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What girl do we get to send to breaker next

Is there plans to get a harem route? I think the dragon has stamina for that?

Either way, great game. I am waiting for the next update


***Contains minor spoilers***

***If you re bored to read go to Summary***

"Exciting, well made but disappointing."

I know this is a rather contradictive comment but I'll try to clarify.  Ravager is a game where you play as a dragon which is the main character. Many of us know, from the fantasy realms, that dragons are powerful, greedy and highly intelligent creatures and that according many legends they love gold and women. So the prospect of playing as such a creature and being able to dominate the lands is very exciting. Up to a certain point the Ravager delivers the aforementioned... up to a certain point. However, as mentioned, in other comments and as I noticed myself from playing you are not really capable of fully "doing whatever you like as the dragon", since the options are very limited... and that's kind of disappointing.
Nevertheless, in terms of illustration and voice acting Ravager is very well made and probably the best "choices/DnD like" game I 've ever played.

In "dark fantasy" mode, the game is very difficult and frustrating and after the first couple of tries and failures, looking for a walkthrough is almost a given.  I understand the desire of the developers to create a "DND-like" game where the choices you make affect your every move and the final outcome but I believe that the choices are unnecessarily complex and the content in terms of quantity is poor and thus sacrificing content for progress is inevitable. (By sacrificing content I mean killing  female characters for strength or gifting them to your minions for morale.) 
If you re playing for the first or second time clearing the game without sacrificing content is highly unlikely. Although, it should be noted that the developers have tried to tackle that issue by providing extra scenes when the girls are given to your minions.
Also, one more thing which kind of irritating is that from the beginning and even after you check the walkthrough, you have to constantly be thinking of your stats and how to raise them in order to enjoy the most of the provided content, and miss as less as possible. (I know, it is recommended to clear the game multiple times, I 'll get to that later.) 
Many of the choices you get aren't actually choices since they will get you killed, or beaten or you wont be able to unlock certain scenes. And that narrows down "the freedom of choice" since you wont have a second chance.

To be honest, I haven't played it yet in "Power Fantasy" mode, but I think I know what to expect ( if I m wrong, I MIGHT, edit this... MIGHT). In Power Fantasy mode, you 're probably free of thinking about stats, which are probably maxed out from the beginning and every choice you make is what you truly desire at that moment and that should be great. (Yeah it will probably not be any challenging but lets face it, you are not playing for the challenge right ? ;) 
I know what you re thinking, "then why you didn't play that mode ?" am I right ? Well, I didn't believe that the dark fantasy mode will be that annoyingly and unnecessarily tough, besides when you get a new game to play for the first time you start by putting the cheats ? Although, in this particular genre it might be the wise choice *cough* .
Aaanyway,  with this mode your life will be much easier and it's safe to say that with few runs you will probably see all of the available content. 

Nonetheless, the Power Fantasy mode doesn't make up for the fact that the path of choices in order to get to a particular scene is in some occasions unnecessarily complex and that in terms of quantity the game needs much more.  It was very confusing and frustrating at times in Acts II and III when I was  trying to go to places and  there was nothing or I couldn't due to guards or I knew that if a I go I 'll get beaten. The descriptions and dialogs don't give hints about what the right choice will be (and by right I mean the one that will not get you killed or mess up the clearing of the game), they just give a hint about what stat you are going to use in the choice. 


