If I was a creator of Ravager I would called the DLC Burning Ice and create a Kingdom Cover in Ice with Yeti's "Monster Girls/ or new minion to rule over." I would make minions of the ice queen. Artic Fox race "Cute shy short stack race." Ice Dragons "rare" I know sun god is creation of the Dragon it would neat to Ice Dragons and feathery Ice Kobolds learning how to become an Ice Dragon and your Kobolds could become Ice Kobolds. The is Optional because I was thinking breeding with the ice queen "I want her to some kind of Ice Race "An Ice Giant?" She could be an Ice Lich a rare and powerful mage with mysterious origin that leaves with cliff hanger than if you breed her it could make something worse than a Naga. I would love bear race in this DLC.
Typically you can go to the exe, which will be in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common" folder (no quotes), right click it and select copy. Go to you desktop and paste shortcut.
I want to thank everyone in the team who made the choice to prioritize accessibility for blind and low vision players in this game and continues to uphold that principal. A special shoutout goes to Souphase and HereToHelp for their UI work. Thank you so much guys! It really is appreciated. And I will now be able to suggest this game to other BVI players with zero reservations thanks to the updates. Making sure that as many players as possible can enjoy your game even when it takes extra work to implement is a kick ass [and smart] thing to do!
They normally have two different mainly because of price and time, cgs are meant for wide range of usage in different areas of the game while CGs normally are a one time thing like a treat, and CGs are normally higher quality and cost more to make.
I really like Issa though I'm not far in the game. Can Issa become a love interest or get closer to you later in game? Or does he just kinda go stagnant because he's not one of the girls. I'm only rlly playing for him and I like being monogamous for him lmao
So what if i wanted the full version on my phone? I noticed you cant purchase it on here nd i dont think steam works for a mobile version, anyone know how u can get 5.2.0 for my phone
I didn't play the game but... even tho i like the character art style and hard theme there inside (rape, trap etc....) i'm not a really big fan of the art style for the sex scene
idk why but it feel like a """turn off""" when i saw them.... or i want to give this game a chance and hopping there even more content, story, sex scene etc... and i'm sure that a awsome game π₯°π₯°π₯°π₯°
Where is the download on SubStar? I only see a post with the changelog, but no download button. And according to the description the 5$ tier gets access to the latest build.
After subscribing at the $5 tier or higher, link your SubStar account to your Discord account and join the game's Discord server. You will be able to download builds from there, as well as receive any other subscription-related bonuses.
Are there plans to include more content in acts 2 and 3? I realized that if you rationalize the time in the right way and there are still 3 to 5 days left to just sleep, you can get all the content and events of these acts. I would like to know if there are plans for more content in the future, for example events with existing or new characters, even new factions or races, or bringing more content about centaurs or zombies, as I think there is very little information or encounters with these races?
they did a post for higher teirs sub stars that basically renewed scenes (art) for a character (voted). but didnt pay to much attention. it happened on discord, check it out. not sure which tier or channel.
Me too man, but Naho has a problem he is naturally proud and dominant she is not a character that would submit to the will of another she was born to command and lead which makes it almost impossible for her to be with the protagonist willingly, I loved it that she and I would love to see her willingly join the protagonist, but I can't see a scenario that feels natural, not forced, not to mention the fact that her staying with the protagonist after torture is a little weird, I don't I believe that Naho becomes submissive, willpower Naho's determination is very strong, she faced the protagonist in x1 a dragon, and she did it without magic, without cheating, just with her own strength, she lost but even so this is an achievement that shows that her determination is monstrous , Naho would never give up, regardless of the torture and suffering, that's why I don't believe in this torture thing with her, it's humiliating to see her as a pet. Naho didn't deserve this.
I see so many parallels with her and the huntress, strong compent woman that are able to stand up to a Dragon. To me after you take her pack and of course have you way with her in the furst scene an exile or banished from the pack.
Wolves are pack creatures and lone wolves do have it tough. I can see her having problems hunting and feeding herself not because she can't but because she is waay to used to have the pact at her command. The second thing that is already part of her story is her going into heat. I'm not sure there are many other packs out their so she would end up on the outskirts of her former pack. Here could be a check for if the Wolfpack has high moral. If they have low moral 1you probably would not see her again, if they are high moral and thusly "well fed" She could be dumped back into your dungeon.
