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Are there any plans to expand the content in regards to pregnancies and consorts? Maelys and Naho pregnancies/consorts would be a treasure for sure.

No idea about pregnancies but in Act V they'll let the player have a harem of whoever you met/kidnapped and let you do things to anyone of them if I'm not mistaken

Yes, there will be a lot of pregnancy content in Act V. Check out my 'State Of The Realm' posts on SubscribeStar or Steam if you want to find out more!

So dumb question here, but can you do anything else to your captives other then sex, like giving them to the horde, eating them ,etc.?

Yes, you can eat certain characters, and when you survey your hordes, you can offer gifts, including your prisoners.

Thanks for the info Ash. Too bad that certain options like eat aren't always available, or seem to become unavailable later. Oh well. 

We are in the process of expanding our gifting and eating options - soon you'll have the full set available!

(3 edits) (-1)

Hi , i love your game 4MinuteWarning ! Someone can help me please i have a problem with the game!

The game crash now , but 1 year before i've not crash im on Android 11 now ! 

I have the same problem with other games i've played before !

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

In the future, we'll package to multiple configurations, so that people can find the one that works for their phone/tablet. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.

(1 edit)

ok thanks, im pretty sad because i love your game and other and i cant play it ! 😭

And m'y other question is Can i bypassed this problem ?

Someone else suggested:

After the crash, go to settings > apps > ravager >clear cache+data > force stop.

That seemed to fix it for me for now.

Hopefully that works for you too? Let me know!

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I wonder will their be a Squeal? Aren't going add anymore breeding studs before the war act? I wish I could kidnapped the commoner the peasant and the blonde nun along side with the tempting high dark skin priestess. I am just wondering what you will add into the game and other kinks? Sorry to bother you a lot I really like this game of there's a squeal I am ready for world conquest along side with these characters. 

No Idea about which commoner or peasant you're talking about but the one with the orange hair at the beginning comes to find you if you do certain things. I don't think they're gonna add more "breeding studs" since Acts 1-4 are done. Maybe depending on who takes over certain places there'll be more people no idea though

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The one I broke into the house at the being while I was running away from the guard. Are you talking about the hunter? Too bad I was hoping for a squeal to this game. You could take your time and draft a bit if you like because take the time all you want.

Don't force yourself if don't want to make a squeal, we would like a squeal. 

If you do draft and don't like it you could just create a new game with a deffernt creature it's just is your choice it was just a suggestion. 

I would like to walk into deffernt countries while scouting the place 'thats why I adore act II and I want more into' before invading 'if I do go into the act III to takeover I want to explore and invading as an option'. 

Perhaps you could charm your way to for alliances with nearby countries and villagers to form deals "foods, vrigin sacafrice and ores to make weapons". 

Perhaps you could scare them to beform alliances. 

Depending how fearice you are and how big your hordes are to spark fear into them,  or how peaceful you are other countries willing to join but if you force them you turn them into a host alley.  

There's so much potential here with a squeal. 

I would love to explore a small world that feels big, or a large world that feel decent, and have a lot of interesting characters besides my horde and my captive bitches . 

You could add rewards like adding certain kinks into the game if you reached certain donates that weren't in the game before. 

I hope in the squeal there's more female monsters like goblins and ogres. Unless what to based on goblin slayer that's fine but I would like more interesting female characters to kidnaps. Perhaps mother and daughter character all price for once.. 

I would love new minions two and a actually combat systems to my magic abbitles or use my minions. 

"The one I broke into the house at the being while I was running away from the guard."

She is Enid. If you've been gentle with it and got it pregnant, it may join you in the nest later. (She will come to you.)

"the peasant"

You mean the farm girl?  Marie-Ann? (she is one of the waifu.)

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I did not that she would join. I thought i fuck and that's it. I like that peasant thanks. 

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is that part of the full game or in the demo? 

It is in the public version. I don't know the steam version.

I am planning to give you more time with Enid and Rain in Act V :)


The game kicks me out when I get the part in the loading part where it says I will get to the good bits soon and then I get kicked out of the game it keeps doing that and I don't know how to fix it I have tried everything I can think of please can I get some help please and thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

I checked and most likely it's on your side or your computer. Or maybe its bugged on certain os. Unless you're on a phone in which case no idea.


Im on my phone playing the game.  My phone is a samsung galaxy a12 

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

In the future, we'll package to multiple configurations, so that people can find the one that works for their phone/tablet. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.

