Two things went through my head while playing this game. 1, this shit is FIRE. And 2, what the hell was going through your head when you made this. Seriously though this game is amazing. I genuinely don't dislike a single character except for Balthorne. And I only dislike his personality. The story is amazing and feels just like a telltale game where all your choices matter. All the characters are so interesting. There's always something new to find. This is an truly amazing game and I'm excited to see how it turns out
I'll continue to maintain and update a copy of the game here, up through to the end of Act IV. Steam & Patreon builds will also have Act V, as I develop it.
How do I go about getting Malice's 'Discipline' scene? I only have 'Gore' and 'Guro' un-ticked in my settings but I can't seem to trigger it. Any advice please?
Marie-Anne is hot AF. I approve of this update to the fullest. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! She is the queen I chose for her shyness & humbleness in this game. For her own good of course ;) It was a difficult choice though between the high hopes of Darja who put her life on the line for her dreams (unknowing or not) and Marie-Anne's humble farm life (I don't like to hurt feelings because I know all too well what it can feel like to be stabbed in the back or worse...).
Had to give it to the hard working girl in the end though. She's more than earned it. Darja can still be the princess if she wants to be... She is still very much a child at heart. Admirable but immature. She'd make a fine adopted daughter to the Kingdom one day. I like her the way she is though. She's happy. Happiness can be difficult to hold on too, let alone obtain... "ignorance is bliss" or so they say. I'm sure she would come to terms and accept that fate with open arms eventually as well should it ever be in the game. Maybe there in, lays an idea...
There are after all much worse things that the Dragon can do with them should it so choose to do so. I'd never sacrifice, forget or neglect the most precious girls to me. Those are the girls worth a Dragons protection more so than any golden treasure. As for the queen: "There can only be one..." "To each their own..."
They have the protection of a Dragon after all... They are easy to get attached to. In this game I just want to be the Dragon that saves the Kingdom at heart.
Also... Darjas character figure does not match her portrait at all. During dialogue & text she is small and petite which matches her personality perfectly, but during her sex scenes she is a well rounded mature woman much larger than depicted. Her dialogue portrait matches her personality much more than her scenes do... Thought I'd say something before you animate to much. It's worth mentioning.
As for Malice... I feel like I should say something so I will: She tends to stir the deep dark side a little too much for me. I don't like it so I tend to stay the hell away from Heloise's incest content during future playthroughs. The feedback I have on her is completely compromised by my personal life & get's too personal in the real world so it would not be fair of me to give any feedback on her. Sorry. I wish Heloise was a little more forward about what would happen before it was too late... Thanks to the devs for the content options.
I'll just say, My half sister on my mothers side was molested by my father before I was born. Not even in a fantasy game will I be like him. Ever! She is mentally scarred and it shows like a rape victim after years of recovery. She always hated me because of him and that I am his full blooded child. Yet I accepted her hate because I understood her. I didn't deserve it but in a way I hope it helped heal her. Some things are better off just being fantasy. Malice just hit's too close to home. It hits the feels too real and not in a good way. It killed the mood for me & made me nauseous instead. "Family matters." Learn from this. That is why I can not give feedback on Malice.
"To each there own..." But for me this part of the story is a no go. Other people can enjoy the kink, but for me it is an extremely unpleasant experience for obvious personal reasons.
"There are boundaries in the real world you just don't cross."
A plea request for the devs. Please make anything extremely bad that would happen to the girls in the future, avoidable. Or at least let them be savable. My heart bleeds enough as it is. I play these game to get away from the messed up things in life in my own way. Not add to it. Also some additional Heloise warning dialogue as to what a Naga is for other people in my similar situation wouldn't be harmful. Preferably during her 1st encounter with the cat girls. Also, those cat girls stole my treasure. I want to steal their virginity in compensation. And I'm not talking anal. A just fantasy punishment... Ever read "Theif of Virtue" from the game Skyrim... It's like that but only in reverse...
"I'll stop there for now though before I text too too much. I tend to get lost in thought." If it ever really is too much to read, just let me know and I'll comment less. Promise.
- "Just some appreciation again, feedback & food for thought..."