  1. Overall, my humble opinion is that this is a solid game worth playing only in the Power Fantasy mode, since the Dark Fantasy mode is very hard and it will probably spoil your fun and gets you frustrated. The illustrations and voice acting are amazing. They truly stand out. Many scenes can be seen once, that's why you have many save slots. Also, it is recommended of clearing the game multiple times to see all the scenes however I don't know if it's worth to skip all the game just for 1 or 2 scenes.
  2. These are the issues I noticed:  Constantly thinking about stats is quite troublesome since it spoils the fun of the game, however power fantasy mode PROBABLY (I haven't played this mode) solves the issue.  Unlocking certain scenes is the result of a series of choices that have to be followed exactly. If you don't read the walkthrough there are very slim chances of seeing them. And third, even though is obvious that a lot of effort have been put in this game, it lacks secondary content that will fill the gaps.  
  3. And I will close with a couple of recommendations for my friends , the devs, where they had a brilliant idea with many possibilities and they have put a lot of effort. Secondary content is needed ASAP, this could be women that could get on the harem easily with one repeatable scene (it's not bad to have some repeatable scenes and it's not bad to make it easy, we are dragons it wouldn't be so hard to make a harem.) or just soldiers, mercenaries or villagers that could be sacrificed for stats or enter the harem as well, I m not judging. And even maybe places where you just get gold for the minions and artifacts that could unlock scenes. By having more secondary content you 'll make the Dark Fantasy mode easier and thus more viable. This is not a strategy game where we should break our heads to find the correct path or do maths to clear it.  I understand that you focus in the depth of the available characters giving them more scenes and interactions with the player and each other and that's awesome but not when there are issues that affect the coherence of the game (secondary content ta da). In addition, having the players, play the game 10 times to see all the scenes because there are scenes that will be unlocked with a unique sequence, is not cool. And play it again and again for every extra scene for every patch. Having a unique path for a certain scene is cool, if you have so much content and you just want hide some gems in there. But that's  in the future, now is not cool, is frustrating and it narrows down our options. So you have to play it a couple of times to do what you like and 5 more to see the unique scenes.  Oh! and when the story of a girl is in "to be continued" phase, make the last one repeatable, don't write to be continue, that sucks. 

PS1:  I know this is a very long text but I wrote it for you and for the sake of the game, you perverts xD 

PS2: On a more pleasant note,  i loved the DnD references, when they were calling the dragon, "wyrm" as an insult. Dragons don't consider wyrms as dragons but way more inferior than them (and they are).  That was gold. And there was one more that I forgot. 

PS3:  Heloise is my waifu, I 'll love her forever, her story is amazing  and you really gave her  depth and I m looking forward to see her evolution. (But make more secondary content first.)

I disagree somewhat. I do agree that your movement is a bit restricted in dark fantasy mode and you have to plan it out very carefully but thats the point of dark fantasy. The menu screen does say it will be harder. Its not impossible to get almost all of the content while also making progress, (just get as much content out of one girl then give her to the hoarde) cause I managed to do it the first time (got a bunch of content out heliose, mina, whatever the drunks name is, and whatever the dragons fingerless name is. Probably didn't get all of it but I got a lot) I played without using the walk through. This game is obviously not meant to be the normal game where your using it only to get off to. I actually play it like it'd a normal game if I don't feel like jerking off to it, and thats exactly why. The difficulty of the game makes it more gamelike, rather than an interactive porn video. Plus the fact that some stuff you will miss out on means you can play the game multiple times without getting bored and ultimately means you play for longer. If you are just looking for a I wanna fuck every moving thing in existence as a dragon kind of game, more power to you, thats why power fantasy mode exists, but this game has its own charm. It allows you to play it as if it was a normal visual novel, and also play it if you need some fat material. 

Also I agree, heliose is best waifu

My intention wasn't really to argue about if I'm right or wrong. The way I see it, we just have different views. From what I understood you believe that in dark fantasy mode the challenge should be welcome and being very hard makes it a game that can be played for other reasons, than just relief. I totally respect that, but I feel like it is unnecessarily difficult, there is a difference between being strategic and just trying to find the correct path to be railroaded. That makes the impact of your choices meaningless, since in order for you to see more content and actually, clear the game, you have to follow a  specific path. Very few choices change that path drastically, but the path is still there. That's not sandbox and I believe their intention is to make one. I agree dark fantasy should have a level of difficulty but not, to get you frustrated or miss the fun or being in tryhard mode. This transition from being railroaded to being strategic is very simple... more secondary content. 

Also, why is it good to play it multiple times just for some extra scenes ? It's not like other games, where the story and the ending  are completely different. For me is two times max, if you clear it two times and have seen the most material possible, is not worth it to go for a third. Just watch the gallery. 

It's an adult game, you see from the content that it is not a normal visual novel. It needs much plot and secondary material that plays a role and not just shag or kill, in order to make you start considering that this might be a "very sexual" visual novel. And as you have already observed, it can be done. Heliose which is our favorite character is probably the only character that has depth, development and her scenes have impact to the player (not the character). And i love that, but there are thing that need to be addressed first, before we get to that level.

