So does anyone know how to get Naho to be a willing consort without sending her to breaker? I know she Spoiler Alert, tries to kill you if she's not broken first, but I'd prefer having a clothed, Naho than a nude, collored and stitched hands one.
You can't, unfortunately. Maybe there will be an opportunity later. For example, we don't rape her and humiliate in public, we just hold her captive. Then we could convince her to come over to our side and lead the pack into battle for us.
Naho is proud and arrogant. If you break her, you lose the very essence of hers character. Smashing someone is no great performance, any brute can do it. Manipulate her with arguments to get her on your side. To this I say, fit for a king.
Probably not, although it is not entirely out of the question. She does have control over time and space. I had Malice return a consort after raising her well, but choosing someone other than her mom. (scene played out exactly the same after release as if there was no Malice) I can see how you raise her affecting the final storyline in act 5. Maybe she can return them, but it's also just as likely they are just gone.
When I was playing on the Android phone, I encountered a problem that the game could not continue to run. When I met a "goblin" in the castle and asked me to make a choice, he reported an error, "While running game code: Exception: Sayer 'kobnew' is not defined." Then my game could not run
Forgive me for my poor English, because I am communicating with you through a translator
Hey, I love your game and think its cool and all but I have a small problem. When I updated the game I was never able to see the new BG for the Ancient Spire. Any solutions?
I hate the sacrifice part it stresses me like i dont want to sacrifice anyone the malagar isn't that bad and the cave one but abonded mine oh nah but I still indure it like I am gonna pass this through and regret I have nothing to lose and I was a little traumatized by that I needed to think for a week but still I wanna play it is amazing and I love it and I love the voice of the characters and the characters I love how the animation is so amazing I love it and the different story route if i take a different path all i have to say is I love it and appreciate how you work hard on this game thank you
I hate the sacrifice part it stresses me like i dont want to sacrifice anyone the malagar isn't bad and cave one but abonded mine oh nah but I still indure it like I am gonna pass this through and regret I have nothing to lose I was a little traumatized by that I needed to think for a week but still I wanna play it is amazing and I love it
I will say the new scene between the wolf, marrie-anne, and the dragon is some of the absolute best art showing off the dragon both in body and dragonhood to date.
Please ,I really need some tips. The wolfgirl try to kill me when I choose her as my consort. Is there anyway can make me and her in peace? And no breaker.
I mean, she kinda hates your guts. You strolled in, beat her down and stole her pack from under her. And then made her your pet. Until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in your kinda stuck with her wanting to murder you. A more peaceful resolution seems unlikely without her suddenly changing her personality to something less confrontational and arrogant. But who knows, you may be able to tame the shrew into something that's more grateful for your presence. She didn't seem all that happy as Alpha in the first place, and her pack definitely didn't seem to like her in charge.
Act V is still under development so you can't see much of it. As of right now, you need to buy the game on Steam or get a code by donating $20 on SubscribeStar. Even then, you only get the intro to act 5, scene with Adeline, as the rest is under development.
I really really like the story and the animation and the art and i love the voices of the characters i even discover new things i love how mysterious the game is that i dont know what's ahead no spoilers and full of suprises i love it
The change between the "conversation" vectors and the "scene" art is a bit jarring for me. One embraces a more anime/cartoon aesthetic, while the other tries to boarder on the edge of realism.
However, I like the idea, and plan to play more of it. Once I map out the most efficient route to get my castle and as many waifus as I can get my claws on before the dreaded timer runs out.
I'm not sure then. I don't think I ever got that far in my first run. I got to the point of taking the city, and I could still explore outside the mountain. Maybe it was a bug.
I just finished it, and I kinda wish that at the end it took you back to your roost as the game is unfinished, so we could still interact with our people. I get that we're supposed to explore all possible options, but with ten pages of saves, I'd like to be able to go back to my Spire and interact with my girls.
I can't wait for the next update. Such a good game.