PS: Sorry for venting, the overly long comment. And I don't actually expect any changes to be made. You are the devs after all. It's your game. Consider this my final loooong comment. I'm not usually one to blow up like that. <3
Thank you for all your feedback! I'm glad you liked it. If there's a type of content you don't want to experience in the game, just leave it disabled in the Preferences menu.
Yeah I know. I did. Hence the brief thank you for the preference content options mid way through. That was a good move. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the reply. Thanks for caring. I really do enjoy the game. I'm looking forward to the future. This is one I won't forget about. Sorry for the drama...
Is there plans to introduce another horde? I know way back there was something about a centaur and you make insinuations with the centaurs when in the forest to have peace. And the first part of pale rock with the Bridge is missing a horde solution if you don't have the required cruelty. Which seems really weird for a 'benevolent' dragon pursuit.
First off.... wow.... great game. I have absolutely no complaints. The story line is amazing, the scenes are well drawn. I wait for part V with excitement.
I have one and only one thing to suggest and ask: Please Please Please make it possible to have the nun "Rain" as one of your captives!!!!!! Again, thanks for a great game.
do you know what is the most interesting in the game? I did everything possible in the current version of the game, but I never met a single futanari))
I've been playing for hours... Days... But there is plenty I'm missing!
I've been playing in the 4.1.7 cuz the 4.2.3 doesn't seem to work on my pc. Is there a solution for this by any chance?
In context: I installed the game, extracted the zip file, opened the folder, double click on the game icon a few times, but to no avail. No pop up, nothing at all.
At any rate, I REALLY wanna see how much the game has improved since 4.1.7 (Wolves & Woe) Please keep up the good work!
Sneak into Bastion with the catgirls, keep Heloise occupied and keep her talking (might need high Potence for this) until the catgirls whack her on the head, then take Heloise instead of the treasure.
So there are 2 characters that I know can get pregnant, the first is a girl when we hide from the pursuit of the royal troops, and the second is Elf aka Heloise.
So I hope there's an interesting update for the girl who will meet us when she's pregnant (I don't remember her name) and can become the Dragon's Wife, she's my waifu LOL.
I think that's Enid? Enid's got a strong personality. I do kinda hope for at least one more scene afterwards if you keep her around. Even if it's just her pampering her kid.
Considering it costs treasure (And how precious that is without power fantasy mode) I'd expect no less then a scene or two focused on her being a stronger kobold breeder for the dragon.
However, there are a lot of loose ends in Act 3 still in this push to get the storyline done it seems. Does make me worry that not all of them will have a rewarding end.
Given how much $$$ the Patreon is generating, I don't think it'll run out of steam anytime soon. They're probably looking get to the end first, and then flesh things out from there.
So which of the current consort have the most content available rn. I know Heloise is pretty up there, second might be darja or the merchant who's name i can literally never remembe
No ones said it yet so I will: "Game of Thrones gone wild." ^_^ well... close enough anyway. You got to love it. Now if only they could get Ninjartist on board for this game as well I'd probably die of a heart attack while I'm still young. No offense to the current artists of course. The art for this game is actually rather quite good and believe me, I've seen a lot of art from a lot of different artists in a lot of different styles. I wouldn't say that for just anyone. 7/10 - 8/10 wouldn't be giving it too much credit if I had to give it a score. Speaking of which, that wouldn't be a bad poll to give to the community... Darja's art on the other hand... well I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings
-_-... I doubt I could draw a dragon much better...
Got to say, very different from what i was expecting. I expected some intense dragon porn, and yall delivered sure, but what i really got, was a god damn work of art. This game is gonna stick with me for a while. I'm hoping the next update comes out before i forget what happened in the game and lose interest, but baced on how regularly this game is updated, I'd say it'll be fine. Truly a good game, hot as fuck, great characters, ost, voice acting, beautiful art. What's not to love. Not to mention the writing is phenomenal, and holds a hint of poetry. Also Replayability. I could play this game over just to see Malice's extra scenes. Of course, i wouldn't have to if you people would put them in the walkthrough, but it's fine... it's... fine. No through actually i think i prefer it that way. Leaves a bit of mystery.
