Version 4.4.1, Wives & Wolves (Patched)
Ravager » Devlog
Dev Notes
- It is traditional, in the wake of a major update, for us to release a bonus patch build as feedback comes in. And who am I to argue with tradition? Thank you to everyone who reported the various bugs and eccentricities in v440.
- A more substantive, media-focused update will follow later this month.
- MVP of this build is Tosk, who is to credit for all these fixes.
V441 Changes
- UI: The Lock/Unlock function in the Gallery has been split into two separate buttons, for additional ease of use.
- UI: The Preferences menu has been split into two subscreens - one for content flags, the other for miscellaneous game settings.
- UI: The catgirls’ first run walkthrough can now be replayed from the Preferences menu.
- Tweak: Marie-Anne will clean Valzira’s sprite if it is dirty during her visit.
- Tweak: Visiting the roads only causes time to pass if something interesting happens there.
- Fix: Cooch’s animated scene will climax in a more visually satisfying fashion.
- Fix: Darja will not interrupt a murder attempt on you to remind you of your birthday.
- Fix: Darja will not ramble on about the Spire whilst being taken to a different lair.
- Fix: If you have Gay content disabled, you will not be able to proposition Eburon whilst he is your consort-roommate.
- Fix: Naho will no longer reappear in Breaker’s chamber following her unscheduled departure.
- Fix: Rhyll’s scar displays correctly in his talking sprite and animation.
- Fix: Sabetha & Inej will more consistently remember who is supposed to say which of their lines.
- Fix: Sabetha & Inej cannot be told that Heloise is your daughter’s mother if Valzira did the honours.
- Fix: Undoodle's ancient spire art should be properly visible.
- Fix: (Very) numerous voice acting / text mismatches have been fixed.
V440 Post-Build Fixes
- These are fixes that have been applied on the same day as the update's initial release.
- Throwing out Naho midway through her consort arc will no longer cause a major narrative inconsistency.
- Letting Naho go after your first fight will no longer make her ineligible to be your consort.
- Scrollbars will work properly on Android devices.
- The new gallery will not cause crashes on Android devices.
V440 Features
- Consort: Naho can be chosen as your consort (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: More forceful options for Enid’s Brood Mother scene (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: If you have broken Maelys, you can ask Zizeryx to fix her for you (Dreamweaver choice, collab with DoItToJulia).
- Scene: Initial bonding with Marie-Anne, and her new pet (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
- Scene: Playtime with Marie-Anne, and her new pet (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
- Scene: Marie-Anne spending quality time with her new pet (two variants, Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
- Scene: An evening feed with consort Marie-Anne and her new pet (Dreamweaver choice, collab DoItToJulia).
- Scene: Throwing Naho a bone (three variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: Your friends can feed Naho whilst you’re away (three variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: Giving Naho a better quality of treat (collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: Naho comforts you after a rough spell (collab with Mattrex).
- Scene: Giving Naho her daily bred (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Fate: Maelys can be gifted to the infernals (collab with DoItToJulia).
- Dynamic: Marie-Anne can adopt one of the tribe’s wolves (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
- Dynamic: Marie-Anne does some washing at the bathhouse (collab with HereToHelp and DoItToJulia).
- Dynamic: Naho’s promotion (collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Naho picks up a discarded toy (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Naho goes for walkies, and learns to beg (many variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Naho gets hungry whilst you’re away (three variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Naho drops something she’s held onto (collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Naho has a regular day with you (collab with Mattrex).
- Dynamic: Your last night with Naho (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
- Art: Darja’s kobold fate (Lubbio).
- Art: Enid’s brood mother scene, forceful variants (Lubbio).
- Art: Maelys gets fixed, with Zizeryx's help (Lubbio).
- Art: Marie-Anne’s adoption scene (Lubbio).
- Art: Marie-Anne’s solo wolf scenes (Lubbio).
- Art: Marie-Anne’s midnight feed (Lubbio).
- Art: Marie-Anne cleans her pet (Lubbio).
- Art: Mina’s wolfman fate (Lubbio).
- Art: Naho’s veterinary checkup (Lubbio).
- Art: Naho gets a good spooning (Lubbio).
- Art: Sabetha & Inej’s wolfman fate (two variants, Lubbio).