I don't usually post comments to these kinds of games but.. just wow. This game deserves a level of respect I'm unable to provide.
Let me start by saying my best girls were the Wolf Girl and the Drunk Girl, they were each my consort in my lair in the 2 campaign runs I ran. Also Best NPC was for sure "Breaker" the torturer, whoever voice acted him was awesome. Girl upset in the chamber saying I'm evil for putting her there and breaker is like "Master is not mean, Master is merciful, BREAKER is mean!" lmfao!
I am trying to convey how surprised and shocked (in a positive way) I was with this porn game. First of all, I presumed after reading the description that you would play a humanoid with dragon bloodline coursing in it's veins. So I was immediately surprised by the fact that no, I am literally a dragon... in dragon form doing things to humanoids.
Shocked, because the things you get to do with these humanoid females is just.. forbidden? Blasphemous? How can such things be in a game? My eyes are opened and I now realize we are truly in a new century because WOW.
Let me give 1 scenario that stuck with me overall and what pushed Wolf Girl ahead of Drunk girl for me. So initially on my first run through I tried to make Wolf Girl my consort off top, but the very next day she woke up and stabbed me and forced me to kill her. In this play through I decided to make Drunk girl my consort after killing the wolf girl.
However in my second play through I came to realize that if I had my Kobold army create a torture chamber first and used it to break the wolf girl, and then make her my consort, she not only becomes an obedient pet, there are a string of questlines related to her that I didn't even know about in my first play through. This means this game has huge replayability because different choices truly create vastly different experiences. On this second play through with Wolf Girl now serving as my broken consort, she only had one request which was to take her to go break off all relations with her previous wolf tribe. They jeer at her and such but when one tries to throw a rock at her I crushed him which let her know there are privileges for being the consort of a Dragon, this caused her to become even more obedient..
Just... my goodness who thought of these scenarios lmfao. This is a sadistic fantasy nerds wet dream for real... and I was lost in this game for days. I only just finally got my fill of it and stopped so I could write this review.
I look forward to any further content by the team who created this... this masterpiece!
p.s. - Breaking Maelys the Huntress after she storms your lair is the most enjoyable experience ever.. and it's something I fear to properly describe lest I end up on an FBI wanted list ha..
You really know how to throw a curveball lmao. I was so happy that Naho was assed as a consort, and then I got stabbed. After reading this legend's comment, I was lucky I had a save to go back to. I agree with him, you've created a masterpiece.
On mobile, when I'm start game after install. I was get introduced for two sentence and bam!! App stop working (kick me out) and when I'm try again. Same repeat.
ON android, if u can fix this.
For playing, i have method on my own but can't find way to open game even introduce setting hahahaha
This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We try to go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.
Someone else was able to fix it by: - Opening the game, and letting it crash - Going to Settings > Apps > Ravager > Clear Cache & Data - Clicking Force Stop - Reloading the game
I don't want to sound impatient, but is Chapter 5 also going to release soon, or is it going to be another month or two? Obviously I don't want you to rush things, just asking.
I have more of a question, maybe a suggestion? I played this title in its early infancy, Sadly I liked it haha, has the moral gaining improved or do you stikk sacrifice you harem to you horde to gain moral? I tried the walk through bit (which was setup ib a bit of a confusing manner) to get the most out of a playthrough. having to lose your girls to the horde only to bring up moral a little bit was a tad off putting and you never get to see your toy again.
Now this next bit is more of a suggestion mind you, bone crunching and devouring makes me a tad squimish, but I understand a dragon is a carnivore and must eat, but a big dragon trying to transport girls, why not in the belly with soft vore and regurgitation to show his toys whom is master and who is disposible.
Just my voice. last version played was 0.9 from
If you're playing in Dark Fantasy mode, you can prop up your hordes' Morale with treasure, or pillaging, or choosing not to conquer territories. If you're playing in Power Fantasy mode, you don't have to worry about their Morale at all. Sacrificing a waifu is your choice if you want to make it, and we have been adding 'fate scenes' for those who like that sort of thing.
