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Yeah, it was about the best porn game I have seen on steam  so far. I am not seeing it on steam for some reason. I got to the end and played it pretty vanilla. In time I might play it again and either have the drunk, or the wolfgirl as my consort. I actually didn't see any special benefit to being too much of an asshole in the game which I liked. Playing it kind of made me feel like I was taking one of those purity tests were the more depraved you are the higher you score. Actually that would be fun to have score at  the end! Anyways I will watch for a new game when and if it comes out!


Thanks for the good game


Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it ^_^

When will there be the next story update?

I'm not involved with the making of the game but usually  30 or so days after the  previous update.



Chapter Two of our final Act is planned for release this summer (fingers crossed). We'll keep updating monthly with smaller builds until then :)

Is there any way to get Maelys out of her catatonic state?

There is, but it is not a nice one



There are actually  two ways

1. Ask the infernals for "help" Result She's now a redskined futa rage demon.

2. Ask Malice for help in the castle dungeon, Result complete personality change, it might b her body but it's not her.

I would recommend for now to keep it in your pants progress through the dialogue as you did before but DO NOT FUCK HER!

I like the first result

Yeah, and also there's a 3rd way - you're not fycking her (at all), you're reasonably talk with her during Acts IV & V  and bring her back to her senses by yourself. Then she'll consider to become your knight and will come back in Ch.2 of Act V (next update)


Adeline can also 'help', in Act V!


Where can I buy it without using Steam? Steam doesn't sell adult games in my country. Is there any platform to buy this game at? 


If you subscribe to us on SubscribeStar at the $20 tier and send me a message, I can send you a Steam key (which can be redeemed anywhere, including Germany).


please create more content or new games entirely but keep the whole dragon protagonist keep up the great work your amazing


Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying our work so far ^_^


sorry not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm trying to trigger the new pregnancy scene with valzira but I don't know how to "break her" help would be appreciated I assume I've missed something. referring to this in the patch notes:

  • "Scene: You may celebrate Valzira’s pregnancy announcement together if she is broken."

By using Breaker in the torture chamber

Probably not the right place to make bug reports, and this one is very minor since it's easy to max potency anyway, but

At the point in progression where you first get the anal option for sabatha (second time visiting them in your lair I think?) if you choose to repeat the oral scene instead, you'll still get a potency increase at the end.

Since visiting doesn't progress toward the end of the act, this can be repeated for infinite potency.


Thank you! Please post bug reports to our Discord, it's easier for us to manage issues there and we'll be able to fix them faster :)

And here I was starting to think it was intentional and she just had the insano succ

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My favorite consort is Mary-Anne, please add some dialogue options for marry her and live togeter in the court!. Her final, at final of chapter 5 is so sad, and let me soo chilled. Please.

Okay I found a bug or two they seem connected.

I got Valzira pregnant after "breaking her" got the dream with Malice, slept with Heloise, then Valzira drank the poison to kill the "abomination" and the fight in the lair happens as usual.

I choose my pillow  consort Valzira, got to sleep and suddenly Petruk wakes me up because the baby is coming.

Exited to see the seen with broken Valzira, but Valzira isn't there Heloise is.

Now I have a baby from the wrong elf and a permanently preggo Valzira, who is always covered in cum.

Also I didn't have a scene with her before the final battle.

This has to be the first time I've actually found a bug I'm going to try starting over and not fucking Heloise to see if things go differently will report my findings.

I did a run were I didn't touch Heloise until after Malices birth and had no issue. 

Do i have to delete previous copy when installing a new version?

How do I buy the android version of the game? I can only buy the pc version on steam


You can get access to the full Android version by backing us on SubscribeStar.

what if we have already purchased it here?


go to your library and download from there


9/10, wish I could fuck Malagar 









Who is malagar 

Hey probably  a silly question but is there still a way to download it for android?


The free Android version is available here. Due to issues with payment providers, the only way to get the full Android version is to back us on SubscribeStar.


I bought it on steam but file kept saying virus. Tried to correct it but the file did not play. Sadly had to refund. I really wanted to own it too.


Our executable does not contain a virus (we've checked), but all antivirus software can experience "false positives". Add an exception for Ravager to your AV software and redownload the files if you would like to play.

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I'm having an issue installing 5.1.4 on my tablet it keeps saying app not installed.

Id uninstall 5.1.3 but i forgot to back it up an i don't want do be stuck back at 5.1.2 if it doesn't work.

Is there anyway i can get a copy of 5.1.3 for android?

Edit : Uninstalling then reinstalling worked nevermind.


Glad you got it sorted!

Did you recently get the mobile version? Can you tell me where I can buy it


Due to issues with payment providers, the only way to get the full Android version is to back us on SubscribeStar.