Speaking of Malice. My favorite character, and i may be a degenerate for feeling that way, for reasons that people who played the game would understand, but god is she somthing special. Genius writing actually, in regards to her character. Her first scene with the dream and all that was... probably the hottest in the game from my perspective. Indeed, her set up was genius, and the idea of having a daughter who is destined to hold enuph power to end the world when she grows up, and therefore you must instill in her a moral compass before she reaches adulthood, or else she will be a problem for everyone. It's a genius dynamic. Wish i had thought of it.
Anyway, i just wanted to get my thoughts and anticipation out there. Malice is my favorite character, and i would love to see more of her in future updates, or i will be sad. Thumbs up to anyone who read this far.
This has been an interesting experience, came for the porn stayed for the story. This was not what I expected, good art , sound and voice ( the voice can do with some work as some of the voice are soft ). Overall i give this a 8/10 as of 4.2.2. My favorite is Heloise :)
I can not stay silent any longer. You have made my favorite game on this website of all time. Almost no one else makes games about dragons , girls & beasts. No one. What you have here is unique and captivating beyond compare. In it's own way, beautiful even. It has art, it has story, plot, it has feeling, and voice acting?!, really?!, In a strange way, I'm in love. Darja's voice is beautiful by the way. I thank you, truly. Maybe one day before I find a princess, a queen of my own, I will be able to support this game. For now though I shall simply follow in earnest and let my presence be known. And no worries, I promise I'm harmless ^_^
I forgot to mention that I also like the music. It's simple, subtle & I do find it very relaxing and soothing. It blends very well with the game itself. Probably why I forgot about it. Sorry for failing to mention that earlier. It also deserves praise. So to "give praise where praise is due": I often times, just listen. It's almost as captivating as if sung by someone very dear. Like a lullaby a mother would sing. Or a lover... Someone put a little piece of their heart & soul into that tune. It could be better (A little pitchy) but it's nice the way it is. It's human. It fits the game nicely. Thought that would be a bit of appreciated feedback about the music in the game, so there you have it. <3 Nice one.
I can only try and point you in the... a direction. This is the only one "as far as 'I' know". Besides buying Skyrim for PC and heavily modding it from LoversLab... (There's a reason I don't allow myself to buy a gaming pc setup.) Sorry I have no actual straight up leads for you. You may have better luck finding things like that through extensive search on Google or websites like (A massive collection of downloadable adult game trials and sometimes full games as well as community forms much like what we have here on or even possibly asking the communities on the furry sites like Even certain areas on Reddit would be more than happy to help. Just be careful where you ask. We all know online comments can be brutal in certain situations and conditions. They would know much more about that kind of thing than me. I assure you. There are tens of thousands of games out there. I've only scratched the surface. I'm sure there is something for everyone. Finding it on the other hand... is another thing entirely. I would imagine the more "expansive" communities would be helpful for that particular inquiry. Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer. May you find what you're looking for. Just, don't lose yourself... That is the last thing I would want to be partly responsible for... or perhaps you have just begun to find yourself... in any case, stay out of trouble & good luck. Don't be too much of a "BadDragon" xD
People on F95 often recommend Defiler Wings on the "similar to ravager" threads (which I have looked through extensively lol), it's quite scuffed compared to the absolute quality that is Ravager, but the premise is vaguely similar. Only played it a bit as of now, it just makes me want more Ravager tho rip. There's also Orrias, a pretty small, gay (as in literally), text based game here on itch, but man I want to play as a dragon so fuckin bad I don't even care lol.
This probably won't happen, especially since there's voice acting in the game, and I'm totally understanding of that. I only just started playing, but I definitely wish it was possible to choose your pronouns. Obviously we still need the dick, and I'm absolutely more than fine with that. But could a female dragon protagonist be added? Other games handle women with dicks just fine, and it would hardly be considered a terrible kink for those that are into that. I realize it likely won't happen, but a girl can dream right? I mean, what lesbian girl doesn't have a little bit of dick-envy occasionally anyway? The dick is fine, but being called prince and king an such just feels weird man. Well nothing will probably come of this, but hey. I enjoy the game a ton so far, so I only brought it up as a point that would make me enjoy the game even more, so take that as you will. I'll absolutely say good job though, so far it seems like a lot of love and work went into this game, so even if I can't play as a female dragon with a massive dick, I'll definitely still enjoy the game thoroughly.
please more of sabetha and inej. Maybe a scene with then and the inquisitrix. Like when you emit that there's theives in the other room, she makes you rape them both as the other is forced to watch. Or if you make her your wifu and capture the sisters, making a scene where she forces them to rape eachother while still conscience of their actions.