She believes your a sun cursed wyrm guided by your dick. So seeing her former pack prosperous and her notions of you challenged (not keeping her as a sex toy) she might be willing to regain some of her position by becoming your consort.
I agree with several points of your opinion, I think this comparison between Caçadora and Naho is wrong
the hunter has suffered several defeats in the past, her spirit is destroyed, she does not fight for her own good, but for the will of others. She is not proud of her sole purpose which is to be a tyrant's weapon, she only joins the protagonist when he proves to be a good leader and kills herself when she sees him as another monstrous tyrant.
Naho was never defeated and many tried to overthrow her and take control of the pack, she always fought for herself, she was always above everyone, the strongest warrior among all wolves, within a group that values strength above all else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , her pride is monstrous, then a dragon came and she lost everything.
The huntress has already lost everything, she has nothing left to lose by joining the Dragon, he is trying to recover some of what was taken from her by her ancestors the ancient Dragons, she sees the current Dragon as something to give purpose to her life which has always been without purpose.
Naho had all the strength and respect of his race and lost it all overnight. The Dragon is an obstacle. The only way to recover everything you lost is to overcome this obstacle. Imagine how humiliating it would be to become the consort of the being who destroyed your life, and the pack would never accept her, she would be a submissive coward.
As much as I like Naho, it's a difficult puzzle to convincingly cast her as a consort.
Their still is paralells between the Huntress and Naho. They both are willing to fight the Dragon. The both Hate the Dragon simply for being a Dragon. The Huntress obviously has reason to hate him. Nahoo only hates him because of the Moon/Sun religion that is never really explained as far as I've gotten.
This Parralel is reinforced by the writers, when Naho tries to kill you with the Assassin's blades if you. No they are not the same character, they each have their own stories and I'm not saying they are identical. Just because they are two of them that are "strong" female characters.
The biggest thing with the Huntress is that you get a CHANCE to prove your not who she thinks you are. And you have to prove you are not Cruel.
Nahoo thinks your a Sun Cursed Wyrm driven by your Dick. And you get nothing plot wise to change her opinion. The only options you get are how to Rape her.
I agree, I don't think their is anything you can do to her in prison that would make her submit.
That is why I think you going to need a "Charm" option as well. Like you get the Option with the Huntress. You need an option to Not treat her like a sex toy.
Currently Naho writing feels unfinished. Their is a scene between Nahoo and Issa where Isa poison Nahoo and instructs her to behave. - Nothing comes of it.
Naho also has another scene, when she is in heat and you choose to take her, she somehow gets the advantage and then rides you. This does suggest how near impossible it is for Nahoo to resist this urge as one of her instincts. As Naho in ever other mood, would and should use the chance to press the attack.
And again their is no follow up. Both scenes seems to be completely forgotten.
Also if you choose to take her Anally, she also cries for mercy and claims she submits... Again another scene that seems to be forgotten after it happens, as at that point all her scenes simply repeat.
You stop selling on itch cause payment restrictions and u leave to a place that doesn't even have PayPal and another only for pc without possibility of getting Android version :/
Yo i was wondering that when you're gonna release the second chapter of ravager is it going to be a different app or the same app and when are you gonna release it
Is their any chance the game comes back to buy here on itch.io or maybe even patreon in the future? I really like the game but the game is blocked on steam in my country and subscribestar also doesnt work cuz my bankcard i have her in my country doesnt work their and i dont want to pay for a creditcard to be then able to pay on subscribestar (pay to be able to pay) -_-
I can send you the file, but I'll have to make sure the author allows it. lmk if you still want it. you'll still have to pay for it of course. I might just get you into contact with them, but just lmk. FAVORITE game.
If you purchased the full mobile version on Itch before their payment processors stopped accepting payment, you can continue to download updates indefinitely, provided that you associated your purchase with your Itch account like normal.
If you didn't buy through Itch previously, then the full mobile version is available through subscribing to our SubscribeStar.
Link your SubStar account with your Discord account (on SubStar's account management page), then join the Discord server. You should be automatically granted the necessary permissions to download from the #game-builds channel.