- Art: Naho’s infernal fate, and followup (Korwu).
- Art: Contented emotes for Chanwe (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
- Art: Ashamed emotes for Enid (Irrelevant Art).
- Art: Furious emotes for Malice (Irrelevant Art).
- Art: Emotes for the newest, fluffiest member of the cast (six variants, Irrelevant Art).
- Art: Maelys’s new portrait and emotes, for after receiving infernal assistance (Irrelevant Art).
- Art: Unimpressed emotes for Mina (eight variants, Irrelevant Art).
- Art: (Relatively) ashamed emotes for Naho (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
- BG: New background art for the Sunken Temple (Undoodle).
- BG: New background art for the Abandoned Mine (Undoodle).
- BG: New background art for the Ancient Spire (Undoodle).
- BG: Updated background art for the night sky (Amon Ra).
- BG: Animated backgrounds for the lowlands. highlands, mountains, and night sky (Amon Ra).
- BG: A remastered animated background for Adeline’s bedchamber (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Adeline’s Reunion scene, fully animated (Act V only, Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Adeline (two variants, Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Balthorne (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Chia (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Heloise (six variants, Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Naho (two variants, Amon Ra).
- Animation: Sleeping idles for Naho (two variants, Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Petruk (Amon Ra).
- Animation: A shouting idle for Rain (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Nude idles for Sabetha (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Grinning and unimpressed idles for Sabetha (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered smug idles for Sabetha (Amon Ra).
- Animation: Remastered idles for Valzira (Amon Ra).
- Voice: Inej’s part in the rogues’ promotion to consorts (Gruella).
- Voice: Sabetha & Inej’s first play introduction (Gruella & Emery Aylar).
- Voice: Sabetha & Inej’s snuggly morning (Gruella & Emery Aylar).
- Voice: Sabetha & Inej’s morning argument (Gruella & Emery Aylar).
- Voice: Malagar’s part in the experiment on Marie-Anne (Robin Peakway).
- Voice: Malagar’s part in the experiment on Mina (Robin Peakway).
- Voice: Malagar’s part in the experiment on Naho (Robin Peakway).
- Voice: Rhyll’s part in The Other Heist (Greyscale)
- Voice: Rhyll’s part in the conquest of the convent (Greyscale).
- Voice: Zizeryx’s part in the conquest of Bastion (Jezebeth).
- Voice: Zizeryx’s part in the conquest of the wildlands (Jezebeth).
- Voice: Zizeryx’s part in Naho’s infernal fate (Jezebeth).
- Translation: The Czech, French, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish translations have been overhauled, and should read much better (Soulphase).
- UI: The gallery has been overhauled to be prettier, easier to navigate, and all-round better for everyone (Tosk, HereToHelp, Amon Ra & Irrelevant Art).
- UI: The game has a fancy new load screen for PC, Mac, and Linux (Tosk & Amon Ra).
- UI: The in-game and menu fonts have been changed to improve aesthetics and readability (HereToHelp).
- Gallery: Chanwe’s Kobold Fate: Doubly Blessed scene has been added to the gallery.
- Gallery: Darja’s Kobold Fate: More Than A Mouthful scene has been added to the gallery.
- Gallery: Maëlys’s Can We Fix Her? Yes We Can!, Water In The Desert, and Seed On Barren Ground scenes have been added to the gallery.
- Gallery: Marie-Anne’s Adoption, Hungry Like The Wolf, Evening Feed, Playtime, and Protean Fate: Primordial Husbandry scenes have been added to the gallery.
- Gallery: Mina’s Wolfmen Fate: Thrown To The Dogs scene has been added to the gallery
- Gallery: Naho’s Now Beg, Substitute, Bitter Solace, Evening Feed, Morning Feed, Kobold Fate: Dogpile, Wolfmen Fate: Omega, Infernal Fate: Stranger Dongs, Scratch The Itch, and Tame The Bitch scenes have been added to the gallery.
- Gallery: Valzira’s Mercenary Fate: The Bitch’s Hut scene has been added to the gallery.
- Steam: Support for Steam’s cloud save feature has been added.
- Steam: Our game trailer has been updated to remove censorship, and use our new graphical assets.