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Two things went through my head while playing this game. 1, this shit is FIRE. And 2, what the hell was going through your head when you made this. Seriously though this game is amazing. I genuinely don't dislike a single character except for Balthorne. And I only dislike his personality. The story is amazing and feels just like a telltale game where all your choices matter. All the characters are so interesting. There's always something new to find. This is an truly amazing game and I'm excited to see how it turns out
I really hope we can still get updates here
I'll continue to maintain and update a copy of the game here, up through to the end of Act IV. Steam & Patreon builds will also have Act V, as I develop it.
Got it, glad I'll still be able to enjoy this game.
So does this mean there wont be any more version that will be posted here?
this deserves more attention, who voiced the dragon and how. that shit sounds way too cool to just be disregarded
Okay, I will separate part of topic (Alert! Some spoil if you know)
Eburon : honesty, he is first of charactor in hoard who could be consort and thank your guy for that.
Hey! Don't forget our Wolf boy gallery scene aside from workout.
I'm in love with him both in-game (Also outside gake), hope you make act V soon with his story continue.
Black eye sun : few word won't hurt i guess, it's interesting and I has clue about it : ) so I suggest update it together along with other.
Gallery... nice section keep and manage but should separate CG and scene too. Morenatsu has this kind.
More job like buy people trust as mercy or spread fear as cruelty might hit big kick off.
Overall 9.2-5 / 10
Gameplay 8/10
Story 8.5/10
Detail (model and CG) 9.5/10
Manage player taste 10/10
Love affaction with Charactor 9.5/10
Don't leave our beast!, human is too much already!
I honestly never thought I'd get into the story of this game but it is actually good.
How do I go about getting Malice's 'Discipline' scene? I only have 'Gore' and 'Guro' un-ticked in my settings but I can't seem to trigger it. Any advice please?
You can try checking the Gallery cheat, that might give you some hints on how.
How do you get to the mines
Ask Anne or mina at first
Marie-Anne is hot AF. I approve of this update to the fullest. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! She is the queen I chose for her shyness & humbleness in this game. For her own good of course ;) It was a difficult choice though between the high hopes of Darja who put her life on the line for her dreams (unknowing or not) and Marie-Anne's humble farm life (I don't like to hurt feelings because I know all too well what it can feel like to be stabbed in the back or worse...).
Had to give it to the hard working girl in the end though. She's more than earned it. Darja can still be the princess if she wants to be... She is still very much a child at heart. Admirable but immature. She'd make a fine adopted daughter to the Kingdom one day. I like her the way she is though. She's happy. Happiness can be difficult to hold on too, let alone obtain... "ignorance is bliss" or so they say. I'm sure she would come to terms and accept that fate with open arms eventually as well should it ever be in the game. Maybe there in, lays an idea...
There are after all much worse things that the Dragon can do with them should it so choose to do so.
I'd never sacrifice, forget or neglect the most precious girls to me. Those are the girls worth a Dragons protection more so than any golden treasure.
As for the queen: "There can only be one..." "To each their own..."
They have the protection of a Dragon after all... They are easy to get attached to. In this game I just want to be the Dragon that saves the Kingdom at heart.
Also... Darjas character figure does not match her portrait at all. During dialogue & text she is small and petite which matches her personality perfectly, but during her sex scenes she is a well rounded mature woman much larger than depicted. Her dialogue portrait matches her personality much more than her scenes do... Thought I'd say something before you animate to much. It's worth mentioning.
As for Malice... I feel like I should say something so I will: She tends to stir the deep dark side a little too much for me. I don't like it so I tend to stay the hell away from Heloise's incest content during future playthroughs. The feedback I have on her is completely compromised by my personal life & get's too personal in the real world so it would not be fair of me to give any feedback on her. Sorry. I wish Heloise was a little more forward about what would happen before it was too late... Thanks to the devs for the content options.