Finally, everything I said is because I see great potential in this game. It could turn into a fine sandbox and maybe eventually an open world. But I strongly believe that is wrong to keep building on top and add more content to the existing characters, when the foundations are trembling.  They should put more secondary content in Acts 2 & 3, especially in 3, where is the basic right now. Help you raise your stats in act 2 and have fun while preparing for the showdown in act 3.  With something that simple, you could have some difficulty since you take into consideration stats, you don't miss the fun of being a dragon and if you want... unload a fat one. Everyone wins.


Just a refresh link to: The Ravager Walkthrough available to us at this time for anyone having trouble with the game.
You can download this after going to the link by selecting "File" in the top left -> "Download" -> Select your preferred file format. 😉 Enjoy!


Nice, thanks I missed so much stuff on my first playthrough.

(1 edit)

All of it will be available when it is done right?

Btw love the game, but the Nightmare is something I'll avoid tho I am trying all of the lair locations but I am torn between the mine and the spire, because I like the demons but hate the Warlock, and I love the Spire location, high in the mountains like it should be.

I do hope for a free roam, and Naho to accept that she will not have her pack again, I do not enjoy breaking her, I wish to turn her into a warrior again, and have Maelys as well as Naho fight for me, as individuals in the final battle, like another faction mix some Wolfkin and mercs in to one, some not all, and they follow Mealys.

Now back to pillaging and taking what is mine.

I finished the game it was awesome can there be a free roam after you finish the game damn good game when I first played this games I was like f this this game sucks but after the second time I was like man I love this I hope you continue making games like this one

is there anyway you can cut off all sound but the voices? I have music and the sound settings at 0 but the ambience sound wont disappear and its really ruining the game for me cant play more then 15 minutes before I just quit as its really annoying to me. on a second note sad to hear about the last act being on steam but i might never get to it anyway with my problem lol. 

scroll down in the preference menu.

I'm gonna assume it was added in a recent version and I didn't miss it previously.(I would feel real dumb if that wasn't the case) Anyway thanks for letting me know.

Why game is crashing

(1 edit)

A small question .Is someone can tell me how do I trigger the updated content of 4.2.4 about Heloise .pls.

Hey so i read trough your steam plans the thing i was windering. Does it mean you will abandon the game here (itch,io) and wehre forced too buy it on STEAM too play furhter updates ? And last is there a option for people like myself wehre the game is uavalible in there cuntry or does it mean the game is "dead" for people like me ? 

Hope somone can give me some more isnight into these 


Apparently the final act will be limited to Steam/Patreons.  Just hoping this doesn't turn into a Seeds of Chaos were after Steam sales trickled to a stop they stopped updating it nearly as much as they do for Patreon.

Myself, I originally supported this project due to the uniqueness and fact it would be free. Now I'm having to rethink it.


I will be continuing to update the existing Acts for free, here. The final Act will be delivered to Patreon/SubscribeStar supporters, and those who buy the game on Steam. I'll also look into making it purchasable on Itch, for people who are region-locked!

Patreon & SubscribeStar give us enough to keep going. We've decided to launch on Steam so that we have the ability to finish the game faster, to reach a broader audience of dragon fans, and to enable people who want to support our development but can't or won't use subscription services.


Really enjoying the game (I've been saying this for a while in nearly every post) but I just noticed a major flaw in your dragon story. Where is the knight in shining armor? How can I have the full maiden kidnapping experience without some brave knights to slay? 

I'm not quite sure what's happening but I can't get passed the intro (Sabetha and Inej) without it crashing. I've tried deleting the game and then re-downloading it with no luck.  Is there anyway to fix this

Could you come onto our Discord server and explain the problem you're having, so we can help fix it?


How can i get Sabetha & inej i build the  traps and tell them where to find me but the event never triggers. Any help?

Deleted 2 years ago

Go to sleep and it should trigger 

(2 edits)

//////////////////////SPOILERS AHEAD\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Heed any text in italic and bold.

"I did this run-through myself and it did trigger. "

The full rundown without a complete game walkthrough: 

Version: 4.2.5 (Recommend playing the most recent version)
Mode: Power Fantasy Mode
(Feel more like a powerful Dragon. Closest to Sandbox Mode...)
Lair Chosen: The Abandon Cave in the "Highlands"

It helps "a lot" to play on "Power Fantasy Mode" as you will not have to worry about death, sacrifices, resources or anything, including stat checks while trying to convince or capture girls. This mode allows you to obtain everyone available much easier.
Your hordes are limitless. Your Dragon Scales are a force to be reckoned with (Impenetrable). Smaug: King Under the Mountain, would be proud. It is thoroughly a mode just to enjoy the story. 

