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Loving the game :D cant wait to see what's next, the addition to basically ng+ the previous chapter is a super awesome touch too, felt good to stick it to that wolf lady x3


Thank you,  I'm glad you're enjoying it! Chapter 3 is likely to be out before the end of this month :)

(1 edit)

When can we expect the next update to fall? Its been almost the two weeks, and I am just curious. 

Love the game thus far. I have explored every possible option to this point and am just so curious to see where you take this marvelous game.


The next update will be v2.0, which will arrive before the end of the month. I'm taking some extra time for it, because it's an important release with lots of new content!

Can I get your discord link and possibly a email for review questions?

Hi hi! Patrons should receive a Discord invite, but message me over there if you're missing yours. I can be reached for general questions at

(2 edits) (+1)

Got an error while playing v1.7:

Seems to be just missing hunter_angry.png file

Game installed via client, if that matters.

Update: This seems to be avoidable if I choose different graphic style than the default Old.

Thanks, May! I've located the bug and fixed it for the next version.


Give me more on this story please because I like it lots.


Thank you! There will be more story in the next update :)


This is great!

I'm glad you're enjoying it!


The character illustrations are nice as they are. Most western-made stuff like these make use of horrible looking character designs as if they were trying to disgust you to death.

How about steering the game where yoir choice will have a deep impact later rather than just choosing the event that will occur currently. So there is this scene in chapter 2 where you see the huntress in trouble with the centaurs, letting them have their way with her and staying that course should give the player the chance to rid her and when the player does not come to the forest,  then the centaurs would get the chance to knock huntress down... And the like. 


I agree with you, and the choices you make now have a significant impact on what happens later! The Chapter 3 interlude changes depending on your actions with the huntress, but that won't be the end of it. 


oh and one more thing. As an anal fetishist myself, i find the scene with the farm girl anal rape to be the most arousing thing in the previous chapter, so please do more of those. I don't have much aversion to netorare anymore so that's also fine, but with more focus on the ass. Just more options to fuck and rape the ASS please. 

This is good but please update

Thank you! I update with a new version every two weeks.


hey I gotta ask in stuck on the game at the beginning where I input the name. It won't let me input any name so I'm just stuck there... This is the Android version.

This is a hard limitation on some phones, I'm afraid; rotate your screen and then try again!

Yeah, it's doing me no good.

It worked for me just start typing the name and click the enter button on your virtual keyboard

yeah doesn't work for me, every time I hit enter the key board just doesn't react

Have you tried checking the app permissions? I had that same problem till i allowed storage.


Just wow... I'm going to be honest, Usually I give games similar to yours that seem to be interesting (the whole visual novel thing) about 8mins to captivate me and usually they fail, I gave yours that and then some, already looking forward to more, wish I could have at least played till chapter 3, and (while this may seem a bit rude) I demand you make a patreon so I can shove money down your throat at least every month

(1 edit) (+1)

Hahaha, thank you! Kind words indeed :) I'm working hard on Chapter 3, which will begin opening up soon. I'll see what I can do about that Patreon - a hand with commissioning costs will certainly be welcome!

Patreon is now live! There's a link in the menu of the most recent version.

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+3)

Hey there, thanks for the support! The next update will drop this weekend - I'm playtesting and polishing it now. I try to get a new version out every couple of weeks if I can. I like to update little and often!

The first round of art commissions are underway. Once we have the character art and main scenes done, I can look at getting art in for the devour scenes.

Deleted post

That's really wonderful, thank you! I'm working on the next update now, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you :)

I have tried downloading this several times, but it does not seem to launch on my android. This looks like it would be quite fun, but just can't seem to get it to work.

Hi! Thank you for the report - that's weird. I'll see if I can recompile it and get it working correctly. 

Thank you! I also seen others talk it doing it to them as well on different sites, and also on android, if that helps any. What it does for me, is that it downloads and installs. But when I launch the game, it pops up only for a second before closing.

I'm looking forward to trying again later! :)

Found the problem! Compilation woes. I've updated the file - could you please try again?


I just reinstalled it and it launched perfectly! Thank you!


Game is great, you should create patreon page, I would've definitely support you

Cheers! After I've made a bit more progress, I'll add the option to support art & VA costs :)

Patreon is now live! There's a link in the menu of the most recent version.


I enjoyed playing through what you've done so far. Keep up the good work. (would encourage more RP opportunities and storyline, but the balance you have now is also cool)

Thanks Kiljek! I'm keen to add some extra depth to the personalities and dynamics involved, which will become a large part of Chapter 3 (when we're no longer limited to one-off encounters). Is there anything in particular you wanted to see?


I appreciate you asking. It's hard to say. I'm really intrigued by the storyline of being a dragon and hooking up with girls. I would like for there to be a little bit more than just, "oh I love dragons. Please bone me." :) Not saying that's all it is, but based off the little I played that's basically been the only relationship building other than they princess at the beginning. Also a little bit of concept art for the scenes would be cool. I love the art style the game has already. I guess I don't really know what exactly I'd request except perhaps more RP and more art. Anyway, thanks!


Just wanted to say how much I appreciate this game, and I hope your continued work bears fruit as promising as what's in the current demo.  In particular I liked the detail of the sex scenes' narration, and how you're trying to stay true to how dragons have lore and personality (reflected through your choices) - they'e not just big, scary monsters. That and the description of the world and different factions kept me playing to find out what the demo has to offer.   I hope that you are able to acquire more specific artwork for the scenes, and maybe add a map (just my 2 cents).   

All in all, thanks and good work. 


Thanks fryfry - that's helpful feedback, and I appreciate your support! I'm going to try to keep fleshing out the content that's there while I'm working on Chapter 3, and that includes getting some custom artwork in. Next update will be in a couple of weeks, I hope!

Hello I have to say I am loving your game, the idea of playing the "monster" is a very refreshing change of pace. Definitely looking forward to more from you. The story itself is also very interesting, hope we get to save the princess soon.  Really like the description and detail you give to the scenes.

I do have a slight piece of advice, if you are going to get custom art for your game make sure they are done by the same guy. Nothing is more disorienting than having vastly different CG scenes. I might be bias but from what I saw in the game unless you already have another artist already planned or are going to do it yourself I feel like Lucien or Aka6 would be the best choices considering the theme of your game. (Although I know it can be expensive and they might not be available).

For the capturing of maidens in chapter 3 i do have an idea if you are interested. How about you come across a more mature noble or high ranking lady. She had little luck in marriage and still unmarried and is considered "too old" by most nobles making her chances of marriage abysmal. You can try to take her by force or try to charm her into coming willingly with you (after all a dragon can be quite the catch).

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