I'll just say, My half sister on my mothers side was molested by my father before I was born. Not even in a fantasy game will I be like him. Ever! She is mentally scarred and it shows like a rape victim after years of recovery. She always hated me because of him and that I am his full blooded child. Yet I accepted her hate because I understood her. I didn't deserve it but in a way I hope it helped heal her.
Some things are better off just being fantasy. Malice just hit's too close to home. It hits the feels too real and not in a good way. It killed the mood for me & made me nauseous instead. "Family matters." Learn from this. That is why I can not give feedback on Malice.
"To each there own..." But for me this part of the story is a no go. Other people can enjoy the kink, but for me it is an extremely unpleasant experience for obvious personal reasons.
"There are boundaries in the real world you just don't cross."
A plea request for the devs. Please make anything extremely bad that would happen to the girls in the future, avoidable. Or at least let them be savable. My heart bleeds enough as it is. I play these game to get away from the messed up things in life in my own way. Not add to it. Also some additional Heloise warning dialogue as to what a Naga is for other people in my similar situation wouldn't be harmful. Preferably during her 1st encounter with the cat girls. Also, those cat girls stole my treasure. I want to steal their virginity in compensation. And I'm not talking anal. A just fantasy punishment... Ever read "Theif of Virtue" from the game Skyrim... It's like that but only in reverse...
"I'll stop there for now though before I text too too much. I tend to get lost in thought." If it ever really is too much to read, just let me know and I'll comment less. Promise.
- "Just some appreciation again, feedback & food for thought..."
PS: Sorry for venting, the overly long comment. And I don't actually expect any changes to be made. You are the devs after all. It's your game. Consider this my final loooong comment. I'm not usually one to blow up like that. <3
Skyrim: Thief of Virtue short story text
Thank you for all your feedback! I'm glad you liked it. If there's a type of content you don't want to experience in the game, just leave it disabled in the Preferences menu.
Yeah I know. I did. Hence the brief thank you for the preference content options mid way through. That was a good move. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the reply. Thanks for caring. I really do enjoy the game. I'm looking forward to the future. This is one I won't forget about. Sorry for the drama...
Is there plans to introduce another horde? I know way back there was something about a centaur and you make insinuations with the centaurs when in the forest to have peace. And the first part of pale rock with the Bridge is missing a horde solution if you don't have the required cruelty. Which seems really weird for a 'benevolent' dragon pursuit.
Yes, I am planning to add the centaurs as a recruitable faction when we have the resources to do so!
First off.... wow.... great game. I have absolutely no complaints. The story line is amazing, the scenes are well drawn. I wait for part V with excitement.
I have one and only one thing to suggest and ask: Please Please Please make it possible to have the nun "Rain" as one of your captives!!!!!! Again, thanks for a great game.
Just want to ask when I look at the gallery for Mina it had "paying rent" how do I get that scene. Thats the only scene I have left to get.
do you know what is the most interesting in the game? I did everything possible in the current version of the game, but I never met a single futanari))
You need to add those in preference
If you explore the depths of the Abandoned Mines, you'll find a demon Futanari
Futanari (Correct term: Hermaphrodite) aren't naturally occuring.
So, probably won't be more than very specific characters.
(ie: the Demon in the Mines.)
i wanna fuck the wolf boy
I've been playing for hours... Days... But there is plenty I'm missing!
I've been playing in the 4.1.7 cuz the 4.2.3 doesn't seem to work on my pc. Is there a solution for this by any chance?
In context: I installed the game, extracted the zip file, opened the folder, double click on the game icon a few times, but to no avail. No pop up, nothing at all.
At any rate, I REALLY wanna see how much the game has improved since 4.1.7 (Wolves & Woe) Please keep up the good work!
Can we get more Adeline in the next update and how do i get heloise?
Sneak into Bastion with the catgirls, keep Heloise occupied and keep her talking (might need high Potence for this) until the catgirls whack her on the head, then take Heloise instead of the treasure.
So there are 2 characters that I know can get pregnant, the first is a girl when we hide from the pursuit of the royal troops, and the second is Elf aka Heloise.
So I hope there's an interesting update for the girl who will meet us when she's pregnant (I don't remember her name) and can become the Dragon's Wife, she's my waifu LOL.