Edited to add: there was never a v0.9 of Ravager - I recommend you avoid third-party rehosters, because they can be sketchy as hell.
oh thats certainly new to me, didnt know about the two modes. Thanks for that!
Also, i dont remember what the actual version number was specifically but it was maybe a year or more ago I played Ravager. I’ll download this version and give it a whirl lol.
Yeah, i kinda had to leave those sites since they are now making downloads almost impossible to deal with. I have been reviewing titles from them for the longest time but only seemed to fall on deaf ears with little to no responses. You may want to peek in on them if you didnt know about it. Makes me feel a little guilty if you didnt
No worries! I'm aware there are lots of third party... I think 'rehosters' is the polite term? I can't possibly keep track of all of them, though. But I do read all feedback on our official channels - here, on Steam, and on our Discord.
Thats very true, I have gotten many wonderful replies and thank yous from DEVs on my reviews and suggestions! Welp, I'm about to give your title a play through, see you!
In this boring, stale and repetitive world known as modern gaming it's games like these that are fresh and new that I truly enjoy......I can't believe how much I enjoyed this game.....keep up the good work man I'm definitely gonna fund this game
Is there any way to completely reset your saves? I wanted to start fresh with the new update so I deleted the previous version before downloading 4.40, however, my old saves are still on there.
On PC, you can if you: 1. Delete the 'saves' subfolder of Ravager. 2. Go to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Renpy, and delete the folder whose name starts with Ravager.
I'm still getting the saves and preferences showing up if I delete the save folder under the ravagar file. I have even tried to delete the entire ravager file and download a new one, so there is no file on my computer, and that still doesn't work. For the other option, I can't find the file when looking through my folders. Is there a specific sub folder to search under to find it?
Edit: I managed to get it by using the AppData application, but it was difficult to find.
Would you make another game like Ravager, with a whole different premise and storyline? Ravager is a very good game. Your work is extremely impressive, especially considering this is your first game. I would like to see more games like this, in the future. Other hentai games are not at this level of sophistication with the music, storyline and voice acting. It was literally like a console game.
Dear developer 4MinuteWarning, please tell me whether in the next update we can expect a Russian translation to this masterpiece? In the latest updates, it is present only partially.
On one of the sites, you have a translation assigned to you, if you do not have time to do it, then please write to the administrator, he does not give permission for the translation.
Our translations are fanmade, and they are in progress. If you would like to help with the translation for your language, come to our Discord server (linked in the game's main menu), and let me know!
I'm not sure there's a way to find out, given that it seems dragons seem to get murdered before they live to old age. At least from the sound of the protagonists predecessors. The huntress herself has said she's killed numerous ones.
I'd question if they are immortal otherwise though. Since there's no male elves, wouldn't that mean they have a limited dwindling population? They'd have to live a loooong time to just stave off extinction.
after reading the comments, I get inspired because there are so many good ideas that I really want to see in the game, but at the same time it becomes sad, because not all of them will get into the game. sometimes it becomes really a pity that I can’t help the developers in any way because I don’t have extra money or time. earlier I wanted to help with the translation into Russian, but then I realized that I would spoil the whole game. it's sad because I almost fell in love with this game, it's like a fresh idea, where there is no banal gg and gray gameplay of the same type (the developers went along a banal but also a new path. in most wretched people you can just fuck girls / give gifts. but here you can to feel like a real owner of beauties because there are much more actions (this is a tricky move, because power really gives pleasure, especially when there is an opportunity to be both a bad and a good dragon)) this is really something new!
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So does anyone know how to get Naho to be a willing consort without sending her to breaker? I know she Spoiler Alert, tries to kill you if she's not broken first, but I'd prefer having a clothed, Naho than a nude, collored and stitched hands one.
You can't, unfortunately. Maybe there will be an opportunity later. For example, we don't rape her and humiliate in public, we just hold her captive. Then we could convince her to come over to our side and lead the pack into battle for us.
