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So am I understanding this recent dev update about the Steam version correctly that the full version of Ravager will NEVER be available for purchase on

I'm asking because the game is region locked for me (and many others) on Steam and given how good the devs were about offering and updating the game here, I expected it to eventually be sold here as well. Always a big disappointment when devs use Itch only during the development phase and then migrate to Steam-exclusivity :(


We are currently using Steam for sales of permanent copies. If you're unable to purchase it in your country, you can get a key by being a senior backer instead. I am looking into Itch as an additional vendor, but there are some complexities with that and it might take a while to sort out!

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Thank you very much for clarifying. I guess for the time being, I'll just hope the game might eventually return to Itch, then. Going through SubscribeStar would require several more steps and I'd end up with a key which I'm not 100% sure would even work in my Steam region (unfortunately, Steam is not forthcoming with information about how the region lock works - and they could change the way it works at any time, as we've seen back when the region lock was first implemented). And ultimately, I don't fully trust Steam to not completely remove the game at some point anyways (which does still happen from time to time).

For people looking into getting a key directly from you: Could you maybe say something about whether Patreon subscribers can still get keys? I think people looking for a one-time "subscription" just to get around Steam's dumb policies might be more inclined to use Patreon since they can use PayPal there - but as I understand it, you're having trouble with Patreon at the moment. So is it safe to assume you can still get keys there or should people looking for keys go directly to SubscribeStar?


Fun fact even if it is completely "removed" from the steam store it isn't from libraries. Also games are RARELY taken down anymore. Now it's more up to the devs. Sure there are still some rules but for the most part it has become way more... adult friendly? (That's a term I never thought I'd use in this context.) I'm sure I am unaware of a few facts but in short my point is your distrust in steam is likely from before adult games were allowed. Steam has redone a lot of their rules. Now if you are searching for an easy array of adult games, yes itch is better. I will admit that much.

Technically, my distrust in Steam stems from the fact that they implemented a region lock on all AO games in my country (completely out of the blue), which is not only not required by my country's laws but might even indirectly violate free market laws in my region. So when you say Steam has become a more adult-friendly place, you're probably right, but you should also be aware that Steam can and will pull that rug from under you if they ever feel it's the easiest option for them to avoid controversy.

You do have a point about AO games rarely being fully removed from Steam anymore, though. I guess unless Ravager gets some kind of content added during the EA period which directly violates Steam's rules, it's probably not at risk of being removed. Let's hope for the best so at least other people get to enjoy the full game :)

I was unaware this was done in some countries, and I apologize for my lack of research. I hope the issue is removed soon on your end. There is a way (or at the very least was, idk about now) to buy removed games. Problem is you would need to know the exact hyper link to get there. I pulled it off with one game awhile back thanks to I think reddit?

However that was

  • Taken down by the developer
  • A popular franchise at the time
  • 4 years ago so steam may have updated their blocking system.

 Anyways I hope things go your way. Cheers!

As of writing, keys are available via Patreon, but that is unlikely to be the case for very long - I will need to withdraw that benefit to comply with Patreon's recent decisions.


I went to the Subscribe Star page, however I don't see a level of donation for "senior backer"?  Sorry if I'm blind (never used that site before).

As much as I love this game, I'm not buying it on my Steam account (too many family members would find this questionable).


Backers at $5+ get the latest full build of the game, and backers at $20+ also get a permanent Steam key! 

If you don't want a game visible on your Steam account, you can create a second Steam account for H games, and then use library sharing to invisibly link them with your main account. 

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Android Version is not working for me. After opening it I got stuck at the intro screen. 

I have a question, will act v be available to buy in or it will become free at one point?

I haven't played much and im alittle confused on the gameplay, is it more you explore and find your own way or is there a defined path to follow?

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i sense I have been playing it seems like game has a set path in way, at least right now. -> for example when comes to experiments or dealing with witch so forth it seems like there set chars you just have to give up or you fail no options no real choice it give you false sense of choice but if you do not pick right choice that game wants you pick you fail it seems. fine example is experiment stuff id there chars i rather give up but i am forced to give up a certain one and I was like o that sucks. same with the dealing with witch, it also seem like you have to play heavy ether mercy or paying cruel there no wish washy movement or you lose it seems. if it was dnd game best way to describe it is this you can ether play Chaotic evil or Lawful Evil but not neutral evil neutral evil is more like evil that is not pure evil or one that plays by rules but one that is self interested in what they want to do doing things how they feel they want to. Chaotic evil is just evil for sack of evil. I bought this on steam. -from what also i gather in story from playing it seems due to dreams that world playing in might be a dream state of your char due to some accident at some school which I hope that is not case and that this is not going turn into one of those weird story where char is paralyzed or in coma and whole thing story what you go through is figment of your mind, cuz that been over played a lot in past in storys and in movies and it always annoys me when it story ends that way, with char waking up or some crape. lol

The 'Ravager High' dream is indeed a joke sequence, which only appears if you have the Goofiness flag enabled. It is not canon.