(1 edit) (+1)

Since the new update I am unable to exit from the main menu.  I have to save/reload.  It also seems like the options in game are larger?  I'm having to scroll and I don't remember doing that before.  Gotta say, this is one of my top 3 games on the entire site.  Cannot wait for the full release! (Samsung Galaxy S21)

Nevermind... I found it on the main menu.  It's all scrunched up under the "Subscribestar" link.  The options are no longer evenly spaced after the last update.

Thank you, we're fixing the screen layout in our next update, so that the Android UI is easier to use.


Can someone please help me fix my issue with this game not working for my Samsung galaxy a12 phone it's a android phone but I can't get the game to work it loads the beginning screen and then it just cuts out and kicks me out of the game I really want to play this game I loved playing this game on my old phone but my aunt broke my old phone cause she got pissed off at me

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

In the future, we'll package to multiple configurations, so that people can find the one that works for their phone/tablet. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.

Ravager won't work on my Samsung galaxy a12 again it won't work I'm having a issue on getting past the 2 females on the first loading screen again what do I do can anyone help me fix it please

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

In the future, we'll package to multiple configurations, so that people can find the one that works for their phone/tablet. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.

The last arc hasn't come out yet has it? Dude, it's just that I've seen people who say that paying unlocks it like another who says they haven't finished it yet lel

(1 edit)

If I'm not mistaken It's not fully done yet but Patreon and Steam get it early I think. -I was mistaken its not out yet-

Steam/backer copies include the intro to Act V, and will be expanded to include more of it as it is finished.

Para los android les sigue el problema al inicio?

Deleted 17 days ago
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Is it on?

Deleted 17 days ago
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there's an option to turn it off or on. 

In the Preferences menu, pick 'Intersex'.

Quick question: If you give people to the Kobolds, will you completely lose access to them or would they return after a bit?


gone. your casting away a useless slut to be used and abused by your minions. she is beneath you now.

If you give a character to any of your hordes/lair factions, they are gone for good.  For some of them, you may be able to get a scene showing what has happened to them but you, personally, can't interact with them.

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I wish I could do that join in the fun.


This is one of the best if not the best vns I've ever played like it's not even a competition how is this free!? 

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It's not the full game yet they are going to post the entire game in steam.

Thank you! I believe very strongly in what we're making, so I don't want to hide it away from everyone. Development is kept alive via Steam and SubscribeStar, so if you'd like to support us that's where to go!

OK new to the game and just downloaded it but it won’t let me get past the second text box


This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

In the future, we'll package to multiple configurations, so that people can find the one that works for their phone/tablet. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.


Thank you I’ll be getting computer soon so I hope cock blocked again

no more 32-bits?  saaad won't be able to enjoy the story anymore qwq


I completed a playthrough on version 4.3.7.  Went through in one take, got a good end.  And one tragic loss.  Now, this might be a weird thing to say of a game that, mostly, is doing a thing no one has done before, but

Ravager does the thing it sets out to do, correctly.  After that playthrough, I rank Ravager among the top 5 greatest THINGS I have experienced.  I feel not only comforted by the character writing, inasmuch as they make tangible the themes I so very much enjoyed playing through narratively; I feel *spiritually enriched* to have done my run, to have cared for those characters; and I feel beyond invigorated to have been shown this team's take on the dynamics of the basic premise.

Once confirming this, I knew I would be purchasing, and so I grabbed it on Steam.  And I will fanatically argue, unironically, that the game Ravager is when all its ero content is disabled, merits that purchase at full price.

A whole fifth phase to your tale to show yet!  I am in.

That is wonderful feedback to receive, thank you! I'm glad you care as much about it as I do when making it ^_^


i have the previous version for android, do i need to download the whole new version that dropped? how to transfer data, tnx a lot

You need to redownload and reinstall. It will replace your existing copy, but your saves will be kept.

look like not only the option of left place all choose seems to lost one of them.


It now has a bar to scroll at the side, the lowest needs to be scrolled down to (took me a while to notice as well)


Thank u for u help.Now I see it.

Well I think I find a bug .When I go to one of the four major place like the village. I can not go out any more .There are no option to out of those place.Could you please fix this as soon as possible please?

Use the scrollbar on the right hand side of the screen! In the next update, we'll improve the UI so it's easier to see/use.


I am a big fan of the game, thank you very much for your work. I do have one question though, regarding the Warlock. Do all the women we send tohim really have to be cut out of the game? (No more scenes, no more visits) Sure, many fates are incompatible with normal life. It is somewhat complicated to have any relationship with the stone statue or what you did merchant girl. But for example, a farm girl should still be available perfectly normally, since her "modification" shouldn't change her too much.  (Though you could edit a few of her dialogues slightly) And I don't see a single reason why a wolf girl should be completely cut off just because she now has slightly bigger boobs and an ass. Can we expect all the girls to remain cut off in the future, or are you planning to do something like slightly modify their models and dialogue and bring them back into the game?