- Steam: New achievements Puppy Love, Good Boy Good Girl, Can We Fix Her? Yes We Can!, and It’s Not Easy Being Green are now available for unlocking.
V440 Tweaks
- We have added a new content flag, ‘Fluid Physics’. This covers whether you want to see inflation, regurgitation, and other biological consequences of the large volumes of spooge you produce. It must be manually enabled in the Preferences menu.
- The ‘Infidelity’ flag has been separated out into two different flags: Sharing (when you encourage someone else’s interest) and Cuckoldry (when you do not have a clear say-so). Both inherit your setting for Infidelity by default.
- Choice menus have been improved so that menu options are better separated, and scrollbars placed further to the right. (Tosk)
- Scrollbars are simultaneously more obvious and less intrusive. Magic! (Amon Ra)
- If you rename a waifu then the game’s narration will use their new name, but other characters will not (to avoid voice acting issues).
- Consort ‘soothe’ scenes are activated the evening after experiencing a military loss, rather than randomly.
- Cooch’s scenes with Darja and Naho are now classified under the Sharing flag.
- Darja’s kobold fate scene is still accessible, but will be shortened, if you have Fluid Dynamics disabled.
- Darja can be renamed during her gallery entries.
- Darja’s infernal sacrifice has received updated visual direction, and sound direction.
- Heloise can be interrogated about the Pale Convocation during Malagar’s experiment.
- Volunteering test subjects to Malagar typically requires the Mutilation flag to be active, because you’re going to need it.
- Malagar’s experiment on Naho has had its stage direction improved.
- Malice’s supplemental dreams have had music added to them.
- Marie-Anne’s consort interactions have been expanded to reflect whether or not she has adopted a wolf.
- Marie-Anne’s consort interactions, captive intros, and animal talk have been expanded to reflect whether she has adopted a wolf.
- Marie-Anne’s stable oral art has been updated to use the new dragon dong design.
- Marie-Anne’s ‘Down Boy’ scene is now triggered by visiting the bath-house, before the wolf has been adopted.
- Extra tags have been added to ‘Down Boy’ so that Marie-Anne’s ‘Adoption’ scene references it in new playthroughs.
- Mina’s bandit scene is still accessible, but will be shortened, if you have Cuckoldry disabled.
- Mina will not make references to the aftermath of her semen enemas if you have Fluid Dynamics disabled.
- Mina’s Kobold Fate tooltip has been rewritten to match the format of other fate tooltips.
- If you conquer the wildlands in Act IV, the victory ‘celebrations’ with Naho are animated.
- Narration in Naho’s lair faction scenes will reflect her new name, if you have given her one.
- Naho’s infernal fate (and followup) has had proper sound direction added.
- Sabetha and Inej are more expressive during their morning argument.
- If you ask Zizeryx about the wellbeing of your sacrifices, it will mention how Maelys is getting on (if appropriate).
- We have updated our RenPy framework to v8.0.2. This provides several stability improvements, but you should not otherwise notice a difference.
- We have found some extra efficiencies that will reduce the size of the Android build by 10%, without reducing quality.
- Several extra tags have been added around the game, to support upcoming conditional content.
- Game credits have been updated.
V440 Fixes
- Darja has an intact neck during her vaginal scenes, and is considerably better lit.
- Maelys will not be given a name until it has been referenced in text.
- Malagar speaks in the correct key during his Thinking With Portals scene.
- Marie-Anne’s Farm Raid cg and animations no longer persist on the screen after the scene ends.
- Marie-Anne’s Farm Raid II now requires the correct content flags.
- Mina cannot be given a dress if she’s not even in your lair.
- Mina will no longer sneak into the bathhouse for a soak if she has left your lair, or has been given to one of your hordes.
- A single line from Zizeryx’s old voice actress has been replaced in Ziz’s first encounter.
- The stowaway strike option appears in the correct menu.
- Chanwe’s kobold scene will unlock correctly in the Gallery.
- Marie-Anne’s kobold scene will unlock correctly in the Gallery
- Marie-Anne’s forceful highlands scene will use the correct animation toggle, and include important lines of narration if you have the relevant content flags enabled.
- If you do not enter a custom name for a character in a gallery scene, their default name will be used instead.
- Voice acting and text have been aligned in many places.
- Text pauses have been added or corrected in many places.