Hey there, I cannot recall if I've already asked, but it won't hurt to give a poke just in case I haven't.
The size of the game, particularly the animations file, has hit a point where my Linux rig is not longer able to properly unpack the tarball after downloading. Bit of a bummer, as I really did want to try the recent updates.
Are there any plans to make either "Lite" versions of the game available for download that have had the animations and audio stripped to reduce filesize and resource usage, for those who either do not use these functions or lack device specifications, or potentially to provide a regular zip version of the Linux download? This is likely more an issue with how tars are handled than anything else.
With the recent takedown of the walkthrough from Google Docs, a version of the guide is available in your game files. If you have trouble accessing it, the document can also be downloaded from our Discord server.
The Android version of the game is unavailable through Steam. If you'd like to purchase the full Android version, you can only do so through SubscribeStar.
Question? What do you think about AI Art Guys? Because I get it drawing backgrounds and characters is not everyone thing but it makes me loose respect toward the devs. I hate AI art and I am glad this game has such good art you know.
I'm a fully blind player and I'm delighted to say that the "self voicing" and even better the "clipboard voicing" features built into Renpy work great with this game, except for two areas.
1. I can't edit the name of my dragon. Pressing keys to type just activates UI commands, and I can't press enter or space to put my cursor into the edit field because doing so progresses the story.
2. When choosing places to attack in my war room in act 3, the icons representing the various regions are only pictures with no text labels for the self voicing to read, so I have to randomly press enter on one of them, see what it says, go back, try to remember how many presses of the down arrow to do to find it again, and then pick it that way.
Still 90% accessible though, and I really do appreciate that!
Thank you for reporting these issues! We will do our best to fix them for the next update - 90% accessible is good, but 100% is much better. I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
Hi! We're working on this now. In our testing, the edit field is automatically focused when using self-voicing and clipboard voicing - such as when you hear "What is your name?". What Ren'Py settings or UI commands are you using? Which clipboard voicing software do you use?
Okay, I've figured it out, and it turns out that the issue is a completely different accessibility error.
I had custom names disabled via preferences, so keys were passing through to the game because the edit field wasn't available. I must have enabled it at some point by accident, because the toggle for it isn't actually labeled. I'm wondering if their are other settings in their with that issue as well? Might be worth going through and checking to see that they are all available and togglable with voicing enabled just encase.
β Return to game
Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
If I was a creator of Ravager I would called the DLC Burning Ice and create a Kingdom Cover in Ice with Yeti's "Monster Girls/ or new minion to rule over." I would make minions of the ice queen. Artic Fox race "Cute shy short stack race." Ice Dragons "rare" I know sun god is creation of the Dragon it would neat to Ice Dragons and feathery Ice Kobolds learning how to become an Ice Dragon and your Kobolds could become Ice Kobolds. The is Optional because I was thinking breeding with the ice queen "I want her to some kind of Ice Race "An Ice Giant?" She could be an Ice Lich a rare and powerful mage with mysterious origin that leaves with cliff hanger than if you breed her it could make something worse than a Naga. I would love bear race in this DLC.
I wish I could help with Ravager I have nothing else better to I am not a good story teller.
Is the version 5.2.1 in here the same as the one on Steam? Because I found only 5.20 update there from november.
What do I have to get Dragon Naho into my harem?
How can I play games without opening the Steam website?
Typically you can go to the exe, which will be in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common" folder (no quotes), right click it and select copy. Go to you desktop and paste shortcut.
I already purchased this on steam is there anyway to get the mobile download without having to buy it again
ππππ§βπΆπ’π΄ββ οΈβ οΈπ΄ββ οΈπ¦
I want to thank everyone in the team who made the choice to prioritize accessibility for blind and low vision players in this game and continues to uphold that principal. A special shoutout goes to Souphase and HereToHelp for their UI work. Thank you so much guys! It really is appreciated. And I will now be able to suggest this game to other BVI players with zero reservations thanks to the updates. Making sure that as many players as possible can enjoy your game even when it takes extra work to implement is a kick ass [and smart] thing to do!
Can you sell the game on itch again? Their store allows adult content...
They can't the payment processor won't let them.