Note: This list will not work on Dark Fantasy Mode as you will not be able to meet the stat checks/ requirements in time with it, as far as I know... 
Also make sure the appropriate tags are turned on in your preferences menu... [incest] & [Rape] or you will not be able to even see these scenes as the cat girls are siblings and they aren't exactly willing...
This quest line is best done as soon as possible, as it takes a few days to trigger after the following conditions are met:
(Mine triggered on 8 days left until the raid on the lair)

1. Escape the city. Note: There are a few scenes you can unlock only before getting a Lair. Such as the centaurs in the forest with the hunter and the Commoner in the upstairs window before escaping the city...

2. Important: Get a Lair. The Lair location you choose should not matter. Accept the Kobolds into your ranks.
Have your attendant kobold build "Traps." as soon as you can. Preferably before even coming into contact with the cat girls. Sleeping will eventually complete the task after it has been started.

3. Sneak up on & Talk with Sabetha & Inej in "Highlands Region"
-> "Bastion" at your next earliest convenience and agree to their deal without attacking them.

4. When you are ready, return to them & talk with them again to begin the robbery.  When prompt: Climb the side of the building.

5. Acquire the Inquisitrix by resisting her advances for information. Do not tell her she's being robbed while you resist her charm spell.

6. Then tell the cat girls where to drop your gold off at your lair since you will have your hands full with the Inquisitrix.
Do not let them keep the gold if you want to capture them. 

7. Very important: After "a few days sleeping" within your lair after that event (assuming you have that much time left before the raid...) you should eventually get a random event to trigger. Your Kobolds will wake you in the night saying they caught some sneaksies. From there on out it's a matter of negotiating & persuasion to get what you want... 

Also make sure you get as many girls and allies as you can/ want before the raid on your lair by visiting as many places as possible. As after the raid, it may be difficult or even impossible to do so as you can no longer explore as before... 

If you're still having trouble to get the event to work after all that, I recommend Starting a new save and/ or reinstalling the game for a fresh start/ copy. Something must be corrupt...

If you're still having a hard time & you're fed up, just click on the kobold in the gallery menu to unlock all scenes but I really don't recommend doing this until you've played through the story at least once or twice... As it can ruin the game experience. Don't be that person... please. It's a decent story with humor. It deserves at least a playthrough.
Then again, maybe the Kobold doesn't appear in the gallery at all until you do... I don't remember. Did so many playthroughs of this game I've forgotten... 

"Anyway, You're welcome. Hope this helps..."


Thanks this will be really useful to others, I finally managed to get it to trigger for me but I found it only triggered for me when I had the Spire lair so I'm not sure what happened there.

(1 edit)

Happy that you got it to work. Thanks for letting me know. I'll also add a link for the most recent Ravager Walkthrough in the comments as well, to refresh it. Enjoy the game.


Love the new dialogue from Sabetha & inej during Sabetha's idea. Very... tasteful. Good job. Well depicted. Although I would prefer Sabetha since she is the brains of their little coup de grace teamwork. The new scene is great though. Thank you. Tis a shame that the dragon can't convince them to be willing. They would make for excellent consorts or advisers with their street knowledge... 

- "Might be a bit novel. But you're a big girl, aren't you? I'm sure you can handle it."  - Sabetha slightly comforting Inej before the dragon...
Couldn't have written this quote any better myself. Smooth one <3 Bravo.

I found a few bugs, strangely both involving Gutter's Cove

When Mina and the Mercs are arguing, and I choose "Capture her" all it does is put her back into Gutter's Cove, playing the same scene of her with the guards.

Also, even though I have Cooch as a captive via recruiting the Mercs, if I go to Gutter's Cove I can still find her there for "Pick off one of the townspeople."


Thanks, we've fixed those for the next release! If you find any others, let us know on our Discord server :)


No problem, next time I will.


When this gets realesed on steam will you continue to update it here?


Yes - I will keep a copy here, and update it with new content for Acts I-IV. Act V will be exclusive to Steam, as well as the people who support us on Patreon or Subscribestar.


I would like the complete game to be sold on Itch.  Partially because I worry Steam would enforce censorship, also to ensure that the game isn't Steam dependent in the decades to come.  I  trust Itch more than Steam for my perverse purposes.