Some options are still being written, so they're not in the game just yet. We'll continue to expand them as development continues!

Wait witch is not that high of a problem to deal with if you don't want to align your self with lawful evil or chaotic evil. If you choose mountain lair you can get warlock and with him you have many ways to deal with the witch. No need to have high mercy or cruelty. My favorite way is to send possessed drunkard to overpower her. Not sure if you can just dump her in to prison after warlock has helped you to overpower her or is giving warlock her powers a must. Still witch is not a problem if you are worrying about being too lawful or chaotic. Not sure if infernal or eldritch ally's have ways to deal with her. Never tried because allying with them seems like obviously bad idea. I'm sure you bring some other similar example but this is a visual novel type of game absolute freedom is almost impossible to pull of in this type of game or if you want to have story of any kind.


Thank you for making this, it's great and I can tell how much work went into it. Issa is my favorite, I hope there is much more content with him


Issa is probably the character I'm most interested in really.


Thank you! Yes, more Issa content is in the works :)

glad to hear any chance of getting more femboys  and choosing issa as consort?

We do plan to make Issa into a consort option!

awesome now if we could just get more femboys :3

Una pregunta dónde busco  Farmstead


If it becomes buyable on i'll buy it in a heartbeat.


Pretty darn impressive, 4MWarning! Customized over 'standard' ren'py games enough to really be interesting, fun character dynamics, interesting story so far, though I'm barely into it. Loving it so far, keep up the good work!

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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Just finished the latest version absolutely loved it. Cant wait to see more content added. Though I'm curious will it eventually include an epilogue?

Yes, we're making a whole Act V (including epilogues)! It will feature in the Steam and backer versions of the game.

Would be nice if the game was also sold on other platforms other than Steam. It and many other adult games are blocked on Steam in my country :(


I believe they said that the full version would also be available to SubscribeStar supporters since Patreon is practically harassing them right now. They seem to be in the process of moving their Patreon supporters over to there. Hope this helps. But I would need 4minuteWarning to chime in on this one to know for sure in which case I will gladly move my comment out of the way. Please correct me if I'm mistaken. ^_^


Okay, so this game has to be my top NSFW game, now unfortunately for me, to me it was so good, I am not enjoying the other games as much as I used to, so I guess congrats on making a game so good it makes others just seem much worse then they did before. 


I know right?!, this is like one of the best novel games I've ever played. ^_^ 

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Cant download the game on android tried 4 times already it would always stop when its about to be completed  :(

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How do I get inej and sabetha as captives cuz after they took my gold I went on all the areas and after searching I progressed and finished the game and I plan on replaying on the steam version since I bought it so I want to know so I don't miss them?


Ask petruk or if you killed him grokak to make a trap before you meet them

Oh ok thank you

(1 edit)

Hey, love this game. Any plans to release a full/paid version for Android? I do almost all my NSFW gaming on my phone.

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Yes! Backers can play the full Android version. I'll look into publishing a permanent Android copy once I've finished dealing with Steam, and the Patreon fiasco.


When will there be a release of the starting menu ost? Its fantastic and would love to listen on repeat.


Our composer, Exo Spectra, is actually working on a soundtrack now!

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Will naho get to be a consort?

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Steam as a bunch of NSFW games disabled in my country is it possible to play the full game over SubscribeStar?


Yes it is :)


Are you going to continue making android versions of ravager?


Amazing game, Heloïse best girl <3



didn't she get enslaved and mind broken by demons though, but she deserved it for all the shit she's done but still, that was dark


i had an idea for when ever the malagar stories get added maybe this is vauge to prevent spoilers for those who dont want it, maybe naho can have a dragon child in the path that makes sence when you use her in malagars  experiment either way cant wait to see how things go and i hope to start donating soon


Yeah I said awhile ago I'd love to see more dragon and kobold breeding after the Enid scene.

I heard Patreon is harassing Ravager... Is this true? 😟😥


Patreon has a number of rules on what is allowed for content, so I wouldn't be surprised. 


Patreon doesn't allow Incest or Bestiality.

So yes.

Though "bestiality" is a highly subjective term, that most of humanity is too dumb to correct.

it should be beastiality to be honest makes more sense

I downloaded the game on android but couldn't install it. Every time I try it goes through the process and then just says "app not installed"

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i love the game and its voice acting although sabatha holds a special place in my heart. although what interaction would sabatha give she or any character saw an slightly or injured or heavily injured dragon its an interesting though none the less cant wait for the next act 

Why I can't find Ravager in steam .Is the name change?

Make sure you have viewing adult-only content enabled. You can also go straight to it from the link in the game's main menu.


