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Hello I am back to plea for more Issa content once again, maybe even consort option?  c':

Game is coming along wonderfully by the way! 


When are you gonna start pn new projects? New game?

Probably when they finish this one

Hello I'm brazilian I would like to mention a bug in the Android version, my device is a Samsung galaxy A03s, Android 13, 64bit. The problem is when I enter the game and get to the part of the kittens asking questions then the game automatically exits no matter what I do I can't play. It may be compatibility with Android, but there are games that used to not work anymore, now they work correctly, less ravager. Is there anything I can do or will you address it in future updates?

do you know when the full version will be available for windows?


Will there be a Act V update in demo or public version?

Act V is limited to paid customers or supporters on SubscribeStar.

Ok thanks

Did they remove the Spanish translation?

The Spanish translation was temporally removed for revisions, it will be back for the next update.


Please take your time I don't know what happened but I hope you're all okay.


Thank you! We're okay, just had a few misfortunes arrive around the same time. It happens with small teams. We should be back to full strength in April!

for Russian cards, the payment for a subscription to Subscribestar has changed, do I need to use a VPN?

Is there a way to prevent the conflict between the Wolfmen and Mercs in Act 5?  I don't necessarily want to lose either of them, as it will lead to more conflict, and I didn't think I gave either of them contradictory orders.  

Would promising the wolfman women prevent the incident, as opposed to the lowlands?

Could there be a middle ground that doesn't split the hoards?  

Will we be able to bring a rebellious hoard back under control, like how we improved to mood of some of the captives?

Yes, promising the wolfmen women (and then giving them to them) will avoid a conflict.

I have question.  If I subscribe to Subscribestar for $5. Will I get the latest build with Act 5?

You will, yes!

(5 edits)

Olá eu sou brasileiro

Gostaria de fala um bug que tem na versão de Android, o meu aparelho é um Samsung galaxy A03s, Android 13, 64bit.

O problema é quando entro no jogo e chega na parte das gatinhas fazendo perguntas então o jogo sai automaticamente não importa o que eu faça não consigo joga.

Pode ser compatibilidade com o Android, mais tem jogos que antigamente não entravam mais agora funcionam corretamente, menos ravager.

Tem algo que eu possa fazer ou vocês vão resolver em atualizações futuras?

Will it come out in Chinese?

The game will be translated into Chinese but we are nowhere near it.

I bought the game without seeing that the only file was for android, is there some way for me to get the one for linux or a refund?

If you raise a refund request via Stripe, I'll cancel your access here and get a refund sent to you.

Where can i find the mine in thus game i look everywhere

Attack the ox cart on road and Mina will lead you there.


Will we be able to convince anyone other than Darja to be Queen In the future?

Heloise for example?

Is ist still possible to get a Steamkey for Subscribing at 20$on your Subscriberstar?

Yes, it is :)


Do you plan to add paypal as payment method for Android purchase in future ?

You should be able to order a free PayPal cash card from PayPal and you can use that

Hi there i was playing android dimo version of this game and was wondering if I buy the full version is act five fully finished 



Is every scene in the gallery? Or are some only in the game? :3

Only scenes with finished art are in the gallery.


Played the Demo many times now and i decided to support you on Subscriberstar. Unfortunately i cant buy the game in the Steam store.   Thank you for Making this Awsome game

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

What does the public demo version 5.0.3 mean? Has Act 5 been added or just nothing has changed?

We are continuing to update Acts I-IV as well as Act V. Updated demo versions will not include Act V content, but they will have other additions and improvements (listed separately in the changelogs).


As always  this exceeds  expectations but I had a question about the lore, does every child with a dragon who doesn’t come from a dragon princess or an elf turns out a kobold or different races breeding make different babies?

I will not talk about as-yet-unrevealed gameworld information, sorry! But you will find out in time :)

That’s okay I understand, you don’t want to ruin the magic of your artwork. Anyway it’s always worth the wait of every update 

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The demo is act 1 to 3 right? I kind of cheated to go to a save to know where to find the mine I haven't see it yet plan to play the demo again. I completed the moral with the religion girl but I can't scarfice her seems like a act 4. 

The demo includes Acts 1 to 4; all the content that used to be in our public builds is still in the demo builds. If you have messed around with cheats or saves, I cannot provide any support for whatever weirdness happens to you.

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I built the hurt chamber it seems I can't hurt and break any girl, so far the farm girl, not Draja.