I think that's Enid? Enid's got a strong personality. I do kinda hope for at least one more scene afterwards if you keep her around. Even if it's just her pampering her kid.
Considering it costs treasure (And how precious that is without power fantasy mode) I'd expect no less then a scene or two focused on her being a stronger kobold breeder for the dragon.
However, there are a lot of loose ends in Act 3 still in this push to get the storyline done it seems. Does make me worry that not all of them will have a rewarding end.
Given how much $$$ the Patreon is generating, I don't think it'll run out of steam anytime soon. They're probably looking get to the end first, and then flesh things out from there.
do you mean when you hide like right in the prologue when escaping the city?
Yes, he does.
Excelente jogo adulto tenho ele no celular e no computador.
Yep concordo com vc
Do they have a discord
It's linked in the main menu of the game!
So which of the current consort have the most content available rn. I know Heloise is pretty up there, second might be darja or the merchant who's name i can literally never remembe
Merchant? u mean Mina?
Maybe. As I said I can never remember
More wolfboy please.
yeeess he cute
10/10 better than game of Throne
Err.. I agree both are super great but I don't really see how you can compare these two together...
Game of Thrones isn't a game...
It's a fucking TV show.
No ones said it yet so I will: "Game of Thrones gone wild." ^_^ well... close enough anyway. You got to love it. Now if only they could get Ninjartist on board for this game as well I'd probably die of a heart attack while I'm still young. No offense to the current artists of course. The art for this game is actually rather quite good and believe me, I've seen a lot of art from a lot of different artists in a lot of different styles. I wouldn't say that for just anyone. 7/10 - 8/10 wouldn't be giving it too much credit if I had to give it a score. Speaking of which, that wouldn't be a bad poll to give to the community... Darja's art on the other hand... well I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings
-_-... I doubt I could draw a dragon much better...
Got to say, very different from what i was expecting. I expected some intense dragon porn, and yall delivered sure, but what i really got, was a god damn work of art. This game is gonna stick with me for a while. I'm hoping the next update comes out before i forget what happened in the game and lose interest, but baced on how regularly this game is updated, I'd say it'll be fine. Truly a good game, hot as fuck, great characters, ost, voice acting, beautiful art. What's not to love. Not to mention the writing is phenomenal, and holds a hint of poetry. Also Replayability. I could play this game over just to see Malice's extra scenes. Of course, i wouldn't have to if you people would put them in the walkthrough, but it's fine... it's... fine. No through actually i think i prefer it that way. Leaves a bit of mystery.
Speaking of Malice. My favorite character, and i may be a degenerate for feeling that way, for reasons that people who played the game would understand, but god is she somthing special. Genius writing actually, in regards to her character. Her first scene with the dream and all that was... probably the hottest in the game from my perspective. Indeed, her set up was genius, and the idea of having a daughter who is destined to hold enuph power to end the world when she grows up, and therefore you must instill in her a moral compass before she reaches adulthood, or else she will be a problem for everyone. It's a genius dynamic. Wish i had thought of it.
Anyway, i just wanted to get my thoughts and anticipation out there. Malice is my favorite character, and i would love to see more of her in future updates, or i will be sad. Thumbs up to anyone who read this far.
how do i give Naho to Malagar
This has been an interesting experience, came for the porn stayed for the story. This was not what I expected, good art , sound and voice ( the voice can do with some work as some of the voice are soft ). Overall i give this a 8/10 as of 4.2.2. My favorite is Heloise :)
I can not stay silent any longer. You have made my favorite game on this website of all time. Almost no one else makes games about dragons , girls & beasts. No one. What you have here is unique and captivating beyond compare. In it's own way, beautiful even. It has art, it has story, plot, it has feeling, and voice acting?!, really?!, In a strange way, I'm in love. Darja's voice is beautiful by the way. I thank you, truly. Maybe one day before I find a princess, a queen of my own, I will be able to support this game. For now though I shall simply follow in earnest and let my presence be known. And no worries, I promise I'm harmless ^_^
I forgot to mention that I also like the music. It's simple, subtle & I do find it very relaxing and soothing. It blends very well with the game itself. Probably why I forgot about it. Sorry for failing to mention that earlier. It also deserves praise. So to "give praise where praise is due": I often times, just listen. It's almost as captivating as if sung by someone very dear. Like a lullaby a mother would sing. Or a lover... Someone put a little piece of their heart & soul into that tune. It could be better (A little pitchy) but it's nice the way it is. It's human. It fits the game nicely. Thought that would be a bit of appreciated feedback about the music in the game, so there you have it. <3 Nice one.