Well ,sadly my country was not allowed to show the game.

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So after playing the game a bit more. A couple of things came to mind:

- One is that there should be a "Skip unseen text" checkbox option available in preferences. This is needed for the following reason.

Here's why: Since every new version, for some strange reason the game makes the player read most, if not all dialogue over again. The "skip" option at the bottom becomes greyed out and un-selectable.
Even on text they have already seen in previous version while using an old save. Although it seems to be hit and miss but it's truthfully quite annoying all the same.
Luckily, it becomes skippable once again after seeing it until the next version comes out, but still... I've encountered this problem throughout multiple versions of the game.
This option would be a welcome addition as most Ren'py style games have this. Probably for that very reason... This convenience makes a big difference in re-playability of novel style games.
Please, for the love of this game, address this moderately annoying issue for returning players by adding a simple checkbox in preferences. PLEASE. I can't stress enough how much it has been bugging me lately. 

- The next is that I attempted to give Malice a different name I deemed most appropriate and "fitting" according to old lore that I thought she wouldn't get upset about: "Lilith." Medusa, Lamia, Seductress? etc... 
(While torturing myself for feedback purposes I might add...) Given what she is, who she is, and what she is to become, I figured that she would welcome the new name all the same... But in naming her "anything" different other than Malice she gets upset & insulted no matter what. I feel "a small list of other 'select' appropriate names" should be added to the game that she will also respond to as positively to as she does with her default name, Malice... Anyway, I'm sure you get my point. Just a friendly suggestion. That would be cool. 

Also, Chia the maid seems to have been neglected and forgotten about lately. She need more content... 

Other than that... I still have nothing else that comes to mind or to say about the game. I'm still very content. Thanks for your concern & consideration. 


Any intention of having the full version available for purchase through Itch? I don’t want to buy it through steam


I'll look into it!



Adding to this, barring creating a second account hiding particular games on steam doesn't hide everything fully and afaik there isn't a way to hide just ravager from the steam in-game thing. 

A way to buy through itch or similar would be greatly appreciated.

i beat the game and i dont feel like doing all the endings theoreticaly how would i get all the gallery stuff


There's an Unlock All button, somewhere in the Gallery.

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There seems to be a bug in the last version (4.3.0) where the button does not appear. I also do not see it. And the Kobold has disappeared entirely. Not that it's a problem for me as I already have most if not all things unlocked... Just saying something to say something. I'm sure the team is already aware of this issue and have already addressed the problem accordingly though. So, see you in the next update ^_^ & thanks for the hotfix!

EDIT: Can confirm. This was immediately fixed in v4.3.1 Recommend installing and unpacking the most recent version for those of you having this issue ;)

I believe the button is disabled on the Itch version. I had to hack the game scripts to get it to show up.

Also: A suggestion for the gallery itself is that whereas the tooltips with hints are a great addition, might be worth putting in the content tags for each one for additional clarity for those who are looking to unlock them on their own


Naa, it was just a bug. They fixed it already. But you have to install the hotfix version. 4.3.1 that was uploaded 5hrs ago... Damn they work fast. Love it ^_^

where is the button

Sigh* As of v4.3.1. It's the Kobold still, but it had been moved to the 1st page of the gallery which should be Adeline now. It's on the bottom right

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Since i can't post it on discord cause certain circumstances won't allow me to get a patreon membership for discord benefits i'll post it here, so if whoever reads this don't like some minor spoiler (not sure if this could even be consider a spoiler) then don't read it since idk how to black out these words like on some sites or forums. It would be nice to have an option to where if you take over the pack, Eburon and a wolf-girl (who would look like another werewolf like eburon, not a human with wolf features, and her strength and tactics would different, like for example, while Eburon likes to be aggressive and overwhelming his enemies with sheer numbers, she would be more cunning and smart, though she would still be physically strong like the rest of the wolf tribe) would appear and say they're both eligible to become pack representative but its up to you to choose and you could choose by just selecting which one to lead or have them compete in a 1v1 showdown with the odds of who would win being random and if the wolf-girl is chosen then the same options you would have with Eburon, you can have the same with the wolf-girl along with some few altercations and new content, like her relationship with Naho is more neutral instead of enemies like with Eburon but she'll mention that she didn't like some things that happened under Naho's leadership, even eventually having the option to make her a consort if 4minutewarning ever plans on having a wolf-girl consort whether its Naho or the wolf-girl or have both as a available option maybe.

Tengo una pregunta en qué momento tienen pensado agregar el idioma español al juego? 