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oh I just delete all progressed I was more merciful but I like being a brute more lol. 

Hello, the authors of the game. I like your game, but there is a nuance, why are most of the dialogues in English in the Russian localization?

All our translations are made by fans, and none of them are complete yet. If you would like to help translate the game into your own language (and get rewards for doing so), please say so on our Discord server! We could always use extra help.

if I knew how to translate, I would translate for free

Alright, I've been following the game for a while, and want to support the development & get access to act V by buying it, but had a couple questions.  Firstly, if I wanted to play on both android & steam, would I need to buy it twice, or is there any option to purchase access to both?  And secondly, I just want to confirm if purchasing the Android build on Itch would get me access to future updates.

(2 edits)

I'm glad you've been enjoying the game :) Purchasing on Itch will give you access to all future updates for Android. It will not give you access to the PC game on Steam, as there is no way to link the two platforms.

Deleted 1 year ago

No, versions of the game on Steam, SubscribeStar and Itch are all completely uncensored and include the same content.

Hello, I ended up paying for android version because im stoopid, I want to get the PC version, any way to fix this?

(2 edits)

The PC version is available on Steam or SubscribeStar. If you have paid for an Android version that you have no use for, please contact me (on Discord or via Stripe) with details of your purchase; I will cancel your access, and refund you.

I believe I sent an email to you via Stripe now, hope I sent it to the correct mail

I have refunded the purchase for you, it should appear on your statement in the next 5-10 days :)


Thank you very much! I bought it on steam instead so now I can play on PC

Hello I ended up paying for the android version on itch a few days ago, anyway I could get a steam key or a refund so I can buy the game on steam? I sent an email about this a few days ago and haven't gotten a response.


Hi, sorry for the delay - I was very sick last week. This should now be sorted for you.

(1 edit)

No worries, I hope you feel better soon. To clarify, this means ill be refunded? 

Yes, I don't want to take your money if it was given in error!


Thank you very much! I appreciate the help and I'll be buying on steam immediately once the refund comes in!


Will the steam version for mac be updated to be a 64-bit game, as my mac no longer runs 32-bit games at all?

I'll check with my lead coder, but I expect so!


Awesome! I'll definitely be getting it then, the game looks very fun!

He has confirmed that it *is* 64-bit, it was labelled as 32-bit due to a backend error that should be fixed now :)


Even better! I'll definitely be buying it as soon as I can then!

Is there any love to the Patreon? I cant find the newest Versions there


Due to Patreon's censorship policies, Ravager is not available there. You can find the most recent versions of the game on Itch, Steam, or SubscribeStar.


Thats kinda unlucky it isn't available on steam in my land and i dont have a credit card to buy it here xD

my problem too where i live is any game where a drawn/animated nipple already let alone a naked pussy is in a game it gets completly banned from my country over steam, i created a subscribestar account because i thought i could pay there with paypal, but only credit card/debit card, right now im waging if there is much new worth the 15 bucks, i got the older version where it was for free,  and 15+ bucks i cant afford for any game since i have to turn every penny arround so for me im waging arround right now if i reduce something else to buy it here or get a workarround, but some countrys are just outdaded witht hte laws, and steam dont care much at all, they just said from where i am "they dont have any possibility to confirm our ages", and relys mostly its just broken, when i put my orginial birth date it steam cant remember it but when i put just a diffrent year in and let day and month as its preset, it can save that infos, its just for some countrys broken as hell, thats why i hoped there would be a patreon account where you can at least pay with paypal

Wouldn't it be possbile to pay it with paypal from here?

PayPal is not a safe payment processor for games of this nature, sorry.


I truly enjoyed the game when I purchaced it, however the removal of the pc version is literally insulting to anybody who paid for it in a previous version.


The PC paid version of the game has never been for sale on Itch. The PC demo version available on Itch is identical to the PC demo version that has always been available on Itch. Nothing has been removed.


ok I admit it was a poor choice of words, removed is indeed incorrect in this context. however when I paid for this game, to have on pc, the dens and denial update had just came out, and I figured if I get the full pc release I might as well pay full price, (keep in mind there was no evidence at the time to suggest otherwise) however as I came back only to figure out that version I had  hoped for, which is the reason I put forth my money is not available for sale on the platform in which I purchased it.  which is not only rude, unfair, and predatory, it is also in violation of  15 U.S.C. § 1125


keep in mind i am not threatening legal action, i simply want the game on the platform in which i paid for it, without paying for it twice, so i either want a refund so i can buy it on steam or i want the pc version on


Just looked over 15 U.S.C. § 1125, it does not fit in this case.