I see that we share some tastes so, do you know any other games with a beast male as protagonist ?
I can only try and point you in the... a direction. This is the only one "as far as 'I' know". Besides buying Skyrim for PC and heavily modding it from LoversLab... (There's a reason I don't allow myself to buy a gaming pc setup.) Sorry I have no actual straight up leads for you. You may have better luck finding things like that through extensive search on Google or websites like (A massive collection of downloadable adult game trials and sometimes full games as well as community forms much like what we have here on or even possibly asking the communities on the furry sites like Even certain areas on Reddit would be more than happy to help. Just be careful where you ask. We all know online comments can be brutal in certain situations and conditions. They would know much more about that kind of thing than me. I assure you. There are tens of thousands of games out there. I've only scratched the surface. I'm sure there is something for everyone. Finding it on the other hand... is another thing entirely.
I would imagine the more "expansive" communities would be helpful for that particular inquiry. Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer. May you find what you're looking for. Just, don't lose yourself... That is the last thing I would want to be partly responsible for... or perhaps you have just begun to find yourself... in any case, stay out of trouble & good luck. Don't be too much of a "BadDragon" xD
- "I've already said too much as it is..."
People on F95 often recommend Defiler Wings on the "similar to ravager" threads (which I have looked through extensively lol), it's quite scuffed compared to the absolute quality that is Ravager, but the premise is vaguely similar. Only played it a bit as of now, it just makes me want more Ravager tho rip. There's also Orrias, a pretty small, gay (as in literally), text based game here on itch, but man I want to play as a dragon so fuckin bad I don't even care lol.
Great game, played the entire game in one sitting because it is that good!
This probably won't happen, especially since there's voice acting in the game, and I'm totally understanding of that. I only just started playing, but I definitely wish it was possible to choose your pronouns. Obviously we still need the dick, and I'm absolutely more than fine with that. But could a female dragon protagonist be added? Other games handle women with dicks just fine, and it would hardly be considered a terrible kink for those that are into that. I realize it likely won't happen, but a girl can dream right? I mean, what lesbian girl doesn't have a little bit of dick-envy occasionally anyway? The dick is fine, but being called prince and king an such just feels weird man. Well nothing will probably come of this, but hey. I enjoy the game a ton so far, so I only brought it up as a point that would make me enjoy the game even more, so take that as you will. I'll absolutely say good job though, so far it seems like a lot of love and work went into this game, so even if I can't play as a female dragon with a massive dick, I'll definitely still enjoy the game thoroughly.
is it possible to add more scenes with the demon from hell like where you choose what she does to you?
Thanks for making such a great game and updating it 2 days ago love you're games
Who is Sabetha? A new character?. And also can you add a sexy hot nymph female and faun or satyrs female.
Sabetha is the thief in town
how do you get the punishment for malice?
You need to add more traps like Issa in the game man
Dude, why do so many people have a problem with more traps? More traps is always a good thing. No goddamn taste I swear smh.
I agree
If they do I want more nuance in the preference menu so I can avoid the lewd bits easier. But I hope you get what you want.
Make the update fast!!! I can't wait for story continuation after birth of the naga, cataclysm, and domination
Same, I named my dragon before I knew the Naga would also be called Malice.
I got an error that says I ran out of memory. What should I do?
install more RAM on your computer
Let me clarify: I have 16 gb of ram and it said ran out of memory or something.
check first its 32bit or 64bit..if 32bit u have to install 64bit os
please more of sabetha and inej. Maybe a scene with then and the inquisitrix. Like when you emit that there's theives in the other room, she makes you rape them both as the other is forced to watch. Or if you make her your wifu and capture the sisters, making a scene where she forces them to rape eachother while still conscience of their actions.
Oh and an option to not spare djara from anal 😈