I am hoping to add more followup scenes with Malagar's experiments. But as there are a lot of possible configurations, that will take some time, and we're currently focused on building Act V's foundation.

That is a satisfactory answer, thank you.

Anyway, like I said, Farm Girl for example doesn't need any new artwork. A few new lines of dialogue are enough here. Merchant Girl is broken... Only a repeatable scene can be added here.  Wolf Girl, here are two options (concubine and dragon girl) and both would probably require some new artwork.

Anyway, now that I have your attention, I have one more question.

Isn't Issa an obvious candidate for warlock?
A chance to finally make him a real female!


Hello, I love this game after may years finaly a really nice visual novel / hentai game on par with classicls like bible black or discipline <3
I would loooove to buy the full version to get all the content but due to steam germany restriction the game is blocked. :( Will there be any other methods to buy the game in the future maybe when it is fully released? When I pledge to subscribe star do I get the full version only for als long as I do it or how does that work?


Use a will bypass restrictions in your country


Sadly its not that easy. ;) Since my main account is locked to germany anyway a VPN doesn't do anything. On a different account I can then view the game but buying it is still a hassle since I cannot use a german paypal account. You cannot pay with euros when the price is in dollar. Also I hear bad things about suspended steam accouns for doing VPN stuff so Im a bit hesitant with that anyway.


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! If you pledge to SubStar at $20+ you also get a permanent Steam key, which bypasses regional restrictions. Or you can back at $5 for temporary access.

(1 edit)

Ok, I tried to do that, since the game is easily worth 20$ than the 15$ on steam but subscribestar only supports credit card payment which is also not that common in germany to have. :(
I'm doomed I feel like living in some backwater country then in central europe... :P

FYI: I made a deal with a nice person on the discord of the game gave him 20€ and he gifted the game to me. I'm very happy now. <3


Ayo, the best Visual Novel I've ever played my guy! I wish I could support u, but it is unfortunatelly impossible because of logistical situation in my country, if you know what I mean. Keep up the good work, I will 100% support u when swift will work again! Looking forward to next updates, and thank you!

Cheers! I hope the world gets less crazy soon. In the meantime, I'll keep making content :)

any new devlogs/updates?


Looking forward to next month/this month


Should be a couple days unless they had some problems then maybe next month

even if its next month, its worth the wait, dont wanna rush them



Will there be more gay options in this game?

Can't continue after resuing the princess on android

Most public versions of the game only go up to the end of act 4, rescuing the princess.  To get the start of act 5, you have to buy the game on steam.

i can't since i am on android

I can't dam buy game bc of logistical problems in my country so sad :(

Who has problems getting through the first three lines of dialogue of the game

What type of problems?

(1 edit)

When Inej starts to talk the game closes

(1 edit)

Did you try talking to everyone except Inej to see if its a bug getting through the lines or if its a bug with her dialogue? Also the download could have messed up

It happens since I'm a new player

I don't recall this happening when i first played


Walkthrough where?


You can access it from the game menu where it's the 6th out of the 10 options. 

Here's the link anyways: 


for the sake of this game, I created an account on this site to keep track of when Chapter 5 will be released

it's a pity that there is no full translation into Russian, but despite this, the game is still very interesting


If you speak both English and Russian I'm pretty sure you can ask them if you can help translate


It's true! We're always looking for people to help with translations :)


It is not right! Just talking is not enough!!

Now a lot of different things - games or manga are translated into different languages, but often the translation is just disgusting and ILLITERATOR!!

You never know who writes there - maybe a semi-literate 16 year old jerk! Which will just ruin your beautiful game. 

I have an example, one highly educated person (just in literature) - I can ask her)) ..... If you are interested and you need a professional translation.


it's a shame, but I wanted to help


Then please come to our Discord server (linked in the main menu of the game) and post a message in #join-us! 

(1 edit)

I doubt that it's financially viable to use professional translation for this project. Don't forget that the tastes Ravager caters to aren't exactly mainstream, and also, due to the nature of the content, it is problematic in some countries and on some platforms, Patreon for example censores the game to some exent and it is entirely censored on Steam in germany. Bad translation is annoying, I know. In fact I am German and when I first started the game and selected German I switched back to English because I'm quite good at English and reading it in the original language is way more pleasant to me. But for people who barely speak English a sub-par translation is still better than none. If you've read poorly translated mangas you'll know what I mean.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I asked some artist to help them translate their games both into Russian and Ukrainian. Like 100% of them refused! I didn't even demand any payment lol.

P.S. I just know how much people don't play visual novels because of:

1) Bad translation(Google Translator. etc.)