But yea, the world can seem rude and unfair when you make assumptions.


(1)Any person who, on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container for goods, uses in commerce any word, term, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, or any false designation of origin, false or misleading description of fact, or false or misleading representation of fact. 

The fact that the original product was advertised, multiple times, to be for sale on multiple platforms, in every pre 5.0.0 release, shows clear misrepresentation of the product. specifically in article b which reads:

(B)in commercial advertising or promotion, misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin of his or her or another person’s goods, services, or commercial activities,

The lack of a pc  version on the website mainly accessed through a pc which previously released constant updates for pc versions of the product provided. is a clear misrepresentation of nature of the product through previous action or intent.

although it would ultimately come down to the court of public opinion, which i highly doubt would be so entertained with the antics of a porn game on the internet.


The first version of Ravager to be made available for purchase on Itch was version 5.0.0, which was about six months after Dens & Denial (4.3.10). If you purchased a copy before then, it must have been on Steam, which is a separate platform. Do you have a copy of the game in your Steam library?


No, you see I am completely aware that the version s before 5.0.0 were free, however I had willingly donated money, which gave access to the full release which at the time I had no evidence to assume would be unavailable on for pc. however the game instead is android only for the full release on, which is where my problem lies, I paid for the games release so I could play on my device, however I am unable to do so without rebuying the game as the original purchase I made only gave me access in the future to a device In which is not capable of running the game.


If you were a backer at $20 tier or higher when we released on Steam, you will have been provided with a free Steam key. If you were not, you will not have been - but I have ever promised access to PC on Itch to anyone.

I added Android sales on Itch because I didn't want to leave Android users (who can't use Steam) behind when we moved to Act V. PC support on Itch is planned, but it will take a while as we need to navigate some legal and technical hurdles first.

I live in turkey and it says my card has  insufficient funds even tough i have like 289 liras(285 liras is 15 dollars) can someone help me?


I cannot provide support on behalf of Stripe, sorry. Are they able to help you?

i found out the reason was cus my card was closed to international purchases i fixed it by opening it  


Will you guys be uploading pc versions here too or should I buy it on Steam directly ?

PC support on Itch is planned, but we need to tackle some difficult legal and technical hurdles first. I strongly encourage using Steam if you can, this may take a good while!

I have the full version for android and it keeps crashing, saying it has a bug, but not what the bug is

Can you post the error screen to our #bug-reports channel on Discord?

(1 edit)

now it just crashes without giving the "I have a bug" screen. One second I'm about to choose a dialog option and the next I'm seeing my home screen


Welp would love to play it sadly, the German Government is very strict on Adult games on Steam at least.

same. i wish there was a way around it... :(

Censorship sucks, and I'm sorry. We have a post on how to access Ravager from Germany on our Discord server, maybe that will help?

"Harem: Catching up with broken Naho (two variants, collab with Mattrex)."
Does this mean you've finally gone back to characters that were modified by warlock?

This line refers to Naho as broken by Breaker. Naho's warlock fate already has a followup scene, and additional content is planned for the future. But we have more pressing priorities right now!

I would like to say Rest in peace, Spam. Sorry I did not notice their passing before.

Thanks bud, he was a good man, and we all miss him a lot.

how close is this to 100% completion?

Acts I-IV represent about 70% of the total game. We are about a hundred thousand words into Act V, and expect to finish it sometime in the next year or so. After that there will be free expansions to add to the existing content across the whole game.

I’m using an Apple IPhone and I’ve downloaded the Demo for the Android. I’ve got the file but I don’t know how to install it. Can anyone help?

I don't think you can install the android apk on an Apple. Dowbload the Apple version and follow the installation instructions...

(1 edit) (+1)

Theres no iPhone version. Unfortunately, iphones are way too locked down so there's no way to get games on them easily. Every app/game has to be approved by Apple to be downloaded, so they don't let you download anything that's not in the app store.

Apple uses .api files for iPhones, and not .apk ones. even if the files in here were .api files, you'd have to download them on your computer, and use an injector (computer software meant for developers  that installs software on your phone to test your code, illegal to use if you are not a developer that is aproved by Apple).

The " c5_menu_return not found" problem is still showing me on the android.

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