Shame how those same payment processors let terrorists and other rouge elements transfer and send money
Any plans to get the Android version to be more stable? Crashes quite a bit or you have to restart your phone to get it to even start.
My tablet doesn't have that problem, your phone might not be powerful enough.
why does the game have 2 different art stylke for cgs and character portraits? i personally think the portraits look better
They normally have two different mainly because of price and time, cgs are meant for wide range of usage in different areas of the game while CGs normally are a one time thing like a treat, and CGs are normally higher quality and cost more to make.
His Chinese translation is still terrible
Just remembered this game exist. Still peak. Great update. Still wish I could fuck Malagar π
Personally i am patiently waiting for more Issa content. I feel like there is a lot of untapped lore and story to go with him.
I really like Issa though I'm not far in the game. Can Issa become a love interest or get closer to you later in game? Or does he just kinda go stagnant because he's not one of the girls. I'm only rlly playing for him and I like being monogamous for him lmao
I don't mind spoilers
cant buy it on steam in germany so i cant play it wonderfu
Yoo peak is still getting updated
So what if i wanted the full version on my phone? I noticed you cant purchase it on here nd i dont think steam works for a mobile version, anyone know how u can get 5.2.0 for my phone
The only way to get the paid/full mobile version is by backing on SubscribeStar at the $5 tier or above.
Is there a walkthrough? I can't find it if there is.
Yes. Google "ravager walkthrough" for pdf
It's outdated, though. Only gets you through the first part.
the new one is pinned in the "spoiler haven" channel on their discord
I didn't play the game but... even tho i like the character art style and hard theme there inside (rape, trap etc....) i'm not a really big fan of the art style for the sex scene
idk why but it feel like a """turn off""" when i saw them.... or i want to give this game a chance and hopping there even more content, story, sex scene etc... and i'm sure that a awsome game π₯°π₯°π₯°π₯°
Good luck for the dev
How do I increase strength?
Usually by munchin' down on people.
How can I buy this game if it's banned on steam and Subscribestar isn't an option for me?
Steam and SubStar are currently the only methods to purchase the full version of the game.
Where is the download on SubStar? I only see a post with the changelog, but no download button. And according to the description the 5$ tier gets access to the latest build.
After subscribing at the $5 tier or higher, link your SubStar account to your Discord account and join the game's Discord server. You will be able to download builds from there, as well as receive any other subscription-related bonuses.
It isn't banned on Steam.
It is if they live in Germany. Germany and a few other countries have a blanket ban of adult games on Steam.
It's banned in Germany.
Are there plans to include more content in acts 2 and 3? I realized that if you rationalize the time in the right way and there are still 3 to 5 days left to just sleep, you can get all the content and events of these acts. I would like to know if there are plans for more content in the future, for example events with existing or new characters, even new factions or races, or bringing more content about centaurs or zombies, as I think there is very little information or encounters with these races?
they did a post for higher teirs sub stars that basically renewed scenes (art) for a character (voted). but didnt pay to much attention. it happened on discord, check it out. not sure which tier or channel.
I agree the centaurs never show back up and it definitely seem like a prime candidate for a real ftoy for Ravager
How to buy it? Plz help
You cant on itch anymore. Go to subscriberstar
You can't buy it through "itch.io" only "subscribestar"
I still want to be able to Tame Naho without using a Torturer.
Me too man, but Naho has a problem he is naturally proud and dominant she is not a character that would submit to the will of another she was born to command and lead which makes it almost impossible for her to be with the protagonist willingly, I loved it that she and I would love to see her willingly join the protagonist, but I can't see a scenario that feels natural, not forced, not to mention the fact that her staying with the protagonist after torture is a little weird, I don't I believe that Naho becomes submissive, willpower Naho's determination is very strong, she faced the protagonist in x1 a dragon, and she did it without magic, without cheating, just with her own strength, she lost but even so this is an achievement that shows that her determination is monstrous , Naho would never give up, regardless of the torture and suffering, that's why I don't believe in this torture thing with her, it's humiliating to see her as a pet. Naho didn't deserve this.
I see so many parallels with her and the huntress, strong compent woman that are able to stand up to a Dragon. To me after you take her pack and of course have you way with her in the furst scene an exile or banished from the pack.