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Crap I wish I took the chance to but it on itchio because I don't want to download steam and I don't remember my account. 


I missed it too. Ended up buying on steam, and I'm having a blast. Should have bought it sooner, 100% recommended .

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I will make new account and buy on steam if it's not censored? 


Definitely not censored in my country (Italy). You should check yours: for example, if I'm not mistaken you cannot buy it in Germany...

That is Correct i cant buy it here in Germany

since i missed it on i am therefore limited to the demo


Maybe in the future they can find another payment processor. Let's hope so. Hugs from Italy to all my German friends :-)


Steam keys (which can be redeemed anywhere) are available to anyone who subscribes on SubscribeStar at our $20 tier, even for just one month! If that helps. Otherwise, my sympathies, censorship is a pain for everyone.

when will chapter 2 come out?

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Chapter 2? there is a squeal coming out?

no, after you conquer the kingdom is chapter 2.

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Oh okay, so act whatever is over is not the end because I have been playing the demo a lot. 


Act 1 (retaking your kingdom) is generally roughly complete, sure there will be the odd update, adding voice, updating images, adding specific scenes, and more, but its generally complete and now ACT 2, or what comes after, needs to be worked on more.



Act V Chapter Two is planned to release at some point in the first half of this year. We're working very hard on it!


Chapter Two of our final Act is planned for release this summer (fingers crossed). We'll keep updating monthly with smaller builds until then :)

thx 4 the heads up

Although the full version can't be sold here anymore, will the people, such as myself, who bought it here still get updates in the future?

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I heard you will keep getting your updates. the announcement was made when the last call for sales happened (a few days before they stopped selling)


yes. We can still get new Stuff and others.


Yes, we will keep updating the full version here on Itch, for the people who have already bought a copy. We're just not able to sell new full copies.


Cool, thank you for replying, I appreciate it


Damn, it's been a year since I bought this game and each new update still makes me happy :D I'm waiting for the continuation of my daughter and father as king and queen


Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it ^_^

I had the full version and I've got a new phone now and for some reason it's saying I can't download it even though I purchased the full version ages ago.  This sucks too because I freaking love the game.

top right corner you have your profile there, go to my library and there you have all the games you have bought or added to your favorites

that's where I went but when I follows the link to download it just shows me the purchase option. Meanwhile another game I bought is still available to download for me so it's very odd


If you bought the game, you definitely have an invoice in your email, copy the number and write to support

Where can I buy the Android version then if I can only go buy it through itch?


The full Android version is now only available through SubscribeStar. Sorry, I know it sucks, we don't have any choice in the matter.

Is there a way to get naho as the main consort without breaking her or her leaving?

Idk. U can claim her later, if you leave her and the wolves alone, they give you her after you conquer the kingdom.


No, Naho will only remain your consort if she is broken.

Is there any way to  buy a Android version? Because I liked the demo but I don't have a pc for the steam version.

You can get an Android version by backing us on SubscribeStar.

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SubscribeStar wouldn't work for me I don't have a credit card. And I have seen that you have patreon would that also work?

Because of Patreon's censorship policies, this game is not available through Patreon. If you want to purchase the full game, Steam and SubscribeStar are currently the only methods.

I'm not very familiar with Steam but will it makes us pay for each new update or no?

It will not.


If i buy the game on steam can i still get the android version?


Unfortunately, no. We have no way of verifying Steam purchases, so to get an Android version you will need to back us on SubscribeStar.

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So if i give $15 on subscribestar i get all future apk updates?


If you back us on SubscribeStar at $5+, you'll get access to updates for as long as you remain subscribed. If you back at $20+ for one month, you'll get a complementary Steam key, but the Android version will still only be available for as long as you remain subscribed.


I haven't played in a while because I want to enjoy more new content at once. May I ask if you  solved HUGE problem with Warlock and his experiments?

I remember that if we let Warlock do the experiments on some of the girls, it's practically the same as killing her. At the very least, we lose all future events and interactions with that girl. Although in a few cases it made sense, more than half cases didn't make sense, because for example in the case of the wolf girl, I don't see a problem with her getting bigger breasts and hips. It's certainly not something that should make her unavailable for all future interactions. In fact, it's something that should add to future interactions instead.

I'm really interested in how you solved this problem, if you did solve it at all.

Unfortunately, the game is not available on steam in my area.


VPNs are your friends!


Will there be more content with Eburon? Really, I just want to see Adeline face when I tell her I prefer a wolf over her

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I think I will get steam at some point I really want to get this game. 

Guys, how can I get all the things like: Traps, torture room, etc.?

Deleted post

But since I get all of this in the first or second act of the game, before the Huntress, I got this once, but I forgot how to do it.