That was exactly what I did, but that is fair I suppose. We can't have everything.
You cannot, I'm afraid. She hates you, with good reason.
Her hatred is understandable, but if I don't hurt her, she can't be a spouse. Will she be possible in the future to recruit without breaking she?
She isn't like Maelys...Dear Naho is stuck in her ways.... Sending her to Breaker makes sense in terms of her character
Naho is proud and arrogant. If you break her, you lose the very essence of hers character. Smashing someone is no great performance, any brute can do it. Manipulate her with arguments to get her on your side. To this I say, fit for a king.
So, I raised Malice poorly and she ended up "killing" my consorts. Will I be able to get them back in the next act? Or they gone forever?
Probably not, although it is not entirely out of the question. She does have control over time and space. I had Malice return a consort after raising her well, but choosing someone other than her mom. (scene played out exactly the same after release as if there was no Malice) I can see how you raise her affecting the final storyline in act 5. Maybe she can return them, but it's also just as likely they are just gone.
When I was playing on the Android phone, I encountered a problem that the game could not continue to run. When I met a "goblin" in the castle and asked me to make a choice, he reported an error, "While running game code: Exception: Sayer 'kobnew' is not defined." Then my game could not run
Forgive me for my poor English, because I am communicating with you through a translator
Hi! It sounds like an error was introduced in translation. Are you using an official translation? Which language?
I'm using Baidu Translator. My language is Chinese
Can you please make Valzira and ISSA a consort option
i agree with atleast Valzira part it would be nice to have a positive outcome with her too
I totally agree a Valzira part would be really cool
I agree with Valzira Consort too.
that would be amazing
Issa, please!
Hey, I love your game and think its cool and all but I have a small problem. When I updated the game I was never able to see the new BG for the Ancient Spire. Any solutions?
This is a bug, and we're fixing it for the upcoming patch build!
Cool and thanks for the response!
I hate the sacrifice part it stresses me like i dont want to sacrifice anyone the malagar isn't that bad and the cave one but abonded mine oh nah but I still indure it like I am gonna pass this through and regret I have nothing to lose and I was a little traumatized by that I needed to think for a week but still I wanna play it is amazing and I love it and I love the voice of the characters and the characters I love how the animation is so amazing I love it and the different story route if i take a different path all i have to say is I love it and appreciate how you work hard on this game thank you
Thank you! You don't have to sacrifice anyone if you don't want to, but I'm glad it feels weighty if you do - I want your decisions to be meaningful!
Is there anyway to cheat on mobile
Power Fantasy mode gives you unbeatable stats and limitless resources, if that's what you want?
Excuse me .Who's Zizeryx ?And where I can find it?
Zizeryx is the leader of the Infernals, who will appear if you choose the abandoned mine as your lair.
Thank's for the tip.I always play the tower route ,no wonder Idk about it. Btw .I d'ont have to sacrifi my girl to see Zizeryx.Right?
All lair factions require the sacrifice of a different, specific person if you want to 'activate' them. But you don't have to if you don't want to.
I see.
I hate the sacrifice part it stresses me like i dont want to sacrifice anyone the malagar isn't bad and cave one but abonded mine oh nah but I still indure it like I am gonna pass this through and regret I have nothing to lose I was a little traumatized by that I needed to think for a week but still I wanna play it is amazing and I love it
I will say the new scene between the wolf, marrie-anne, and the dragon is some of the absolute best art showing off the dragon both in body and dragonhood to date.
Thank you :) Lubbio has kept honing his craft over the last three years, and I think it shows!
who’s the artist for the portraits
Our character designs were initially done by 6Lushy; our modern character art is made by Irrelevant Art!
Unpopular opinion to some I like the cartoonish art better from 6Lushy then the realistic one during the scenes
Lubbio does good work, but all of his faces look the same...