2) Absence of Russian translation.

3) Bad Russian translators!(Wrong translation of slang, allegories. proverbs, etc.)

Lol men why so toxic. I've helped translating into Russian and Ukrainian more then 15 mangas. You should not be so toxic lmao.

How can i play after the act of attacking the castle, and hiq can i unlock the naga from raping the moon elf pls? 

As of right now, you have to buy the game on steam or support the developers on other sites.  It is currently $15 to buy the game if you don't want to wait for act 5.  The other part is covered in the walkthrough.  


well I can't play the mobile version the game crashes and exits when Sabetha and Inej are doing the intro is it a bug or my device doesn't support it?


Renpy wasn't meant for Mobile

This is a limitation of the RenPy packaging framework, I'm afraid. Android devices and OSes are all slightly different, and whichever configuration we pick, some phones won't support it :/ We go for the most broadly accepted setup, but I'm afraid it won't work for everyone.

When the game is done, we'll package to multiple configurations so that people can find the one that works for their phone. Unfortunately it's not practical to do that while we're still in the middle of development.


thanks for your attention ^_^ I suspected that since my previous device ran the game normally and the current one, which is better, doesn't run the game, but I look forward to the game's development of you is amazing


I am having a issue playing the game it doesn't let me play as the game crashes at the part where the girls are talking and I had this problem with 11 and 10 and 12 it just crashes without any warning

Look at the above comment. The only way to play is with PC then it won't crash. I had the same problem but now we both have to wait till the game is finished properly so we can play on Android.

Hay algún discord? Porque debería haber uno

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

so i have played this game before i think i have the version 4.3.11 and i dont want to lose the progress ive made is there a way to update it?

Can you please send/share this version? I have a new one not translated


Yes, saves are retained on the same device. Just install the new version and start playing!


If I could give you 10 stars... I would....


i... wept...for Maelys. Congratulations and...bravo...May there be an encore where light may returns.

Agreed, that Maelys scene came out of nowhere when I first played it and did not feel good.  Although, I heard that the dev is looking to finish that plotline in Act V.  

mmmm there is some more scenes with the daughter after the dream? Or we should wait to the next update?

We are waiting for the update, this idea is also interesting  >:3

I just wanna end with my daughter, and a grandaughter happys on the castle.... o.-


Do you stay dragon the whole game? Any chances of shapeshifting into like human? Or humanoid enough

Most likely we will remain the Dragon forever, but perhaps the author will add such an opportunity to the magician in the last act

(2 edits) (+2)

I think that 4MinuteWarning has said that they intend to keep the player as a dragon and not a human/humaniod.  I think they said that it's part of what sets this game apart.

(edit: here is the comment)


is it possible to buy the game through itch since i'm based in germany is the shop blocked for this kind of art?

Try using a VPN

It is not currently possible, but we hope to release on Itch soon.

With choosing a name on android version i type a name then click enter but nothing happens

Nevermind figured it out

Try to reinstall, if it doesn't work, then either restart the device, or abruptly turn it off in the settings and re-enter


i like the potrait art more than the nsfw art scenes


Could you make the description clearer about the dragon's gender? And add the pairings (M/F, M/M,  so on)? Currently this page is neutral about it when the catgirls in the intro use he/him for the dragon and refer to sex with the dragon as straight.

Didn't know that opening the game since I've noticed that games that aren't explicit about it either have a cis guy as the protagonist or have the player choose the sex and/or gender. Other possibilities from the description were the dragon not having a gender or the dragon not being given gendered terms so the player can project onto them. Checked the game out because the concept is cool and in case the "their," "you," and "your" meant one of the latter three things.

(1 edit) (+8)(-2)
it's literally said in the game. All dragons are Males and all elves Females

Icône de validation par la communauté


I would love to see  more content with the elves.  They are are well written, Heloise is probably my favorite side character, and have a lot of potential for story or scenes.  I could just imagine the shock on Valzira's face if she found out about Malice and if you recruited Maelys "willingly".   Even just more lair event's with the other characters would be cool.  

Some other thoughts/random ideas:

A way to bring Naho and Valzira around.  Ijust tend to try to make as many happy as possible on playthoughs.  If not completely, maybe some more "nice" options so they don't always get the short end of the stick.  

A scene with Mina if you buy the bath since she talks about needing one.  I know there is a scene if she's  consort, but she complains about needing one if not.  

More consort scenes, even the non-h ones.  Sometimes, just spending time doing the various activities with your consorts is just as fun as rampaging.  

Different lair/room art depending on the consort.  All the consorts seem to have wildly different decorating styles based on their descriptions. 

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