Wolves are pack creatures and lone wolves do have it tough. I can see her having problems hunting and feeding herself not because she can't but because she is waay to used to have the pact at her command. The second thing that is already part of her story is her going into heat. I'm not sure there are many other packs out their so she would end up on the outskirts of her former pack. Here could be a check for if the Wolfpack has high moral. If they have low moral 1you probably would not see her again, if they are high moral and thusly "well fed" She could be dumped back into your dungeon.
She believes your a sun cursed wyrm guided by your dick. So seeing her former pack prosperous and her notions of you challenged (not keeping her as a sex toy) she might be willing to regain some of her position by becoming your consort.
I agree with several points of your opinion, I think this comparison between Caçadora and Naho is wrong
the hunter has suffered several defeats in the past, her spirit is destroyed, she does not fight for her own good, but for the will of others. She is not proud of her sole purpose which is to be a tyrant's weapon, she only joins the protagonist when he proves to be a good leader and kills herself when she sees him as another monstrous tyrant.
Naho was never defeated and many tried to overthrow her and take control of the pack, she always fought for herself, she was always above everyone, the strongest warrior among all wolves, within a group that values strength above all else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , her pride is monstrous, then a dragon came and she lost everything.
The huntress has already lost everything, she has nothing left to lose by joining the Dragon, he is trying to recover some of what was taken from her by her ancestors the ancient Dragons, she sees the current Dragon as something to give purpose to her life which has always been without purpose.
Naho had all the strength and respect of his race and lost it all overnight. The Dragon is an obstacle. The only way to recover everything you lost is to overcome this obstacle. Imagine how humiliating it would be to become the consort of the being who destroyed your life, and the pack would never accept her, she would be a submissive coward.
As much as I like Naho, it's a difficult puzzle to convincingly cast her as a consort.
Their still is paralells between the Huntress and Naho. They both are willing to fight the Dragon. The both Hate the Dragon simply for being a Dragon. The Huntress obviously has reason to hate him. Nahoo only hates him because of the Moon/Sun religion that is never really explained as far as I've gotten.
This Parralel is reinforced by the writers, when Naho tries to kill you with the Assassin's blades if you. No they are not the same character, they each have their own stories and I'm not saying they are identical. Just because they are two of them that are "strong" female characters.
The biggest thing with the Huntress is that you get a CHANCE to prove your not who she thinks you are. And you have to prove you are not Cruel.
Nahoo thinks your a Sun Cursed Wyrm driven by your Dick. And you get nothing plot wise to change her opinion. The only options you get are how to Rape her.
I agree, I don't think their is anything you can do to her in prison that would make her submit.
That is why I think you going to need a "Charm" option as well. Like you get the Option with the Huntress. You need an option to Not treat her like a sex toy.
Currently Naho writing feels unfinished. Their is a scene between Nahoo and Issa where Isa poison Nahoo and instructs her to behave. - Nothing comes of it.
Naho also has another scene, when she is in heat and you choose to take her, she somehow gets the advantage and then rides you. This does suggest how near impossible it is for Nahoo to resist this urge as one of her instincts. As Naho in ever other mood, would and should use the chance to press the attack.
And again their is no follow up. Both scenes seems to be completely forgotten.
Also if you choose to take her Anally, she also cries for mercy and claims she submits... Again another scene that seems to be forgotten after it happens, as at that point all her scenes simply repeat.
well, you could try to ask for ot on discord if you have hope.
You stop selling on itch cause payment restrictions and u leave to a place that doesn't even have PayPal and another only for pc without possibility of getting Android version :/
Keep up the good work (β ββ βΏβ ββ )
Yo i was wondering that when you're gonna release the second chapter of ravager is it going to be a different app or the same app and when are you gonna release it
They're already working on chapter 5
no I meant Ravager 2 when they gonna release that
After they finish the first one
what? fr? omg, life chang3r frfr.