I'll look into doing so! 

Agreed I even pirated a game after I brought it on steam just so I wouldn't have to deal with all of steam's nonsense.


Bro it makes me so sad that I don’t want to play as a dragon fucking people. Because this game is actually fantastic I am just strongly not into bestiality. I remember when I attempted to play it I was also really appreciative of the sheer amount of trigger warning given for the game as a ton porn games will just throw really fucked shit at you without letting you know. And the art was fantastic and the characters were really great. If you guys ever make a game where I get to watch a woman have sex with other people I would love to play that.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, even though it wasn't your cup of tea. If Ravager does well, I would love to make more games with a variety of different concepts - hopefully one of those will be a better match for your tastes!

Oh I have an idea suggestion that may go well with this. Since he wants to play as a human and we want to go with a similar theme what if we have a game centered on keeping power? Sort of like a dark lords theme where you go around stopping rebellions and carefully threading the line between taking what you want and not upsetting the nobles that are your keys to power. You can even expand it to include netori content or some other fetish I don't know just spit balling.

Who's the next character we'll be able to send to Breaker?


I know the game is not complete yet, but have you already considered put up on Steam?

(1 edit)

Yes, we're coming there soon! There's a link to the game's page in the main menu, and you can wishlist us there (please do!). 


Yahooowwww \o/!! just added to the wishlist!! thankyou ;)

Ive been following this game and playing it for a little (haven't gotten very far) but I love it but I have some questions. Do I have to sacrafice members of my harem to the different factione to advance the story or can I keep them all? And is there ever a chance to get them back once sacrificed (im guessing not but still wanna know)

If you're playing in Power Fantasy mode, it's completely unnecessary. If you're playing in Dark Fantasy mode, it's one of several different strategies you can use to complete your conquest, but it's still not required. 

Thank you so very much, so like say when I want my kobolds to go out and find me gold I they will just do it instead of saying they are unhappy?


Thank for all the hard work. Cant wait to get Enid scene next.

Damn man I'm trying to make a trap harem

Hey there Devs just wanted to say that this game is one of the best games out there I just want to point out the last update the Incest with daughter was pretty lackluster so maybe add another virginity loss scene which is not a dream in another route and please add more scenes with the Naga daughter

I just want to quote this line.

"Ravager is free."

Is there anymore scenes with Issa? Besides the one when you first meet him and he basically seduces you.

You can check the in-game Gallery, there is a "secret" cheat that enables the viewing of every scene.

(And even without said cheat, it shows you how many scenes there are per-character.)

Thanks man


i cannot find it

(1 edit)

It should be the kobold in the bottom right corner.

(It's been a while since I last played though, so might have changed.)

Edit: Just checked it out, and it has changed. Previous version should still have it, I think.


My only compliant about this fantastic game is: why the fuck is not more popular, i only found this gem because was annoyed by the lack darker themes on the front page and decided to search for a dark role playing erotic game i was in love. Cant wait for whats to come 


It's not "more popular" because bestiality is a fringe fetish.

It's illegal in most countries, and most humans consider it, and I quote: "morally reprehensible".

I personally don't see what's wrong with it, unless the animal in question is being forced into the act.

Note: "Fringe fetish" is the opposite of a normal fetish, (ie: anal), it's something that isn't common.


Hi devs, while I do indeed say I enjoyed this game very much, I will say that there is one complaint I have. And for anyone else read no further if you dislike *SPOILERS* You have been warned.