Please ,I really need some tips. The wolfgirl try to kill me when I choose her as my consort. Is there anyway can make me and her in peace? And no breaker.
Not that I know of. Maybe he'll make an alternate way in the future. I'm a sucker for being a nice dragon
we all are... at least I am
I mean, she kinda hates your guts. You strolled in, beat her down and stole her pack from under her. And then made her your pet. Until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in your kinda stuck with her wanting to murder you. A more peaceful resolution seems unlikely without her suddenly changing her personality to something less confrontational and arrogant. But who knows, you may be able to tame the shrew into something that's more grateful for your presence. She didn't seem all that happy as Alpha in the first place, and her pack definitely didn't seem to like her in charge.
Hello, I would like to report a bug with the Spanish version, since there are sections and dialogs that are not translated and appear in English.
All our translations are fanmade, and are still in progress. If you'd like to help, let me know on Discord!
After i freed the queen i just get hit to the menu and nothing more i thought i could u know her as well
the story is still incomplete i think
Act V is still under development so you can't see much of it. As of right now, you need to buy the game on Steam or get a code by donating $20 on SubscribeStar. Even then, you only get the intro to act 5, scene with Adeline, as the rest is under development.
NaHo still hate now and I can't feed her or treat her nice. Is something wrong I did ?
I really really like the story and the animation and the art and i love the voices of the characters i even discover new things i love how mysterious the game is that i dont know what's ahead no spoilers and full of suprises i love it
Hey quick question but why cant i do anything after i finish the war counsil?
Why do we have to buy the full version on Steam or SubscribeStar instead of buying it here? This is just a question
I do plan to make it available on Itch in the future! There are some technical and legal hurdles to sort out first, but I'm working on them.
Just tried 4.4.0. PC version but when I tried to run it nothing happened. It wont launch what do I need to do?
One small question . How do I feed NAHO?
The change between the "conversation" vectors and the "scene" art is a bit jarring for me. One embraces a more anime/cartoon aesthetic, while the other tries to boarder on the edge of realism.
However, I like the idea, and plan to play more of it. Once I map out the most efficient route to get my castle and as many waifus as I can get my claws on before the dreaded timer runs out.
You should be able to scroll down menus with the bar to the right of them. Does that work for you?
after the war council starts i cant leave the tower is there a way to or should i restart the game before the council
Once you conquer the country you can leave again. You gotta finish the war council first
i did and made it to the end of it but it just goes to the main menu after we free the princess
I'm not sure then. I don't think I ever got that far in my first run. I got to the point of taking the city, and I could still explore outside the mountain. Maybe it was a bug.
Dealing with the princess is as far as you can go in the current version of the game.
I just finished it, and I kinda wish that at the end it took you back to your roost as the game is unfinished, so we could still interact with our people. I get that we're supposed to explore all possible options, but with ten pages of saves, I'd like to be able to go back to my Spire and interact with my girls.
I can't wait for the next update. Such a good game.
Don't know why but last 2 updates won't play on my laptop keeps saying not supported even tho I have in previous versions
Show post...
I don't usually post comments to these kinds of games but.. just wow. This game deserves a level of respect I'm unable to provide.
Let me start by saying my best girls were the Wolf Girl and the Drunk Girl, they were each my consort in my lair in the 2 campaign runs I ran. Also Best NPC was for sure "Breaker" the torturer, whoever voice acted him was awesome. Girl upset in the chamber saying I'm evil for putting her there and breaker is like "Master is not mean, Master is merciful, BREAKER is mean!" lmfao!
I am trying to convey how surprised and shocked (in a positive way) I was with this porn game. First of all, I presumed after reading the description that you would play a humanoid with dragon bloodline coursing in it's veins. So I was immediately surprised by the fact that no, I am literally a dragon... in dragon form doing things to humanoids.
Shocked, because the things you get to do with these humanoid females is just.. forbidden? Blasphemous? How can such things be in a game? My eyes are opened and I now realize we are truly in a new century because WOW.