- Code layout has been optimised in several places.
- And we have fixed the many bugs found in our dozen rounds of playtesting. Thank you, playtesters!
Ravager 4.4.1 for PC 786 MB
Oct 05, 2022
Ravager 4.4.1 for Linux 761 MB
Oct 05, 2022
Ravager 4.4.1 for Mac 771 MB
Oct 05, 2022
Ravager 4.4.1 for Android 793 MB
Oct 05, 2022
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This time, you play the dragon. A bad dragon.
Status | In development |
Author | 4MinuteWarning |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, Dark, Dating Sim, Erotic, Fantasy, Furry, LGBT, Narrative, NSFW, Romance |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, High-contrast |
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I was led here by Headmaster, and this game is great. I really hope that it will be possible to have multiple consorts (take turns or multiple at once), and have more fun with Malice. She is so cute and hot at the same time. Maybe she can rewind time so that I can spend more time with her children form?
just stumbled upon this game, been enjoying was sad to hit the end! wanted to see more, wondering how long till we get more! So if nothing else you've won one more fan, would like more Naho Content something a bit..more for Maelys
Next regular update will be at the end of this month, and v500 is on track for completion at the end of the year! More details in my State Of The Realm post.
How do I get Naho's storyline? So far, she tries to kill me every time I get her as consort, and the only options are to kill her or throw her out.
AFAIK, all you need is to have sent her to Breaker in the torture chamber and then you can go from there
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I wish there's breast milk 'magic breast milk' both have deffernt taste and I would like outfit that I could buy from traveling sell woman, or man, or I just steal them.
Great management game! Although I must say that I am kinda sad about Naho's current storyline. I don't want to go into much detail to avoid spoiling anything but I hope she gets to have a much more satisfying redemption arc in the future, rather than her being reduced to her lowest point.
How to i use my saved progress in the new update?
Saves are kept on your device, so when you install a new update you should have access to all your old saves.
I couldn’t seem to get the mercenaries to actually join in 4.4.0> Was this just me? Am I missing something weird? Is this known?
I know I tried on at least a Mines and a Temple playthrough. Had the supernatural ally and the wolves too on both. Gutter’s Cove was pre-conquered once Chapter IV got started as normal but Rhyll and the boys never showed up at the lair
Did you just give them treasure, picked the riches option, when recruiting them? For them to show up at you lair, you have to promise them the glory of being your knights or have them be your hands.
I THINK I did treasure in one and “glory” in the other. There is a caveat that, this being familiar ground being retread, there’s a lot of holding Ctrl through ye olde bits, but I also don’t think the game tells you the difference in those options, instead implying that money is what will make these guys most interested.
I’ll try and recheck this but if it turns out I’m misremembering my steps here and never went through with “glory” and the treasure option never gets them to join, I think this bit could do with a little more conveyance (and if some explanation/indication to this IS already there and I ended up skipping over it, then joke’s on me twice, lol)
Just coming back for an update. Did another test run last night and ended up getting Rhyll and The Boys to show up so it could very well be that I did treasure twice before.
I was running Power Fantasy, Spire, made sure to offer them Glory and even had previously done the party raid with Cooch and Mina, picking the friendly resolution there.
When they joined (which they did faster than I remembered, even. Was under the impression that they would always wait until Maelys was almost there but it wasn’t the case) they seemed to have 0 morale as I couldn’t select them for raids and whatnot despite being in Power Fantasy mode. This to me would make sense as a consequence of having stolen a fair amount of cash of them before (what is that? 1 vs 2 units of Treasure?) but at the time my first thought is some flags could’ve got messed up, which wasn’t the case. Also refrained from giving Mina the dress precisely because I was afraid of the game getting confused. Things seemed to settle as usual once I gave them some 2 units of treasure from my infinitely deep pockets
So, ho do we get a non battered, clothed Naho to be your consort? Can be mean and send her to breaker, but can we do that without having Naho broken?
I don’t quite expect that to happen, tbh. Her storyline seems very focused here (understandable on both sides) What I WOULD find interesting though, is if we could retrieve Naho from Malagar after mixing her and then get her to flex her newfound strength, perhaps retaking the pack? But that has other complications (mostly messing up the captives’ role as a resource, I’d imagine)