The main complaint I have in this game, is that at least if you conquer the inquisitrix's heart and have a naga daughter, yet you decide to try and see if there's a harem route and you just so happen to choose (at the very least) the route with Mina as your concubine, Your Naga Daughter turns into quite the Yandere Bitch, even if NTR is set to off, now I'm not one to judge kinks, and I personally don't mind my porn games to be sprinkled with a bit of a incest fetish, but I'm personally against Yandere Naga Daughter unless you include a harem route, lump Mina (and possibly others, I didn't wanna even check, I didn't like this plot point that much) getting absorbed by Naga-chan into the NTR tag, or add a "psycho stalker bitch" tag that disables this event entirely. In my (Honestly Stupid) Opinion, the reason Sex after a Massage is called "A massage with a Happy Ending" is because sex is supposed to be associated with a feeling of Euphoric happiness (hence my general disdain for NTR, and Guro/Vore) and as such I wanted to play this game, (Using the power fantasy mode obviously) as a dragon who is grumpy but kind, and sees violence as only a disgusting tool which sometimes must be used, to the point that,  so long as you don't seriously disrespect him or hurt him/ others he has come to care for, he will forgive most impertinence or physical harm. But if you consistenly treat him as a threat to the world, or you attempt to harm him or someone he cares for (Adalaide as a prime example), he becomes a vengeful beast, who will save your life, if only to prolong your suffering  *ahem* The Regent *ahem*. Hell, if you want to attempt to appease me, but don't think it's worth an entire rewrite of your existing script, hit me up on discord @ParadoxCipher18 (ArtyCHOKE)#2852, and since I'm a halfway decent writer, I will rewrite it FOR YOU, FOR FREE. That is how much I want to support you guys, that I will work for you guys without seeing a damn cent, despite my financial situation, sheerly so that I don't feel dissatisfied with a work that was otherwise really good, hell, even if you like my propsal to rewrite the script to be more satisfying for me, but insist on paying me, I would rather get a named special thanks in the final release, than monetary compensation, or if y'all (after asking for a sample, and like what you see) ask me to join the team permanently (yes, unrealistic and wishful thinking, but still) I will refuse payment of any kind when it comes to ideas or writing related specifically to THIS project.  Again as I wind down this lecture of a critque that (probably) doesn't matter in the long run. I would like to reiterate that I did very much enjoy your game, however having a sense of serene fluffiness at the end of trying to complete every girl's "Paragon/Lover/Kind King" route I get forced to either Violently Rape or Repeatedly Murder a character I have grown connected to has left me Immensely dissatisfied with the potential progression of this story going forward. I would love to hear a reply from y'all, here on Itch or even over on Discord, and even if I don't hear any response at all, I wish all of you at 4MinuteWarning a pleasant and wonderful time, and thank you for at least reading my comment.

Just wanted to let you know: The "NTR" you're talking about is likely the same for every character.

(I got it with Marie-Anne.)

Yeh, I figured, and I wanted a way to avoid it


It's been a long time since I first played this game,It  really surprise me .I only think it's a normal sex game . But it was more than that .It's a ART .And I really like the consort story of Anne、Darja and the elves .Every time I play the part of they become my consort .Their story always make me feel like really being a part of the game .It was fantastic .I hope you can be more fantastic in the future.


Two things went through my head while playing this game. 1, this shit is FIRE. And 2, what the hell was going through your head when you made this. Seriously though this game is amazing. I genuinely don't dislike a single character except for Balthorne. And I only dislike his personality. The story is amazing and feels just like a telltale game where all your choices matter. All the characters are so interesting. There's always something new to find. This is an truly amazing game and I'm excited to see how it turns out

I really hope we can still get updates here


I'll continue to maintain and update a copy of the game here, up through to the end of Act IV. Steam & Patreon builds will also have Act V, as I develop it.


Got it, glad I'll still be able to enjoy this game.


So does this mean there wont be any more version that will be posted here?




this deserves more attention, who voiced the dragon and how. that shit sounds way too cool to just be disregarded


Okay, I will separate part of topic (Alert! Some spoil if you know)

Eburon : honesty, he is first of charactor in hoard who could be consort and thank your guy for that.

Hey! Don't forget our Wolf boy gallery scene aside from workout.

I'm in love with him both in-game (Also outside gake), hope you make act V soon with his story continue.

Black eye sun : few word won't hurt i guess, it's interesting and I has clue about it : ) so I suggest update it together along with other.

Gallery... nice section keep and manage but should separate CG and scene too. Morenatsu has this kind.

More job like buy people trust as mercy or spread fear as cruelty might hit big kick off.

Overall 9.2-5 / 10

Gameplay 8/10

Story 8.5/10

Detail (model and CG) 9.5/10

Manage player taste 10/10

Love affaction with Charactor 9.5/10

Don't leave our beast!, human is too much already!


I honestly never thought I'd get into the story of this game but it is actually good.

How do I go about getting Malice's 'Discipline' scene? I only have 'Gore' and 'Guro' un-ticked in my settings but I can't seem to trigger it. Any advice please?

You can try checking the Gallery cheat, that might give you some hints on how.

How do you get to the mines

Ask Anne or mina at first

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