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How much more content do you expect to make? I see no way for the story to advance past part 5, and I can see ways for you to wrap up everything in part 4, so I'm just curious


We have five Acts planned. After that, we'll see what we want to do :)

the game in itself is great, good art, story, characters, and a great deal of custumization and roleplaying, its hard to criticise this game, because to be what it is, a taste of roleplaying as a dragon, for a game like this to improve greatly there are 3 ways, more choices to improve replayability, a more open world, so not all deeds are story events, and ya basicaly can train a little withouth properly grinding, and finaly custumization on the dragon aparence, habilities, and more horde and lair custumization.

Obviously such changes would essencialy be a titanic amount of work, to add to a game that while for now in development, is allready quite good even unfinished, i realy apriciate ya guys soing a game that i allways wanted, but cant fint it in my heart to say that the project, uses all its potential, especialy in the skill of the makers, however, to harness all this the workload wold be incredible, i only hope ya guys are able to be satisfied by your end product and wish all of you well in this and future projects

still can't get past the attack on the lair -_-


There are several routes through it! Try the walkthrough (linked in the main menu) if you're stuck.

I need the right level of skills to pass it apparently and I'm struggling every time 


This is a game with beautiful artwork, thick plot, natural conversations. And most important of all (to me) is that it does not suddenly crash on my fragile phone every 10 minutes like other games on Renpy. 


Man, I've been wanting something exactly like this for a few years now. How blessed I feel having stumbled across the game a couple days ago. Simply amazing, godspeed.

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Ya not the only one, the only sad part is that a concept like this has too much potential, reminds me of slave trainer, and the fact that while the content was basicaly endless, it did not lived up to all it could be, but for what i saw, this is better than most 3a stuff


Don't think I'm familiar with the game you're talking about, you ever played Free Cities pregmod though? If you haven't, very nice slave management game imo. Relatively speaking from my experience at least. Know I'm quite late to the party, but if I am no doubt there are others ya know?

i remember this flash game were ya could play slave raiser to girls of many franchises, it was quite good for  a fanart only eroge, slave maker 3 i think but, the games from akabur like princess trainer and this other game soldier life are still top tier, i kinda love gray morality and everyone is a asshole world of view and games like this are great to imagine what our own morality wold be in a diferent society


Ah, I did check out slavemaker 3.5 a while ago, but the franchise ripping isn't really a vibe for me, much prefer original characters or randomly generated stuff. Free Cities pregmod bro, if you haven't tried it you really should ( (just download, extract, run the compile.bat, and the html (all you need) will appear in the bin folder if you're unfamiliar with this kinda thing (I was lol))). Like 95% text, but if you like slave stuff enough to fuck around with things for a while figuring it out it's pretty epic. Setting is cool too, near future partial societal collapse where epic ancap-type cities/arcologies pop up around the world with a big slave trade. Let's you do just about anything I would want to do in a slave game (that takes place in our reality at least), don't know how much that aligns with you, but there's a lot of stuff to do.

thanks men gonna check this, realy into a lot of text in this kinda games because of the freedom it gives , like corruption of champions(however i allways end up going for a hi tougthness and purity, holyblade playtrougth)


when are we going to get puppygirl naho




awasome, will it have loli stuff or just cuddling with a youger naho? both seem interesting


Neither, all of our waifus are adults.


well i would whant to pet a youger nana ,but now im just curious on what the "pupygirl" means, it was just a coment before her being added? for shure i tougth that we would get either she having a daugther or looking younger , my bad ;3


But can you get husbandos?


You can get a couple of scenes with Eburon now, and he will become a full husbando soon.


realy wold be nice ,to let the kobold kid to change into a more shota, or femboy bod,if the cutie is not happyer in its actual form

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hello, this a really cool concept and game, i played it moths ago, and im happy that is still updated thanks


I wasn't expecting the game to be like THIS at this point.
And, if there's something that I loved, was that song in the begining. Can I download it? I loved the melody of it...


Thank you! The theme was composed and sung by one of our VAs. It's in the game's music folder if you would like it.