Sorry I maybe will try to post it on discord ( cause I appreciate the work and like to help ) there is a minor bug with gallery I watched the in heat sequence but it didn't end it just went out of the scene and I could have played further with default name and 0 days so no biggie but maybe don't let the event play like it's in a playthrough with some bool if it's called by gallery and if that is true send back to mainscreen after event ends I don't know the code so I could only assume what caused it

  I am accustomed to playing this game on Android phone,can we still play complete version on  Android phone? Since the version i bought from steam seems to work only  on PC.

  Besides, I really enjoy Ravager. Thank you for making such a unique  game.

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Thank you :) Backers have access to complete Android builds! Steam doesn't support Android sales yet - but if that doesn't change, I'll find some other way to get them on sale.

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As always, thank you for sharing your game, story, & fantasy with us all this time 4MinuiteWarning. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. Please keep doing what you're doing. As you already know I for one am appreciative for what you do. You're one of the very few that tells it from this very unique perspective as far as I know and even let the players decide how the dragon will be portrayed in a sense. This reminds me of a few things including the "Fable" series & I love that! It's been too long... A story told from the eyes of a dragon is a story worthwhile indeed. To me, that's special. So, thank you for the adventure 4MinuiteWarning. Thank you from the bottom my DragonHeart. <3

Here is some nostalgia:
"Long ago, when man was young and the dragon already old, the wisest of our race took pity on man. He gathered together all the dragons, making them vow to watch over man, always. And at the moment of his death, the night became alive with those stars. [points towards the constellation Draco] And thus was born the Dragons' Heaven.
But when we die, not all dragons are admitted to this shining place. No, we have to earn it. And if we don't, our spirit disappears as if we never were."       
                - Draco

- "Not all dragons are evil... some will learn to love. Some will even be loved....
            So what kind of dragon are you?" 


Thank you kindly ^_^

Do you plan on releasing the game somewhere else too? Steam is quite restrictive with NSFW content outside of the USA because it does not offer any real age verification. Even with a vpn system and registered steam account with a USA ip adress you can´t buy the game because the billing address differs.
Would be sad to abandon all the people outside of america :)

I would love to know that too because steam is not available for me too :( 

Jup thats one of my issuse 

I hear from some of our backers that the free Steam key you get with Dreamweaver tier can be used in any country. But I haven't been able to test that myself, for obvious reasons!

Is this about the dreamweaver titan tier on patreon and still working? Would love to get it but (in this case unfortunately) live in germany.


make sure if you buy it on steam to play a few hours and leave a good steam review to boost the game!

Just wanted to know since the final act will only be available to people that supports on patreon and stuff like that, is there a specific tier you have to be to get the final version when it release and if so can i get it when i subscribe after its released?

$5+ backers get access to the latest full version of the game while it's in development, and $20+ backers also get a permanent Steam key.

So people are paying for development and then again for the full game? Or is the support on patreon supposed to be just out of a good heart?

Feels weird to see a number of games that have had their whole development funded by patreon members go up on steam nowadays with the profit obviously going to the creator.

Proceeds from Steam go back into development, to supercharge what we get from our backers. Developing a media-rich game like Ravager is very closely tied to the resources we have available - I don't know whether there's an H-dev gravy train out there, but I've certainly never seen it myself.

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Random question but for how much content this game has why is it so small?

Also is there a guide for this game?

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no clue about the size thing, a few dev logs back there was an unofficial guide announced, its pretty up to date but honestly not sure how good it still is. it'll get you through at least the early game though. 

here's the link to it

Here is another guide for the game that is maybe a little more up to date.  It covers up to version 4.2.3

The current walkthrough is accurate up to 4.2.3, and we're updating it soon - there's a link to it in the main menu of the game.

We use compression on public builds, to make sure they stay under Itch's upload limit - it's largely invisible, but does a lot to reduce our filesize.


I am so happy to see what Ravager has become. This is easily the best game I've ever played in my life. I was here since version 2.4,0 , and I will always be here. I wish all the developers of this amazing game the best possible! 

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Overall I rate it 4.8/5    5/5

I loved this game, it has the perfect mix of sexual and pure gameplay to it while not once being boring to play. This game went far past my expectations with all the options it has to offer. I'm not into the replayability of this game but it offers replayability unlike most games, instead of it being almost the same thing just some minor tweaks the developers offer a huge variety 

-Lair Location  

-What you do with the girls

-Options for your kinks and stuff you dislike 

-A diverse stat system that's more of who your dragon is rather than just something basic like strength

-A variety of options for how you solve situations that on some degree affect what happens in the world

Oh yeah and they have voices for most sentences

My one and only complaint is the background music, it's great but there's no option to turn it down,          I take back what I said, you can scroll down in the settings and it was their hahaha 5/5

but it was fitting for every situation so it was still great

I just hear sounds but I don't see anything in the tab or the screen


Will there be translation into Portuguese? I really want to play subtitled in portuguese brazil to understand the story

I think this is a good one too

Our translations are done by fans - if you're able to help with that, let me know on Discord!

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