Just want to say thanks for making this game. First of all Dragons are awesome. Secondly way to many games that deal with rape also have horrible and miserable characters.  So many of those games are VNs that have the mc repeatedly instulting and treating his victims like crap.

A game that touches these fantasies and let's you also treat your "victims" nicely. I can appreciate the choices you get, but it just nice to see a game with these themes have the options not not completely destroy the women in the game. 

Just awesome to see so many of my interests expressed so perfectly in a game.

so. i asked this a while back. but for the people who already paid over here. is there any chance they might be able to get a steam key? at the vary least the updates will still go live for itch users? 


We are still updating for Itch users who already bought the game, the new version should be downloadable here :)

Damn - I remember running into this years ago, wish I'd checked back in on it last month.  You've put some serious work into this project.  Extremely embarrassing that we let any company get into a position to pull this kind of anti-capitalist, anti-American bullshit.  

Over to Steam, I guess.  


I know, it sucks :( But thank you, I'll see you over on Steam!

I downloaded the game from this site to play the new update but it ends up freezing and crashing it wont even take me to the main menu is there any way I could fix that?


Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.

I tried redownloading and I have more than enough space and I got the same problem 


You have excellent taste in storytelling. I think this is better then anything , i played before. very interesting. I am a aspiring writer. 

For some reason I can install the demo but not the full game on Android


Sorry, the full game is no longer available to buy on Itch. But you can still get it on Steam or SubscribeStar!

I already paid for the full version so is it just not available for download anymore?


It is still there! Did you log in to Itch before making your purchase?

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Yeah I did and it shows up in my library under games I've purchased and I can download it I just can't install it 


Itch has had some (unrelated) problems with its downloads recently; try redownloading? If you're on Android, please also check that you've got enough space to extract the app.

I have plenty of storage but I still can't extract it 

wait, can i not get the full game!?


The game is no longer available for purchase through Itch. To purchase the game, you will need to buy it on Steam or back us on SubscribeStar.


So glad i got the game 134days ago


we got the game on the exact same day lmfao

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That was the last chance to the buy the game I forgot, well, what other games you are planning to create.

Will there be a option like donating over itchio money to get the fully version like from countrys you cant buy it over steam or dont have a credit card?


No, sorry. Last week was the final opportunity to do so.

so with other words i cant get the game legally besides then paying 50+ euros tax on a ordered credit card to get a 15 euros game?, since i asked before ofer the other options and steam is like in germany out literally itself for games that just shows 1 pixel of a nippel since steams answer literally was "we cant prove the age of the costumers" while selling 18+ fps games, im way older then 18 years but  get blocked and have no choice then to move to overseas to austria or switzerland which allow it then, that why i asked if theres another option besides to pay 50 euro fee for a credit card to get this game, but since between my 2 questions it changed i can go only with the free version i still have. I would love to support you but since there isnt another way then topay fees/taxes 3x times the games itself i only can stick with the free version i still have, i would love to see and pay for the 1.0 version but when theres no option my questions are answered


I'm sorry, I know that it's a huge pain - it is for me, too. But I do not have any control over the policies of regulators, online retailers, or payment processors.

dont worry i just wanted to confirm that theres no possibility at all for me to even buy the latest version, i did with donating over itchio get acces to other games where same situation was, even over steam i could get them (as gifts), but shorter said i just use the version i got for free then, dont blame anyone i just wanted to know besides paying 4x times 1 game prices a year on a card taxes with/out any other option, so i can only use is the free version i stil have or search for it, would love to pay for it but there is no option i can only use the "old" free/public version.

Just wanted to confirm it 

Get a VPN - they're cheap, and useful for all kinds of other things - and set it to tell Steam you're from somewhere else with non-stupid laws.  Problem solved.

Daring steel if you write me your word if my account gets banned for using it over steam and repay me my over 200 games in steam back then yes, and btw using a vpn wont change anything since i couldnt access the agame without a monthly fee, like with a credit card paying more then the game price, but only that game here cant be sold i had others where i could get access too, i just confrimed it wont get given any access anymore, since the other public versions werent a problem, but i can see now the game too, it was just for me a confirmation, since i couldnt get any support and get access to it, like other games over itchio etc.  where they could even get a workarround, i just wanted confirmation that there was no chance for me in general besides paying 4x the game price alone per year in general to get access to it, but the internet is the internet like it always was, and other developers could sell games like that even to me  still only this one changed, and besides your word and info as compensation for using that on my account in steam to compensate over 200 other games to rebuy it for me in the worst case, besides the monthly paying i wont do it like making a yearly credit cards fee wheres 4x higher then the game itself, so i got the old public version and have insights to the latest one, i just confirmed that there wont be any chance at all where other can do it.

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Can you translate the game into Arabic? If yes, translate it via GPT chat 

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