I would love to, I'm gonna look for it now


I quite liked it, definetly looking forward to what's coming next

hope we can get more followers like the centaurs and such

also! I think being able to start sex scenes with your horde members would be cool! both as orgy type stuff and fucking random members plus fucking the leaders of each part of your horde whenever you ask em

and I hope there is some way to get both the merchant and bounty hunters on our side, even if it requires a little more work

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the game ta getting very good xD

o jogo ta ficando muito bom xD

when a new update is released do i have to replay all over again or can i continue on with my sav?

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You should be able to install over your old files and keep on playing! 


Will there be more impreg/preg content?



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How should I say this?

I was playing the game and I've started the IV Act, Heloise is my Consort and everything is beautiful... That is... Until I decided to have some action with Darja, which I didn't do anything in Act III...

After trying to get some action with her (Anal), she put me to sleep and.... Well, she just send me back to Act III again, just like a Time Machine.

That's probably a Bug, or maybe a prank? Whatever, I didn't lost my save, but now I can't have the anal choice scene with Darja.

That sounds like a bug! If you report it on Discord, we should be able to close that time loop.


Is the Nun going to become a named NPC at any point? Kinda wish I could do more with her aside from raping her and possibly eating her afterwards

Her name is Rain in the walkthrough and Gallery, but I don't think it ever actually gets used in game

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Okay, will Rain get more content for her? I kind of wish I could do more with her than rape her ass and then choose weather or not to eat her

Act 4 Convent is the only other time I've seen her. She replaces Chanwe as leader if you took Chanwe to your Lair.

Anybody else not getting the ravager icon or loading screen when they download the app on mobile. Instead you just get them renpy one and loading screen

Damn, every time I think he is dead.


Not dead, just busy working on the next updates :)


oh my gods, I love this, I absolutely LOVED going through the integration with the wolf pack, I loved the detail and ethereal spirit you put into it, please, I need more, but take your time, dont overwork yourself my friend, also, I love your pfp, its amazing


Is there any possibility of exploring the breeding of kobolds more? I found myself intrigued by the possibility of breeding an army, and Enid's child was hinted at being strong. 


I'd like to delve more into that in Act V, when I have the opportunity. It will be coming Eventually(tm).


i wold recomend ya guys focusing first in doing the base game and stories ya whant, and maybe keep the late game as a possible diferent aspect, maybe even making a compatible tatic game,  or making a more open ended patch, since the stories in game are awasome, but this game is kinda of a thing many dreamed of without a example, i myself  realy enjoyed the idea of being a growing benevolent tyrant living in the swamp temple,  and wished to breed my self an army and totaly break the pristess, many wold like more village building mechanics, ya guys basicaly got ya work cut out for ya , but it may be a wave maker for your futures


Now I am at home from work, thx for update :)

Why is Android removed?


The Mobile and Tablet versions are for Android!

How does the game change if you disable rape? I enabled it so I could consciously choose *not* to rape. It doesn't appear there are many outcomes that don't result in rape with the option enabled. If disabled, are there more consensual  ways to progress?


Choosing not to really does cut away a great deal of Content after all the game is called "Ravager" but the routes I can think of where rape can be avoided in favour of consent are: 

Mina, Cuchilla, Chanwe (technically rape but she is rather eager), Darja, Marie, Issa, Eburon, Mother, Malice (requires you to rape Heloise) and Naho (when in heat)

rape necessary for sexual content:

Naho, Heloise ( a lot of content is locked behind this), Valzira, Catgirl Sisters, Maelys, Handmaid, Demon and enid.

If you choose the correct options  with the princess she'll order the maid to take care of your needs (so at least technically not rape) 

Also isn't all Issa content punishment, or have i forgotten some? If it's punishment I'd question the state of rape or not (as he is just a slave that seems to have been mind broken by the last dragon) 

When is the next update

excellent game, do you plan to integrate a Spanish translation?


A spanish translation is in progress! If you'd like to help with it, talk to me on Discord :)

When is the next update

I love this game. do you plan a german translation?


Thank you! Yes, a german translation is in progress. If you'd like to help with it, talk to me on Discord!


Thanks for making this amazing game! I saw that you were looking for help with translations, and I would like to help with the Korean translation! Can you point me where to go if you need me?