Is their any chance the game comes back to buy here on itch.io or maybe even patreon in the future? I really like the game but the game is blocked on steam in my country and subscribestar also doesnt work cuz my bankcard i have her in my country doesnt work their and i dont want to pay for a creditcard to be then able to pay on subscribestar (pay to be able to pay) -_-
I can send you the file, but I'll have to make sure the author allows it. lmk if you still want it. you'll still have to pay for it of course. I might just get you into contact with them, but just lmk. FAVORITE game.
Can you still download the full mobile version of it somehow?
If you purchased the full mobile version on Itch before their payment processors stopped accepting payment, you can continue to download updates indefinitely, provided that you associated your purchase with your Itch account like normal.
If you didn't buy through Itch previously, then the full mobile version is available through subscribing to our SubscribeStar.
I subscribed to the adult dragon ($5) tier but cant figure out where to download. Can you point me in the correct direction?
Link your SubStar account with your Discord account (on SubStar's account management page), then join the Discord server. You should be automatically granted the necessary permissions to download from the #game-builds channel.
Thank you kind sir
Hey there, I cannot recall if I've already asked, but it won't hurt to give a poke just in case I haven't.
The size of the game, particularly the animations file, has hit a point where my Linux rig is not longer able to properly unpack the tarball after downloading. Bit of a bummer, as I really did want to try the recent updates.
Are there any plans to make either "Lite" versions of the game available for download that have had the animations and audio stripped to reduce filesize and resource usage, for those who either do not use these functions or lack device specifications, or potentially to provide a regular zip version of the Linux download? This is likely more an issue with how tars are handled than anything else.
I'd recommend bringing this to the team's attention on our Discord server, in the #bug-reports channel.
I realize all good things take time, but some updates on how things are getting along/a rough ETA would be very much appreciated.
November 22 according to subscribe star
can i have a website for this subscription
https://subscribestar.adult/4minutewarning Not only do you get more updates but also the Android version and bonus art.
I was hoping it would update on day 100.
Hello everyone, and who knows when the game will be updated?
is this game dead or more updates coming?
The next chapter is supposed to come out all at once so there is a break in the monthly schedule until that's ready
Oh i see thanks
It seems the Walkthrough is inaccessible through google docs, where else could i find it?
With the recent takedown of the walkthrough from Google Docs, a version of the guide is available in your game files. If you have trouble accessing it, the document can also be downloaded from our Discord server.
I cant wait to see whats coming in the next update. With how long its taking.its got to be big.
I bought the game on steam, but i can't seem to find an android version there. Can i get some help?
The Android version of the game is unavailable through Steam. If you'd like to purchase the full Android version, you can only do so through SubscribeStar.
Question? What do you think about AI Art Guys? Because I get it drawing backgrounds and characters is not everyone thing but it makes me loose respect toward the devs. I hate AI art and I am glad this game has such good art you know.
i swear Cooch has the strength and charm of 20
I'm a fully blind player and I'm delighted to say that the "self voicing" and even better the "clipboard voicing" features built into Renpy work great with this game, except for two areas.
1. I can't edit the name of my dragon. Pressing keys to type just activates UI commands, and I can't press enter or space to put my cursor into the edit field because doing so progresses the story.
2. When choosing places to attack in my war room in act 3, the icons representing the various regions are only pictures with no text labels for the self voicing to read, so I have to randomly press enter on one of them, see what it says, go back, try to remember how many presses of the down arrow to do to find it again, and then pick it that way.
Still 90% accessible though, and I really do appreciate that!
Thank you for reporting these issues! We will do our best to fix them for the next update - 90% accessible is good, but 100% is much better. I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
Hi! We're working on this now. In our testing, the edit field is automatically focused when using self-voicing and clipboard voicing - such as when you hear "What is your name?". What Ren'Py settings or UI commands are you using? Which clipboard voicing software do you use?
Okay, I've figured it out, and it turns out that the issue is a completely different accessibility error.
I had custom names disabled via preferences, so keys were passing through to the game because the edit field wasn't available. I must have enabled it at some point by accident, because the toggle for it isn't actually labeled. I'm wondering if their are other settings in their with that issue as well? Might be worth going through and checking to see that they are all available and togglable with voicing enabled just encase.
Thanks for the attention on this issue! βΊ
After you are down with these game what else you have in story?
More monsters, a ugly bastard MC, another dragon game, or perhaps a female main character?