Let me give 1 scenario that stuck with me overall and what pushed Wolf Girl ahead of Drunk girl for me. So initially on my first run through I tried to make Wolf Girl my consort off top, but the very next day she woke up and stabbed me and forced me to kill her. In this play through I decided to make Drunk girl my consort after killing the wolf girl.
However in my second play through I came to realize that if I had my Kobold army create a torture chamber first and used it to break the wolf girl, and then make her my consort, she not only becomes an obedient pet, there are a string of questlines related to her that I didn't even know about in my first play through. This means this game has huge replayability because different choices truly create vastly different experiences. On this second play through with Wolf Girl now serving as my broken consort, she only had one request which was to take her to go break off all relations with her previous wolf tribe. They jeer at her and such but when one tries to throw a rock at her I crushed him which let her know there are privileges for being the consort of a Dragon, this caused her to become even more obedient..
Just... my goodness who thought of these scenarios lmfao. This is a sadistic fantasy nerds wet dream for real... and I was lost in this game for days. I only just finally got my fill of it and stopped so I could write this review.
I look forward to any further content by the team who created this... this masterpiece!
p.s. - Breaking Maelys the Huntress after she storms your lair is the most enjoyable experience ever.. and it's something I fear to properly describe lest I end up on an FBI wanted list ha..
Thank you so much ^_^ I wanted to make something a little different, and I'm glad you're enjoying the results.
You really know how to throw a curveball lmao. I was so happy that Naho was assed as a consort, and then I got stabbed. After reading this legend's comment, I was lucky I had a save to go back to. I agree with him, you've created a masterpiece.
On mobile, when I'm start game after install. I was get introduced for two sentence and bam!! App stop working (kick me out) and when I'm try again. Same repeat.
ON android, if u can fix this.
For playing, i have method on my own but can't find way to open game even introduce setting hahahaha
This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We try to go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.
Someone else was able to fix it by:
- Opening the game, and letting it crash
- Going to Settings > Apps > Ravager > Clear Cache & Data
- Clicking Force Stop
- Reloading the game
I don't want to sound impatient, but is Chapter 5 also going to release soon, or is it going to be another month or two? Obviously I don't want you to rush things, just asking.
Version 5.0.0, the first major instalment of Act V, is currently on course to be completed before the end of the year.
Is this act 5
Act 5 is not out yet. It will probably be a few more months before we get that.
I have more of a question, maybe a suggestion? I played this title in its early infancy, Sadly I liked it haha, has the moral gaining improved or do you stikk sacrifice you harem to you horde to gain moral? I tried the walk through bit (which was setup ib a bit of a confusing manner) to get the most out of a playthrough. having to lose your girls to the horde only to bring up moral a little bit was a tad off putting and you never get to see your toy again.
Now this next bit is more of a suggestion mind you, bone crunching and devouring makes me a tad squimish, but I understand a dragon is a carnivore and must eat, but a big dragon trying to transport girls, why not in the belly with soft vore and regurgitation to show his toys whom is master and who is disposible.
Just my voice. last version played was 0.9 from
If you're playing in Dark Fantasy mode, you can prop up your hordes' Morale with treasure, or pillaging, or choosing not to conquer territories. If you're playing in Power Fantasy mode, you don't have to worry about their Morale at all. Sacrificing a waifu is your choice if you want to make it, and we have been adding 'fate scenes' for those who like that sort of thing.
Edited to add: there was never a v0.9 of Ravager - I recommend you avoid third-party rehosters, because they can be sketchy as hell.
oh thats certainly new to me, didnt know about the two modes. Thanks for that!
Also, i dont remember what the actual version number was specifically but it was maybe a year or more ago I played Ravager. I’ll download this version and give it a whirl lol.