That would be great! You can join our Discord server (there's a link in the game's menu), and send me a message - I'll get you set up with a toolkit :)

i can help with a portuguese (BR) translation if ya guys need it ;3


Glad I found this. Thank you from all sick SOBs like me

a marie nao fica engravida? 

marie doesn't get pregnant?

Ainda não, quem sabe nessa nova atualização ela não ganhe um filhote?



Im really excited for the new update is there any planned release date so far?


With the caveat that it's not coming until we're satisfied that it's ready, 4.1 should be ready in a couple of weeks.


are all of the interm builds going to be supporter only now? because the last few seem to have been and it would be a bummer to have to wait so long for an update.


The next update is 4.1.0, which will be a public release! I do interim builds for supporters while the big builds are in progress. 


how come you havent made naho a consort? or the biggest goof you cant take mary anne into the cave hide out. its either play with her or eat her then you cant go back to the stable again.

Don't rush the artist  , quality > quantity

not rushing the artist.  been playing this game for quite a while.

Actually , please do tell why Naho should be a option as a dragon's consort?


Naho will become consort-able once she's undergone some other character development, and we've written it all.  Marie-Anne can be brought back, you just need to visit her in Act III when you have a lair to bring her back to.

Is it possible to not kill the Huntress at the end of act 3?

Yes, it requires two very specific paths though that you have to commit through all the acts. The walkthru has a guide for it. *Look under View all posts" under the development log.

You have to meet two of three criteria for it to work, but yes it's quite committed. The Walkthrough is also linked in the main menu of the game!

There are two ways, go to the forest at the beginning of act 1 and free the huntress or take every opportunity to increase your charisma score.

I had Charisma 6 how high does it need to be??

go through power fantasy mode. go straight to the forrest (before you pick your hideout) battle the centaurs. let huntress go. at the fight scene: dont fight her if you dont have to, tell her your sorry. ask her to join you.


is anyone else noticing how the dragon's voice resembles Naruto's English voice for Kurama?

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Pretty cool game, surprisingly decent voice acting mostly. Pretty cool atmosphere.  My main issue is with the sound mixing, it needs work. Badly. Music is so loud by default that it cancels out all voice lines, even when lowered to 40% (all other sound at 100%, specifically during the part of act1 with the intense music). The difference in quality of the audio and the different sound levels of the different characters is really all over the place (some are too quite, some are too loud). Some of the voice actors sound super echoey with some distortion and static, like they recorded it on a microphone from the 60's while some others sound pristine. Shouldn't be super difficult to touch up some of the lines with worse quality with some free(ish) software. Here's a guide using a bunch of different software and techniques in case you don't have an audio engineer on the team.

You should probably send something like this thread (or entire subreddit hehe) to some of your voice actors if you're gonna keep using the same ones to save yourself the trouble of unnecessary post-processing that could have been avoided! 

Also, please looking into some form of audio equalizer. The different sound levels and audio spikes can be pretty damaging to people's ears, I ended up playing with all sound,except dialogue and ambient,turned off pretty much. another good resource for the developers.

 The subreddits i linked should cover everything on both ends (VO and Post), and you can always ask experienced people there for help!

Other than that, great game. You guys are very talented and I hope you keep making adult fantasy games :) .


Will we be seeing and enjoying more of our resident breeder Enid? I enjoyed her down to earth defiance/no nonsence reintroduction. So bold but not in a cocky way to a dragon that was quite capable of ending her.  I did seem like there was potential for two paths mercy (treasure) and possibly cruelty (Breaker?)

There will be more Enid in the future, yes.


I hope Issa is fleshed out more (and that more boys are added eventually)


I just want to say that I LOVE your game. It's easily in my top 3 NSFW games. Can't wait for the time when this game finishes

is there an ETA on 4.1? I've had an amazing time playing and think its more than worth the wait no matter how long it may be.

I don't think you will update it soon right😢?

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they working on 4.1.0 version, the public version gonna be 4.1.0, all other versions are for patreons and donaters. 

So wait for it bruh.

sad I'm a super fan just like you but I can't be a patreon😢


Just wanted to say I don't mind the wait. Honestly this game is a lot more enjoyable for me when you get a big chunk of content and things to do with the characters then just one or two.  And even though I'm not a patron I often go to patreon just to see the titles of new art as it's a great teaser to what is potentially coming.

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