the game is still really good regardless, I strongly recommend it. Wasn't really into this kinda thing either but this game is a real gem.
Show post...
You know I wish there was a female guard or knight you could have kidnapped in the game.
Any plan to extend Naho's storyline some more or is it finished? Personally was a bit dissapointed that after that beautiful closure on act IV, she kinda just stays in your room without any major change during Act V, Guessing that's probably due to ACT V still being unfinished but I was just curious.
Yes, Naho's story will continue to develop over the remaining chapters of Act V.
Nice, Nice, good to hear! keep up the good work!
More Wolfman.
Question.I though there are a new way to break HAHO,but when I get to act 5. There are nothing change, Am I miss something? A little help please.
How big is the dragon? No i don't mean his penis- I meant overall because it seems to...not change at all? At the very start very start in the courtroom when we choose to bite Balthrone's arm off the art shows the dragon being very large for someone who is just a hatched newborn ((Kinda hard to tell due to all the red tint in the artwork)) He seems smaller/correctly sized during the handjob scene with the Handmaiden though. Juvenile/Adult : He seems about the same size for both the stages? ((I get that this is Since it would be wasteful to create alternate art for the sex scenes depending on whether the dragon is a Juvenile or an Adult, Hence the same art is used for both stages,However during the---)) Final Showdown Against Balthrone: [First of all can I just say that the Artwork for this was beautiful] The dragon just seems as big as the Juvenile stage? even though it's confirmed that During ACT lV the dragon is an adult. Reunion with Adeline/During The Sex Scene With Adeline: Again, Same reasonings as before, same size as Juvenile maybe even newborn as the size kinda reminded me of the scene with the commoner after we escaped from the courtroom & climb upto the building to hide from the guards [I know I'm sounding very nitpicky,sorry for that,I don't wanna know WHY the dragon seemed to never change in size,That was obviously for reasons such as Artwork,or simply not making him grow too large or he would be too big to fuck,other obvious reasons,I just wanna know HOW large the dragon is by the end of the game/ as a fully Grown adult, not exact measurements or anything but like- Bull sized? Horse sized? Slightly larger than a Horse?]
Something like this
Really? Well thats just disappointing I always asssumed he was at least as big as maybe the size of syrax from HOD or Drogon during the battle of meereen in the Game of Thrones tv show(yes I'm a ASOIAF fanatic)
It's just an example, it should be a bit bigger than that, but not much. If he's too big, he won't be able to
fuckordinary humans. I mean, he can, but it won't be good for both for obvious reasons. By the way, I have to start GoT, I've been putting it off for a long time, but playing Ravager has piqued my interest in the seriesis there a way to get Maëlys out of the catatonic state ?
Yes but you need Malice to do it and it only works if it wa a consensual otherwise she just gets raped catatonic again.
Also I think Malice might have just stolen her form in the consensual route (it's just a theory)
hope not i like Maëlys quite alot