Yeah, i kinda had to leave those sites since they are now making downloads almost impossible to deal with. I have been reviewing titles from them for the longest time but only seemed to fall on deaf ears with little to no responses. You may want to peek in on them if you didnt know about it. Makes me feel a little guilty if you didnt
No worries! I'm aware there are lots of third party... I think 'rehosters' is the polite term? I can't possibly keep track of all of them, though. But I do read all feedback on our official channels - here, on Steam, and on our Discord.
Thats very true, I have gotten many wonderful replies and thank yous from DEVs on my reviews and suggestions! Welp, I'm about to give your title a play through, see you!
In this boring, stale and repetitive world known as modern gaming it's games like these that are fresh and new that I truly enjoy......I can't believe how much I enjoyed this game.....keep up the good work man I'm definitely gonna fund this game
Thank you ^_^ I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!
Is there any way to completely reset your saves? I wanted to start fresh with the new update so I deleted the previous version before downloading 4.40, however, my old saves are still on there.
On PC, you can if you:
1. Delete the 'saves' subfolder of Ravager.
2. Go to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Renpy, and delete the folder whose name starts with Ravager.
I'm still getting the saves and preferences showing up if I delete the save folder under the ravagar file. I have even tried to delete the entire ravager file and download a new one, so there is no file on my computer, and that still doesn't work. For the other option, I can't find the file when looking through my folders. Is there a specific sub folder to search under to find it?
Edit: I managed to get it by using the AppData application, but it was difficult to find.
Sorry for all the questions.
Would you make another game like Ravager, with a whole different premise and storyline? Ravager is a very good game. Your work is extremely impressive, especially considering this is your first game. I would like to see more games like this, in the future. Other hentai games are not at this level of sophistication with the music, storyline and voice acting. It was literally like a console game.
Thank you very much! Yes, I have many ideas for H games that I would love to make, once I am finished with Ravager ^_^
Dear developer 4MinuteWarning, please tell me whether in the next update we can expect a Russian translation to this masterpiece? In the latest updates, it is present only partially.
On one of the sites, you have a translation assigned to you, if you do not have time to do it, then please write to the administrator, he does not give permission for the translation.
Our translations are fanmade, and they are in progress. If you would like to help with the translation for your language, come to our Discord server (linked in the game's main menu), and let me know!
I wanted to know who lives longer, a dragon or an elf?
whatever doesn't get killed first. But it depends on what dragon and elf it's based off of
if Heloise or the Dragon didn't die by violence, who would live longer? do they die of old age?
I'm not sure there's a way to find out, given that it seems dragons seem to get murdered before they live to old age. At least from the sound of the protagonists predecessors. The huntress herself has said she's killed numerous ones.
I'd question if they are immortal otherwise though. Since there's no male elves, wouldn't that mean they have a limited dwindling population? They'd have to live a loooong time to just stave off extinction.
It seems that this site is now getting spammers. I've reported at least 3 in the past day for the same terrible ads.
Edit: make that 4
Man that sucks
It is very annoying. I keep deleting and banning, but they keep coming back. Hopefully Itch finds a solution soon.
Developer update please i am dying
They're working on a big one I think which is why this one is taking a little while longer
разработчики писали что это большое обновление и обещали выпустить в конце этого месяца
Will Valzira ever be a consort option or embrace Malice?
Most likely (Malice I'm pretty sure has a role in Act 5<The act not out yet>)
after reading the comments, I get inspired because there are so many good ideas that I really want to see in the game, but at the same time it becomes sad, because not all of them will get into the game. sometimes it becomes really a pity that I can’t help the developers in any way because I don’t have extra money or time. earlier I wanted to help with the translation into Russian, but then I realized that I would spoil the whole game. it's sad because I almost fell in love with this game, it's like a fresh idea, where there is no banal gg and gray gameplay of the same type (the developers went along a banal but also a new path. in most wretched people you can just fuck girls / give gifts. but here you can to feel like a real owner of beauties because there are much more actions (this is a tricky move, because power really gives pleasure, especially when there is an opportunity to be both a bad and a good dragon)) this is really something new!
I love you work, 4m warning